Lamelo ball

I was get ready to go to a basketball game clippers vs hornets game. I live in California I always go to all basketball games since I was little. But this game is different. And the reason why is different because my best friend lemelo ball is in the hornets. We where best friends ever since kindergarten and I just grow. Usually I would wear a clippers Jersey but I want to support my best friend.

* time skip *

I am now in the staple center sitting court side watching the basketball players warm up. I was  on my phone until a ball roll on my feet. I pick it up and look up to see lamelo ball.

Melo: y/n is that you. He said with a shock face.
Y/n: yes it's me. I said smiling.
Melo: how you been. He said hugging me.
Y/n: I'm doing good. I said hugging him back.
Melo: Ight but you're still the same size since I left. He said laughing.
Y/n: ha.ha.ha very funny. I said fake laughing.
Melo: you know I'm playing with you. But I got to go talk to you after the game is over okay. He said kissing my cheek then wink at me.

Just let me tell you my heart was about to explode. But let's just say fans are now looking at me but I don't care.

* time skip *

It was 99-99 it was tied. There's 5 seconds on the clock and I'm really nervous. The basketball players went back to the court and It was hornets ball. Miles throw the ball at melo he caught it want to the three point line and shoot. He let go the ball before the clock ran out. And..... IT WENT IN. THE HORNETS WIN. Everyone went quick besides the hornets. His team ran to his and jump. I'm so happy for him.

* time skip *

I was about to leave when someone call my name.

Melo: Y/N!!!. He said chasing after me.
Y/n: what.
Melo: I told you I was going to talk to you after the game.
Y/n: well can you just call me.
Melo: no can do baby. He said grabbing my hands taking me to his car.

Luckily my car was by his. But did he just call me baby!! But I didn't think much of it.

Y/n: what the hell do you-

I was cut of by melo kissing me and of course I kiss me. We kiss about 1 min then pull away.

Y/n: what was that for? I ask.
Melo: look y/n I like you ever since 11th grade and I was going to tell you that the day I got drafted but I was really scared. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way. He said then walking away.
Y/n: melo wait. I said chasing after him.
Melo: what. He said turning around.
Y/n: what if I say I like you back.
Melo: really. He said in a shock face.
Y/n: yes. I said laughing.
Melo: then will you be my girlfriend. He said coming close to me.
Y/n: yes I will.

Then we kiss one last time. 6 weeks later he asked me if I want to live with him and of course I said yes. I'm so happy to be with him.

Hope you enjoy reading this😩🥺
