Isaac okoro

Today was the day we find out what nba team my boyfriend for 2 years go to. I'm sad that what ever team he goes to he has to go to that state they play for. But As a supporting girlfriend that I am I'm happy for him. He worked so hard to be in this position. But this draft is really different then regular draft day. Ever since COVID-19 hit things has been difficult now that this draft is online.

Isaacs family rent out a place to celebrate Isaac and how proud they're. And let's just say there's a lot of people here. I was bored so I just play on my phone to kill time. Until someone tap on my shoulder I turned and it was Isaac.

Isaac: hey babe. He said leaning to kiss me.
Y/n: hey baby. Kissing him.
Y/n: sooo...are you excited
Isaac: I am but I'm nervous
Y/n: Why are you nervous
Isaac: first I'm scared to leave my family and Second I don't want to leave you

When he those words my heart shattered. I don't want him to leave either. But this is his dream to be in the nba.

Y/n: but this is your dream to be in the NBA you should be happy.
Isaac: I am happy but I'm just afraid to leave you and my family.
Y/n: you shouldn't be afraid me and your family will be fine. We are so proud of you that you're going to be in the NBA.
Isaac: thx babe. But I do have a surprise for you at the end.
Y/n: you shouldn't be give me a surprise this is your night not mine.
Isaac: i'm still going to give it to you no matter what. he said standing up and walking away.

I rolled my eyes while laughing. I was getting bored again until I saw Tea, Imani, Sharife, and Omar cooper. They saw me and came.

Tea: hey girl how are you doing. She said coming to me.
Y/n: i'm doing fine how are y'all.
Them: good
Sharife: how's Isaac.
Y/n: he's happy but scared but I know he's going to do great.
Omar: why is he scared? He asked.
Y/n: he's afraid to leave me and his family.
Them: awwww
Imani: so he didn't tell you?
Y/n: tell me what. I said with confuse face.
Them: NOTHING. They say walking away.

I was so confused that I went to talk to Isaac about.

Y/n: hey babe.
Isaac: what's up baby.
Y/n: know the coopers are here.
Isaac: they are.
Y/n: yeah. I was talking to them and imani was like " so he didn't tell you" and I was Confuse what she met by that. Is there something you hiding from me.

I can tell by his face he was hiding something from me.

Isaac: nah baby I'm not.
Y/n: are you sure.
Isaac: yes. Now come sit down the draft is about to start.
Isaac pov
I was hoping they didn't tell nothing to her. Her surprise was that what ever team I play for I hope she comes and live with me.

Back to y/n POV
As everyone is sitting down waiting for him to get drafted they already some of the guy's what there going to. And let's just say I know one of them. Me and lemelo ball are really good friends and I knew he was going to the hornets but he didn't believe me. So when they say that he was going to the hornets I laugh. After they said the fourth it was on commercial break.

Y/n: babe You're gonna be fine.
Isaac: I feel like I'm about to shit myself.

When he said that I laugh so hard.

Isaac: baby that's not funny. He kinda laughing
Y/n: ok I'm sorry baby. I said laughing a little.

Then the draft came back on doing the fifth person to get draft.

Nba commissioner: with the fifth pick in the nba draft the Cleveland Cavaliers pick Isaac okoro.

Once he said that everyone cheered with joy. He's family was in tear I look at he was also in tear as well. He uncle gives him the Cleveland Cavaliers hat and hugs him.

Interviewer: so Isaac who does it feel now that you are a nba player
Isaac: man I still can't believe that it was my dream to be one and the dream came true.
Interviewer: I can see the whole family is right there.
Isaac: yea without them supporting me I don't know what to do especially my girlfriend she comes to every high school basketball she can. He said look at me.
Everyone: awwww
Interviewer: that's sweet well I wish you the best of luck.
Isaac: thank you

After that everyone ate until Isaac went up stage to say something.

Isaac: so now that I'm going to Cleveland Ohio I want to ask someone to live with me so I don't be alone.

Tea, imani, sharife and Omar all look at me smiling. And I'm hella confuse.

Isaac: so I'm asking you y/n will you come and live with me?

And now everyone is looking at me I don't know what to do.

Isaac: I talked to your parents all really they were fine with it.

If he talk to my parents about it then...

Y/n: YES I WILL. I yelled

Everyone cheered and Isaac walked up to me and kiss me. Now that he's in the nba I get to live with him.

THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR 1k I CANT BELIEVE IT😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
