Hana's POV

My eyes slightly opened, the brightness of the room indicating it was morning already. I felt tightly wrapped up in none other than Hwang Hyunjin's arms as I snickered under my breath, turning around to face him. FIRSTLY, Hyunjin was half naked which gave me some sinful flashbacks from last night, making my just woken up face, flush hundred shades of red.

Hyunjin's hair messily curtaining his divine forehead and coming in his eyes a bit as he slept so peacefully, those gorgeous lips redder than usual and puffier too. I literally felt like giving him smooches everywhere on his face, but I just didn't want to wake him up when he was sleeping so peacefully.

I was so flustered at the moment, though I just somewhat felt so protected in his embrace today. A weird tickling in my stomach made me blush up and snuggle in his chest, having a shy smile on my lips.

Everything about last night just made me happy. Hyunjin had always been so caring and loving, even last night he was so caring and loving towards me, making sure he was hurting me in any way or just making me feel uncomfortable, would it sound weird if I say he was still being so respectful towards me, it just made me so happy and feel truly loved that he loved me for me being me, for my heart, not for the lust towards my body.

AND, ahem... don't worry we made sure we didn't have a good news for my parents when we get back home, since my dad is apparently too young to become a grand dad you know!

I stayed in Hyunjin's embrace like that for a while, his calm heart beat soothing me down, his warmth, his scent just making me feel protected. My eyes were closed as I stayed in his arms peacefully for a while before slightly feeling him move a bit, and soon after that, his hand went on the back of my head as he really slowly began caressing my hair and back, swirling the strands in his fingers, indicating he was up.

I hugged him from his waist tighter as I snuggled in his chest deeper, realizing he was finally awake. Hyunjin's leg was already on my side as he pulled me in even more, placing a soft kiss on forehead making me giggle to myself.


It was almost noon and Hyunjin had already showered, he wore the same yellow button up shirt which I chose for him before, and honestly he looked so good in it, I just couldn't stop smiling to myself.

The boy was all ready for the day, however I had just showered and was blow drying my hair in the washroom right now. I quickly blow dried my hair putting them together in a low pony tail for the meanwhile and removed the bath robe. I chose a black and white plaided tank top with blue waisted shorts, put on some makeup which I already hand in the bag with me, plus removed the hair tie from my hair and adjusted them the way I liked too.

Unlocking the door I walked out of there to see Hyunjin sitting on the couch on his phone. His gaze shifted from the phone screen towards me as I was setting my hair a bit, they were blow dried, loosely wavy and I just liked them that way.

Turning around I saw my boyfriend walk towards me with a plain face, looking up and down at me as if he was keenly noticing something. I looked at Hyunjin with a confused face, his head tilted to a side as he frowned a bit, his brows scrunched together.

Hyunjin suddenly placed his hand on my waist catching me a bit off guard, his hands trialed down onto the ends of my shorts as he lightly tugged them down a bit.

"That's too short..." He state softly, his lips pressed together in a straight line. I let out a chuckle, he literally scared me for a second, though I was still a bit taken aback since Hyunjin had never ever said that to me before.

"I have been wearing stuff like this back in Korea too?" I stated a bit confused, the boy huffed nodding his head carrying the same expression on his face.

"Yeah I know but" Hyunjin lightly shrugged a bit nibbling onto the inside of his cheek as if he was still examining my attire a bit half heartedly.

"You know I... Just don't want any other guy to look at you with some other intention... You know what I mean right" I felt warmth rushing to my face as my features relaxed for a bit, okay now that was too much for me again. So he was being possessive now.

"O-Oh I see what you mean... Yeah sure I can change if you want" I giggled feeling over whelmed as I decided to wear something less revealing for the day, since my little boyfriend was being too possessive today. Though my heart was again misbehaving and was ramming too fast in my chest because of his words.


We spent the day doing to the zoo and literally it was so funny and cute at the same time that I kept on chuckling the whole time. Later we went to watch a movie together making our own favorite popcorns for us both. The day spent by enjoying new food which we hadn't tried before trying the street food, clicking numerous pictures the whole time giggling and snickering, this was literally going to be the best vacations I had spent in my life.

I was also absolutely right about Hyunjin being extremely possessive and protective today, he would back hug me whenever he got the chance, would randomly kiss my neck or hand, and was being too cuddly and soft suddenly... well my guesses after last night... but who said I didn't like it?

Right now it was almost mid night, Hyunjin being a good boy had changed into his trousers, brushed his teeth really quick, did his night routine and at the moment was in the bed laying on his arm as he was watching random videos on Youtube, he seemed really tired since he would yawn occasionally and stretch too.

On the other hand, I was on the couch, talking to my parents on my phone and it took a bit longer than expected. I hung up the phone as I walked towards my bag, fetching a pair of cute grey nighty before walking towards the washroom,

Pulling my hair up in a bun on top of my head, I took some makeup wipes, taking off the small amount of makeup which I had put on in the morning, followed by brushing my teeth and doing my night routine step by step.

Once I was all done I walked out of the washroom to see Hyunjin already sleeping in his place, in the same position on his arm as I had seen him before going to the washroom. I smiled at myself, he just looked too cute sleeping, I couldn't help but uwu at the sight.

I walked towards the bed, getting under the sheets besides him as he was facing me, I took his arm getting closer to him as I put it on top of me getting in his embrace. I wrapped a leg around his waist scooting closer towards him, my inner koala taking over as I hugged him tight.

I unexpectedly heard Hyunjin chuckling which I don't know why made me giggle too, his eyes were still closed as I chuckled caressing his jaw and cuddling him. The boy slowly strolled his hand on my back in a soothing way.

"I am so sad we will have to separate once we go back home..." He slightly opened his eyes to look at me with a pouty face.

"I know... but just cheer up for now we are here in each other's arms" I gave him a toothy smile, he grinned leaning closer to me and attaching our lips for a moment. I smiled as he gave me a peck. The two of us sleeping peacefully in each other's arms, feeling so calm and restful, it just felt so magical and unreal.

Hyunjin's POV

Seven days passed by so quick, I just couldn't believe this. Right now we were in our hotel room, Hana packing up her stuff and gathering all the material however I didn't have a lot of stuff to take care of, I was already done packing.

We left for the air port, a bit sad at the fact we were leaving New York already, it was literally one of the best life experiences of mine and I wished we could stay there for a bit more.

Soon the boarding was done and now we were in our seats, Hana in the window seat like last time since she really enjoys that and I was beside her, the two of us adjusting our belts and waiting for the plane to take off and land in Korea soon.


The air plane circled around the Seoul International Air port, announcements were being made about our landing already as I yawned cracking my knuckles and stretching a bit, Hana also did the little exercise as I giggled looking at her, she looked like a little baby doing that.

I had already called Mr. Jae to pick us up and I spotted him right away in the crowd. He drove us to Hana's place first because of course I would drop her home first and then leave where ever I had to go.

I got the little gifts we got for Hana's family out of the car as Mr. Jae had her luggage and we three walked towards the main door, inhaling in the same scent of South Korea.

The door was opened by Mr. Kim whose' eyes widen to see us though we had already informed him about coming. Hana's dad smiled excitedly engulfing Hana into a tight hug rocking her back and forth, my guess it was her first time going away from her parents for this long all alone.

A smile cracked onto my lips looking at the two, soon Mr. Kim pulled away, his gaze averting towards me. I bowed my head a bit handling over the gifts we got for them to him. The latter chuckled happily accepting the gifts bringing us all in, Mr. Jae put Hana's stuff in there and waited for me in the car.

"I hope you both enjoyed" Hana's mom, also my favorite Aunty smiled patting my shoulder as I nodded my head enthusiastically.

"Okay but where are the kids you both?" Hana's dad being himself teased and I could see Hana pulling on a distain embarrassed face again, I giggled shyly looking down as Hana whined to her dad again.

Soon I had to leave for my place so I told them about my departure now. Though they insisted that I should wait for dinner but I informed that I had to visit the dorms as well so I might get really late that way and eventually they all agreed.

Hana's dad hugged me as I waved at Aunty, Hana looking at me with a playful grin on her lips, she walked towards me giving me a short hug of course her parents were around, but literally even that little display of affection also made me so happy at that moment. And with that I walked towards the car getting in and telling Mr. Jae to drive me back home.

I remembered my last talk with Dad and I don't know why I was being so nervous right now, do I even except anything from him? Absolutely not, so why do I have a hope? To kill the curiosity I decided to ask Mr. Jae.

"Is dad home?" I questioned plainly, somewhat anticipating his answer desperately.

"Umm... No sir" Even after knowing we were talking about my dad here, knowing he would never ever do that, I still felt a weight on my chest for a mere second. Blinking a few times I turned my head to the other direction, looking out of the window, disappointed and just disappointed.

I threw myself onto the couch, letting out a deep sigh. My head resting on the head rest as I shut my eyes exhaling, still confused over the fact that I was being so disappointed and frustrated to know he wasn't home, to know he disowned me again.

I was debating with myself when I heard the main door opening causing my head to turn in the direction.

My eyes slightly widen as I saw Dad walking in there followed by a lady who I knew was my aunt, the confusion literally made me get up from the couch turning towards them, what are they doing here?

My eyes locked with those of my dad which always carried loath, hate and disgust towards me before, but I don't know why they somewhat seemed so calm and passive today, reminding me of the days we were a happy family.

Appa looked at me in my eyes for a moment as he could clearly read the confusion on my face. The latter took steps closer to me, placing a hand on my shoulder making me grow even baffled and a bit taken aback too.

"I know I don't deserve to say this...but maybe I realized how pathetic I am at being a dad to you..." His tone extremely soft and genuine as I just looked at him plainly, having to words in response, what was he up to?

"I was so blinded by work, money and business that I almost forgot you were my own son, you were my own blood... I don't know what to say I feel so low even standing in front of you right now my son..." My eyes slightly squinted together and I didn't answer any of what he said. Though I have always been ignoring the fact I had a dad after my mom passed away, but still the words he spoke were making my heart soft, it was reminding me of the good times and I felt like I would break down.

"Forgive me Hyunjin, I am extremely sorry for all that I have done. In all this while I realized I have been such a bad husband, son, brother... but worst, a father... and I really want to correct myself here, I repent. I want to have my son back" I could see the tears emerging in his orbs as I gulped, nibbling onto the inside of my cheek nervously, my heart quivering.

"You will forgive your dad right? I just need another chance to correct all the mistakes I had done in past" Dad repeated as I sighed looking down, nodding my head anyway as I could see the sense of sincerity and genuineness in his eyes for the first time in my life.

"It is okay dad...I guess Its fine..." Though the scars he gave me were still on my heart but I tried to move on with it now, life was giving me a chance for the first time and I didn't want to waste it. The latter smiled widely at me before suddenly hugging me, I smiled a bit hugging him back and I could see Aunty grinning at us both from behind.

"And... don't worry, I respect your life choices and I do accept Hana for you too, she must be a really good person to get so much love from you, I guess I am no one to separate you two, I don't have the right. I accept your relationship happily" Appa patted my cheek making me chuckle genuinely this time, though it never mattered to me if he accepted me and Hana before too, but still I felt a weight being lifted up from my heart.

"Plus, I have planned something for you both. Since you two are in love already and make a beautiful compatible couple, and I also believe you both are at the right age for getting engaged too. Lets get you both engaged" My eyes visibly broaden as I felt heat rushing up to my face.

"What really!" I yelped in joy almost about to jump in the air, my heart fluttering like crazy! The elder two giggled at me nodding their heads. Oh god! I wasn't ready for this yet! My heart was literally going crazy right now and I had to keep on reminding myself that I wasn't dreaming, it was actually the reality.

Aunt Mina walked towards me as I bowed my head to her happily, she hugged me lightly patting my cheek as I looked down fidgeting with my fingers, I am getting engaged to Hana!

We three were chuckling and chatting standing in the lounge when the main door opened again catching our attentions.

"Eomma Appa! You guys could've at least waited for me! I can't carry all this stuf- ohh~ who is still hotty~" The door opened revealing a girl near my age struggling to walk in with those heavy luggage in her hands as she continued her rant, but suddenly pulled on a sly smuggish look smirking at me, her comment causing my orbs to widen as I blinked a few times... H-Hotty?

"Yah shut up you little brat! He is your brother!" Aunt Mina hit the girl's shoulder whispering to her but she was still quite audible, her words indicating she was her daughter, my cousin but a step sister now. The girl pulled on a dramatic shocked face looking at me with wide eyes and parted lips, putting a hand on her mouth.

"Aish what a waste" And with that she rolled her eyes shaking her head afterwards... c-cute I guess?

"What is his name?" She immediately quizzed her mom her eyes still at me making me feel a bit insecure...okay so that's a cute baby sister I guess...

"Hwang Hyunjin" Aunt Mina replied with a distain face, causing the girl to nod her head with an 'O' on her lips.

"Anyways, hello nice to meet you Hyunjin oppa, I am your cute little baby sister, Hwang Yeji" And with that cringe worthy agyeo my cute little sister introduced herself. Hwang Yeji, I see.

"oPpA!" I yelled cringing over the word as everyone chuckled along with the girl, Yeji I mean. And I don't know why her smile was actually cute making me smile too.

"Hello little sister Yeji, I am your brother Hwang Hyunjin, I know I am an elder brother but we don't look like having a huge age difference so just call me Hyunjin" I smiled at her as she nodded her head enthusiastically. Maybe now it felt like I had a family after a long while.
