29. CAKE PT2

Hana's POV

I tried to cheer Hyunjin up but he still kind of seemed down, so I planned something to make him happy. Though he didn't feel like hanging out right now but I insisted and managed to bring him out with me. I drove us to the nearby Mc Donald's, grabbing our meals as we got them packed and finished them on our way to the shopping mall. Well we already had a plan for going on shopping together since Hyunjin also wanted to buy some clothes for him plus I was running short of some clothes too and basic cosmetics too, so today seemed like the right time to do so.

Men's area was the first place we decided to visit, one because Hyunjin probably had the idea I would take an eternity to buy something and two because it was the nearest to us. We walked in there, I looked here and there for something good for Hyunjin and in this search my eyes spotted a really nice yellow button down shirt, Hyunjin never had a color like that and secondly I visualized him in that shirt and it kinda looked really nice on him. Well bish what are we even talking about, Hwang Hyunjin rocks everything.

"Hey Hyunjin go check this one" I pushed the shirt in his chest making him look down at the shirt and then at me with a funny face, making me chuckle at him.

"Go!" I pushed him to the changing room since I could see he was about to say something. He laughed at me struggling to push a tall as llama in there when he wasn't even moving an inch, but anyway being the good boy he was, he walked in there to change in the shirt I gave him.

But who knew I would regret those words soon... Good boy I see...

Not too long and I heard him call for me as I was still there, looking here and there for something nice. Hyunjin called me in the changing room telling me that he had changed into the shirt so I should come and check it out. I was kind of confused why he didn't come out himself, but shrugged anyway and walked in the direction of the room. I told him I was coming in as I lightly pushed the door in and made my way inside there.

My question before about why didn't he come out, was very nicely answered when I saw Hyunjin standing in there with a smuggish smile spread across his lips, yeah that probably isn't even too shocking, that look is his favorite on himself, but the part which kind of made me jump in shock was... Prince Hwang was standing there shirtless.

"Hyunjin!! What the hell!!" I yelled eyes popping wide and cheeks blushing red, I turned around to leave but suddenly he pulled me in by my wrist closing the door behind us.

"Don't be shy come here!" My eyes widen so much that I thought they would pop out of my head, I was standing hardly inches away from Hyunjin's face my hands on his bare arms and he was all naked from the top.

"Why the hell aren't you wearing anything!" I whisper yelled hitting him on his naked shoulder as he scoffed playfully,

"I thought you would want to see me like this more than in that shirt" He smirk doing nothing but earning another smack on his shoulder

"Joking joking, well the shirt was a size smaller than mine so yeah" He shrugged as I pushed him away, embarrassment clear on my face, I couldn't even dare to look somewhere else than his face.

"Then wear your own god damn shirt you dumbass!" I yelled turning back and leaving the changing room, hearing my gorgeous boyfriend laughing behind me.

Oh gosh! My heart!! I placed a hand on my wildly beating heart and shook my head, trying to normalize myself, god that was kind of unexpected!

Never knew Hyunjin had such fine abs either...

We soon got Hyunjin three shirts and I shortly got my stuff done as well, later the two of us drove to have some ice cream from the same place from before since they had really nice sweets there.

"We are free tomorrow right?" Hyunjin turned his head in my direction, the small transparent ice-cream spoon in his mouth. I nodded my head scoping some sweet treat on my spoon as the two of us sat at the same place as before.

"Yeah, but like a small interview at evening tomorrow" He nodded his head hmming in response.

"By the way... Wanna stay at my place for tonight?" I looked up at him to meet his shy gaze, he immediately looked down shyly as I snorted a bit, too cute for me.

"Sure..." I replied plainly, he looked up at me and smiled as I returned the same. I suddenly got up from my seat and inched closer to him, making him look up at me with big kid like eyes. I stared at him with a plain face for a moment before leaning in further, he seemed a bit taken aback but he closed his eyes ready for a kiss which he had anticipated. Wow what even?!

I can't explain how hard it was to contain in my laughter, I inched closer and lightly wiped off the ice cream which he had mistakenly gotten on top of his nose.

Hyunjin opened his eyes at me laughing out loud as I leaned back at my place.

"Such a pervert I swear" I muttered messing up with him as his cheeks were redder than mine, and I promise about that being true.


"Yeah yeah you weren't thinking about something else, you weren't anticipating anything, I know I know" I shrugged my shoulders cheekily as he gulped embarrassment evident on his face as he cutely continued to have his ice cream, omo he is such a smol baby.


As per Hyunjin's plan, I drove us to his place, texting mom and dad that I won't be able to come home tonight due to some work at the company, god I lie so much lol.

I sat on the couch in the living room as the house was just like last time, quite cold and lonely, but I just didn't want Hyunjin to feel that way because now I was there with him, to make this place a happy place for him, to make good memories here which he could remember whenever he would pass by here.

"Lets bake a cake!" Hyunjin jumped up from the couch looking at me with those big baby like pure innocent and excited eyes. The idea wasn't so bad so I nodded my head making him happier. He dragged me up from the couch and took me to the kitchen once Mr. Jae the worker there told us that all the stuff was prepared so we could start.

"I will make the batter today!" Hyunjin chimed excitedly clinging onto my arm as he rushed towards the counter top where all the stuff required was placed; I shook my head looking at a little super excited kid than my grown ass boy friend. I tied an apron around my waist and one around Hyunjin's waist as well, since he was way too much focused in making the batter that he forgot to put on an apron himself.

Hyunjin started off with getting an egg from the carton, he cracked it and put it in the huge glass bowl, I just observed what he was doing. He then took some white flour and randomly put in the egg according to his own assumptions. He mixed the egg and the flour and added in some sugar and oil, mixing the four ingredients together till they formed a similar consistency as an original cake's batter.

"Okay so I guess it is done, now you do the baking since I already prepared the batter for you" He smiled at me with feeling of accomplishment apparent on his face as I just stood there looking at him with crossed arms. What the freaking hell was that thing he just called the batter for the cake?

"Hwang you better stay out of the kitchen" I lightly tugged onto his collar taking him with me towards the exit. Hyunjin whined cutely stomping his feet as I dragged him to the way out, but he didn't want to leave.

"Okay than put a finger on your lips and sit here in the meanwhile I bake a cake for us both, okay?" I spoke pushing him down on the chair in the corner of the kitchen, he huffed but nodded his head still happy that he got to stay in there. I quickly hopped towards the counter, setting his batter aside and taking a fresh bowl. Getting the eggs and began mixing them with milk using a measuring cup gradually adding in all the wet ingredients. On the other hand I sifted all the dry ingredients together and mixed the two bowls together, using a spatula in order to form a nice semi thick consistency.

Hyunjin looking at me from afar with his baby energy questioning again and again about every next step I followed. I mixed in some chocolate chips and once I was satisfied with my batter, I quickly greased the mold, equally distributing the batter amongst the two molds and lastly placed the two molds in the preheated oven.

I had started preparing for the frosting when I felt a pair of arms snake onto my waist, followed by someones head being placed on my shoulder, I wasn't at all startled since I knew it was none other than my prince Hwang who badly needed attention right now, because being the cute little attention seeker he was, he couldn't stand that I was ignoring him all the time and focused more on my cake than him.

I still ignored him and continued to add the icing sugar in my whipping cream gradually. Hyunjin slowly tighten the grip on my waist and I could feel he was getting slightly pissed off now. He turned his head in the other direction, the tip of his cold nose now touching my neck a bit. Hyunjin nuzzled deeper in my neck softly rubbing his cold nose in my warm bare neck, giving me chills on my back.

"Why you ignoring me~!" He cooed like a baby when I still didn't bulge and he seemed low key stressed by that now, oh god he is such a kid what do I do!

I was busy in my work plainly when I suddenly felt him blow against my neck and the sweet spot specifically, making me hitch on my breath a bit. The next thing I knew was that he inched closer biting there softly, taking my skin in between his teeth and biting it seductively. I almost choked on the air and panicked, my whole body shivered as I felt a wave of goose bumps rushing from my head to toe due to what he just did.

"Y-Yah!" I pushed his away turning towards him as my eyes were shot wide, still a bit taken aback and I swear I could still feel his lips on my neck and it kind of made me feel really weird!

"Ignore me more go ahead act as if I don't exist, I have a lot of ways to make you realize I do exist.... Just in case you know" He shrugged cheekily a playful smirk on his lips and arms loosely wrapped around my waist.

"S-Shut up!" I was kind of intimidated by him and was running short of words when luckily the oven tinged indicating that the cakes were ready, phew! Thank you god for that. I quickly pushed him away, rushing towards the ovens.

"The cakes are ready" I pulled away from Hyunjin's embrace and carefully took the cakes out of the oven, placed them on the wire rack to cool down and then gently took the fluffy, deliciously baked cakes out of their molds.


Once we both did the frosting, yeah we both, since Hyunjin begged to stay and help me do the icing so I agreed and let him help and literally I had to say he was kind of good at cutting the cake into slices and put equal amount of frosting in them. We leveled the cakes spreading the sweet icing everywhere and at the end we used some melted chocolate to write 'Hana <3 Hyunjin' on top of it, and it literally looked so cute. I clicked a few pictures with the cake and of course with Hyunjin since we didn't have too many pictures together too and then rested the cake in the refrigerator.

Two of us walked out to see some delicious food already prepared and dished out for us on the dining table, we thanked Mr. Jae for the dinner and settled in the chairs as we began to eat the amazing food.

Soon I had done eating my meal and Hyunjin also completed having his third meal -laugh out loud- as the two of us planned to watching a movie after this and wait until the cake would get firm and get cool properly.

"Ah~ Hana help I can't move!" Hyunjin whined clenching on to his stomach since he had stuffed himself so much with food that he couldn't even move now. I chuckled at him lightly wrapping my hands around his bicep and playfully tried to pull him from there.

"Who asked you to eat like freaking three meals Hyunjin?" I teasingly smacked his still so flat stomach making him whine again. I dragged him to the TV lounge with me as we both plopped down on the couch.

"What do we watch?" I questioned placing my head on the head rest as I turned to face him, he still had his hand on his aching stomach as he tilted his head in my directions, a smug smile on his lips.

"Netflix and chill baby?" I mentally cringed at him throwing a cushion on his face making his laugh.

"Eww! Not really" I rolled my eyes at him turning towards the TV screen.

"Wait lets decided that after I go grab our cake" He spoke excitedly getting up from the couch but I clenched onto his sleeve pulling him down again.

"Hyunjin! You were just now whining about how much you have eaten and that you couldn't move your lazy ass, and now you are going to get the cake! Just keep silent and sit here, there is still some time for it to get chilled completely." I scolded him making him pout and sit down beside me with a cute little face.

"I think I need to go to the washroom, I will be back" he spoke in a small voice as I kept my eyes on the screen searching for something to watch. I nodded my head and watched him getting up from the couch and leave from my peripheral vision. A few minutes passed and I heard Hyunjin's footsteps approaching us again.

"Ohw~ the icing is like dope" My head turned towards a little kid holding a cake in his hand and poking the icing with his index finger, I dead panned and ended up chuckling at him.

"You said you wanted to go to the washroom Hyunjin!" I yelled still laughing as he giggled sheepishly placing the cake in front of me on the coffee table and carried a knife in his other hand.

"Yeah I just went to have a look on the cake and it looked so cute that I couldn't stop but bring it here with me" I face palmed again before nodding my head and giving in. Hyunjin cheered as we cut the cake and fed each other, and it literally tasted awfully great! 
