💥⚡★Caught Covered In White

Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.

CW - nsfw themes but also slightly fluffy too

Ship - Kamibaku


Bakugou's pov

"Did you feel good love bug?" Denki asks softly, still leaning over me as I catch my breath.

"Mmmhmm. Thank you for the reward sir" I mumble sleepily and he hums.

"You were such a good boy, took me so well" Denki says with a soft hum. "My good boy hmm?" He asks and I nod. "I'm gonna pull out so we can clean up" he says softly, gently stroking his hand against my cheek.

"Put.. put a plug in.. feel so nice and full.. like it" I mumble out and he chuckles softly.

"Sure spark plug but you have to let me clean you up in the morning" he says softly as he refrains from moving. "Now let me grab one" Denks says softly, not pulling out but he does lean over to grab one.

Soon enough his cock is replaced with some cold metal and I shiver as it's slowly slid in. Denki gently kisses my stomach as he slowly pushes it in.

"Yo Denks, bro. Sero wan-" Kirishima starts as the door opens and light floods Denki's dorm room.

"Oh shit.. I forgot to lock the door" Denki mumbles out as if it's not obvious.

"No shit Sherlock" I complain and he bites his lip.

"He-hey Kirishima.. hey man.. and the rest of the squad.. oh god.." Denki says, leaning down to hide his face in my chest.

I grab the blanket to cover Denki up as he is still completely naked with his cock used and sore between his thighs.

"Do you fucks need something?" I ask softly, feeling Denki groan in to my chest.

"Oh my god you're so cute together, did you just do the nasty or did we interrupt you before hand?" Mina asks and I groan.

"Go! And shut the door gum drop!" I shout, being frustrated by how they're just standing and staring.

"Oh god.." Denki mumbles out in a miserably tone.

"Oh.. you're doing him now, got it got it.. c'mon boys!" Mina exclaims and Denki scoffs.

"Please the beauty couldn't do me he's too much of a pillow princess for that" Denki says, sitting back up and I flush.

"Mm.. hush.." I complain and he chuckles.

"Sorry love bug. Can't have them thinking you'd be dominant.. I want them to know how much my good boy loves to take my cock as his reward" Denki says softly, gently cupping my cheeks.

"So embarrassing" I whine out and he hums.

"C'mon guys, that's enough for tonight. My boy is tired and he's had enough for one night. I'll catch up with you in the morning" Denki says as he gets up, taking the blanket with him so his cock is on full display to our friends.

"Can we just sleep now.. clean up in the morning?" I ask softly and Denki hums before rolling back in to bed and letting me cuddling in to his side.


"I'll go make us breakfast.. french toast okay?" I ask softly and Denki hums before pecking my lips.

"I'll be right down after I do the laundry" he says as he bundles all the dirty sheets and towels up.

"Mmm.. thanks for eating me out in the shower to clean me up" I say softly and Denki nods before we both head out and go separate ways.

I hear whistles as I enter the kitchen. Might be half to do with the fact that I'm shirtless and it's the squad so what do you expect.

"Oh hush" I complain, walking to grab some bread to make french toast.

"God you'd think he was attacked or something with those marks" Sero says and I turn to see him smirking.

"You should see Denki's back then" I mutter out and the group oohs together.

"Okay.. sheets are in the wash. How's breakfast coming along" Denki says softly and I smile.

"It's being made, do you need any ointment for the scratches?" I ask softly and Denki shakes his head.

"Those marks are hella sexy though.. god you look so good baby" he says to me, pecking at my collar bone as he kisses over some of the marks that look more painful.

"You think so.. maybe I should show them off around school today. Not cover them.. leave my shirt undone a bit..?" I offer and Denki groans.

"Please.. you are so hot Kats.. I wanna fuck you all over again" he says, arms going around my waist and I hum.

"Then do so.. I'm not gonna complain" I say softly, rubbing my ass back in to Denki's crotch.

"C'mon, finish breakfast. I should give your ass a break" he says softly and I groan before going back to making food.

We eat with light touches shared between us under the table as the squad chats away. Teases are thrown back and forth before we go to get dressed for school and move the washing to the drier.

We'll get an access card to come back and take it out at break. We head to class, not taking more than two minutes to get there since the class was soon to start.

"Bakugou, you're dressed inappropriate for school!" Iida exclaims, waving his hands about as he sees how messily I'm dressed.

"Do something about it Robo boy" I complain and he scoffs.

"That's no way to talk to your class president. I let the no tie slip because I understand for some it's uncomfortable but you should be doing your buttons up.. and.. and it's inappropriate to be showing such marks like those to everyone" Iida exclaims and I shrug.

"What marks Mr prez?" I ask with a smirk.

"Your.. your love bites.. it's not something to show off in school" Iida says, his face gradually flushing different shades of pink.

"Oh.. I see.. sorry. Denki likes to bite" I say softly and Iida chokes on his spit, going even darker shade of red as he buries his face in his hands.

"As if you weren't scratching my back like a cat" Denki says from across the room and I chuckle with a smirk.

"Had to hold on for dear life when you were fucking my soul out" I joke and Denki laughs with a soft smile.

"Just how you like sparky" Denki says softly before coming over to peck my lips.

"Please keep this to your dorms, not everyone wants to see your relationship!" Iida exclaims, waving his arms about and I sigh.

"Fine, whatever. If it makes you so uncomfortable than we'll stop" I huff out and Iida frowns.

"I'd.. just rather not see if in my place of education. I don't mind in the dorms but this is school.. it should be a place of professionalism" Iida explains and I nod with a shrug.

"Fine, whatever" I say with a huff before grabbing Denki's shirt to pull him down. I kiss him once more before allowing Iida some peace.

"Thank you.." Iida says softly and I nod.

"Still.. it's really hot.." Kirishima says with a smirk and I shrug.

"Let Iida have his peace. We can torture him in the dorms" I say and Kirishima laughs a little before nodding.

After that, I do the top button of my shirt back up and get ready for class to begin.


Word count - 1260

Hello cubs, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot and feel free to leave any requests! <3
