
Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.

CW - teen pregnancy, emetophobia, abortion

Ship - Tenbaku (Tensei X Bakugou)


Bakugou's pov

"So my dorm tonight then?" Denki asks, looking at the English homework we were given.

"Yeah alright, what time?" Mina asks softly and I move my fist to in front of my mouth to try and stifle a burp.

"I'm sorry, Bakubro are you sure you're alright?" Sero asks, cutting someone off and I nod as I shrug them off.

"Fine.. fine.. just.. hormones making feel nauseous I think" I say softly, feeling bloated and just ill today.

It's been reoccurring more and more for the past two weeks. I'm putting it down to a change in hormones. They changed the testosterone they're giving me recently so I'm assuming it's that.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Mina asks softly and I nod.

"Yeah I had.. yoghurt and fruit for breakfast" I say softly and she hums.

"And.. your period.. are you late or anything?" She asks hesitantly, keeping quiet to not have the whole class hear or gross out the other three.

"Erhmm.. yeah, I guess so.. I just assumed it was going to be patchy cause of my change in testosterone but it's been a little while now" I mumble, gently rubbing my stomach as I think.

"And.. not to be rude.. but any weight gain?" She asks softly and I shrug.

"A little but I just assumed that was down to when I'm taking my weight and the fact that I do so daily.. weight can vary" I say softly and Mina frowns.

"I'll be back" she says softly before walking up to Aizawa.

She talks to him for a few seconds before she leaves the classroom all together.

"She's being weird.. right?" I ask softly, turning back to the other three.

"Yeah.. does she know something?" Denki asks and Kirishima's eyes widen.

"Bro.. are you and your boyfriend yah know.. sexually active?" Kirishima asks softly and I shrug.

"I mean.. yeah.. testosterone makes me incredibly.. yah know.. and he's got his desires too.. we're safe though, I'm on the pill, he uses a condom" I explain and Kirishima bites his lip.

Sero rubs my shoulder and I sigh softly, feeling my stomach gurgle. Usually it's just bad nausea that ruins my day but today it's so much worse.

"I might throw up" I say softly before pulling myself up to go talk to Aizawa. "Sensei, can I go to the bathroom?" I ask softly, leaning on his desk.

"Hmm.. there's ten minutes till break. Can it wait?" He asks softly and I bite my lip.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up, can I please go?" I ask softly before getting a nod and a soft sigh.

"Go to recovery girl if you do, we'll get you sent home if you're ill" Aizawa says softly and I hum softly.

I leave the classroom, walking slowly in the direction of the bathrooms to not upset my stomach more. When it gets worse, I dash towards the toilets and end up with my knees in a puddle off some stranger's pee in front of the toilet. God, this is so unsanitary.

That's one thing I miss, the cleanliness of the girls bathroom. Even the smell of this bathroom is nauseating.


"Hey recovery girl" I slur happily, stumbling in to her office.

She looks away from the knee wound she's dressing, up to me. My head is pounding from the harsh vomiting in the toilets.

"You alright kid?" She asks softly and I shrug.

"Threw up, Aizawa told me to come here if I was sick and boy.. I regret having yoghurt and fruit for breakfast" I complain and recovery girl chuckles at my antics.

"Alright, let's get you sat with a bucket.. then we'll call your mum to come get you" she says softly and I shake my head.

"Just call my boyfriend, I don't live with my mum but I am staying with the Iida family when I'm not at the dorms" I mumble softly as she leads me in to the room.

"Mina, came to speak to me.. she is worried.. about a friend" recovery girl says as she puts a blue bucket by my feet and turns back to finish of dressing the knee of a second year student.

"Mm.. that's me" I say softly, leaning back as I nudge the bucket with my feet.

The nausea didn't leave entirely after puking, which sucks. But at least I'll get to go home today.

"Alright, you're good to go.. be careful with the knee.. I don't want them stitchings coming undone" she says softly.

She finishes seeing the student out before closing the door and coming back to me. She grabs something from the cupboard before taking a seat on a chair pulled up in front of me..

"I need you.. to do a pregnancy test kid" she says and I furrow my eyes.

"Why? I'm on the pill, we use condoms" I exclaim and she sighs.

"Yes but everything Mina described to me.. sounds like early stages of pregnancy. The pill doesn't always work if you've been on the same one for so long, condoms can break" she says softly and I gulp.

"God I knew I should have just been doing arse stuff" I complains, reaching for the box to read the instructions.

"I'll give Tensei a call whilst you go do the test in that bathroom" recovery girl says softly and I hum.

I follow the instructions on the back, setting the test on some paper towels left out on the side by recovery girl. We wait and talk together, my knee anxiously bouncing.

What happens if it's positive.. what do I do then?

"Hey.. if it's positive.. we're all here to support you. You know your options right?" She asks and I shrug. "You get the choice to keep or you can abort.. you can also consider adoption too.. it's all your choice, it's your body" recovery girl says softly and I hum.

"But.. what if Tensei gets mad..?" I ask hesitantly and she chuckles.

"He won't, anyways he's the one shoving it in you.. his responsibility for his swimmers" she says softly and I hum before her watch beeps. "You wanna look or should I?" She asks softly and I bite my lip.

"You.. I can't do it" I mumble, tapping my foot as she takes the test in gloved hands.

She bites her lip as she looks at it. I look questioning and she nods slowly.

"You're.. pregnant.." she says softly and I hum.

"Shit.." I mumble, leaning forward to rest my head in my hands.

"I advise you book an appointment with your doctor.. see how far along you are and discuss your options with them" she says softly and I hum softly, running my hands through my hair.


"Hey baby.. heard you're not feeling too well?" Tensei asks softly as he enters the room still fully dressed in his hero uniform.

"Tensei.. I.." I start nervously, still holding the test in hand with the bucket gripped tight between my thighs.

I throw up under too much stress or anxiety and this situation didn't help with either of these.

"It's okay.. you're poorly sweetheart.. what's this hmm?" He asks softly as he comes and sits next to me.

"I-I.. I'm so sorry.. I thought I was being safe.. I promise you I didn't want this to happen" I say shakily, watching him eye up the test before looking back up at me.

"Oh baby boy, I'm not mad.. I could never be mad.. this is my fault too okay, I'm the one with sperm.. it takes two to make a baby, it's not your fault.." Tensei says softly, hugging me as I break down in to sobs.

He comforts me until I calm down, gently wiping my nose and cheeks before kissing my forehead.

"We'll deal with this.. and get through it. I'm happy with what ever you decide to do with the baby, it's your body, your choice" Tensei says softly, gently rubbing my back.


"Aizawa, Katsuki's going to be having a few days off school due to something medical.." I hear Tensei say as I sit next to him in the car outside of the clinic, eyes heavy as I'm ready to just get back and rest. "Mmmhmm.. yeah just send some light work, details can come later with his consent" Tensei says.

They talk for a few minutes longer before spilling goodbyes to eachother and hanging up. Tensei turns to me and smiles a little, kissing my head before belting up and starting the engine.

"Let's get you home, cozy and in to bed with a heating pad" Tensei says softly and I hum, eyes barely staying open on their own.

It's very draining. Emotionally and physically. Tensei drives carefully, avoiding potholes so I can rest my eyes on the way back.

I yawn, longing to be at home and held in Tensei's arms. He gently runs a hand through my hair as he stops at a traffic light.


"Welcome back bro, feeling better?" Kirishima asks and I hum, sitting down at my desk after having a week off.

I really just needed that break away from all the stress. I was a bit burnt out from all the training and studying. The break really helped me mentally too.

"So you get the stomach flu or something?" Kaminari asks and I nod.

"Yeah, bad case of it too" I say softly as Iida and the dekusquad come in to the room with smoothies.

"Good to see you back Bakugou.. this means I get to see my brother again" Iida jokes happily and I nod.

"Sorry, get clingy when I'm not too good" I say softly, stretching out in my chair.

"Mmm.. glad you're good again though, class was very quiet with out you" Iida says softly and I nod with a smirk.

"Gonna beat my ass in training this week?" Deku asks and I shake my head.

"Bro.. who are you and what did you do with Bakubro?" Kaminari asks as he sees my reaction.

"I'm focusing on muscle build and stamina at the moment.. not really got time to beat the shit out of the nerd" I say with a smirk, looking between my group and a shocked Deku.

"You.. been seeing the therapist haven't you?" Deku asks softly and I nod.

"Burn out is fucking rough man, Tensei said it'd be helpful and so I've been going for a little while now" I say softly and Deku nods.

"I'm proud of you Kacchan, you're improvements are showing" he says softly and I hum softly.

"Cheers Deku, I'm trying" I say softly and he nods with a small smile.

"Anyways, these are notes from the classes you missed. You can keep these since this is just my photocopied version" Deku says as he places a book on my table.

"Thanks nerd" I say softly and he nods before walking off. "Don't think I'm fucking soft though" I exclaim, not having too much bite in my tone.

"Glad you're back problem child" Aizawa says as he enters the classroom right after the bell goes.

"It's good to be back sensei" I say softly, sitting up and getting ready for the lesson. "Mina I'll tell you about it later, thanks for helping queen" I say softly and she nods, smiling happily.

"You're welcome king, hope Tensei took extra good care of you" she says and I hum after Aizawa clears his throat to start his lesson.


Word count - 1970

Hello cubs, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot. I hope you all have a wonderful day, look after yourselves and stay hydrated! <3
