28 - That Stupid Smile

When I came back from school, which was super stressful by the way, I went to my room and threw my bag on the floor. After that I laid on my bed exhausted and closed my eyes.

Andrew wasn't home yet since he had football practice so I felt at ease. It's not like I have a problem with him or anything but I just feel a little weird when I'm around him and what's more annoying is the fact that I can't specifically say why.

I mean, it's kind of absurd because I enjoy spending time with him but at the same time I feel like there's something wrong with the whole situation. I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I was about to fall asleep but I forgot to use the bathroom and I can never sleep whenever I want to pee so I got up from my bed. I was planning on peeing and then going back to my bed to take a nap but when I tried to open up the bathroom door it was locked. I figured that it would either be Andrew's parents or his sister so I just waited near the door.

After about 15 seconds I heard somebody started talking and I recognized Andrew's dad's voice. Mr. Peter sounded a little off but I didn't want to be rude and listen to his conversation. However my curiosity was way stronger than my manners so I put my ear on the door to hear better.

I soon realized he was talking on the phone since there was only his voice coming out of there.

"What? You did that?" He said with a suspicious tone. "Oh... Really? Well, I guess that will be more than enough to prove your loyalty... Alright.... Yes, this means that you have my full support but I wouldn't be too hopeful about that if I were you."

Okay, I have no idea what the hell he's talking about, maybe it's an adult thing, or maybe he's helping out his friend. Either way, it doesn't really affect me. And I'm not really interested in that kind of conversations so I better get the hell out of here before I get caught because that would be awkward as hell and I can't handle any more awkwardness in my life.

I went back to my room and turned on my laptop just to pass some time. Soon I remembered that I still had to pee but I waited for a little while just to make sure I wouldn't bump into Andrew's dad again and once the coast was clear I went to the bathroom again.

When I was finished with my business I felt a little hungry and grabbed some food from the kitchen. Soon Andrew came back from his football practice and greeted me.

"Hey," He started. "I'm going to take a quick shower and then we can leave."

"I'm sorry, what?" I was confused because I had no idea we were going somewhere. "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you get my text?" He replied casually.

"No, what text?" I reached down to my pocket but my phone wasn't in there. I guess I must have left it in my room.

"I have to buy some clothes for the party and so do you." He answered.

"Why though, you have like a million outfits, can't you just wear one of them?" I responded kind of rudely because I was annoyed I had to go for shopping with him. I usually just order online or go out with my friends to buy stuff. "Also why do I have to come?"

"I have to dress up well, since it's so important to my family, believe me I don't enjoy this any more than you do." I certainly doubt that, but whatever.

"Okay, I don't want to sound unenthusiastic," Actually I kind of do. "But how do you even know that your father will win. I mean, don't you think all this party planning and stuff is too early and all."

"I see your point but it's not like he has a big competition or anything." Andrew tried to explain himself. "Besides he's a good mayor even though he has a few flaws that doesn't really affect his status as a town mayor."

"I guess you're right." To be honest I wasn't very familiar with town politics, because all I ever wanted from this cursed place is to get the hell out of it. "Okay, then I'll go get changed."

Andrew left to take a shower. In the meantime I put on some jeans, hoodie and shoes and waited for him in the living room.

About ten minutes later he came back all dressed up but his hair was still wet.

"At least wear a hat or you'll get sick, it's cold outside." I tried to warn him.

He smirked and at that moment I could swear I saw a spark in his eyes but I'm not entirely sure if I was right about that. "Look at you, all worried about me. I think I'll be fine."

"Well I don't!" I replied and walked to our room to get him a hat.

When I came back I reached out my hand to give him the hat but he didn't take it. I sighed and got closer to him to put it on his head myself. Once I was finished with that and about to step back he touched my hand and made me stop. We were staring at each other for a few seconds before I fake coughed because I felt a little stressed out from the tension. Soon he let me go and I almost tripped but managed to stay on my feet.

What the hell was that all about? Was I overstepping boundaries? Did he get mad that I was considerate? I'm so confused and it's not like I'm an expert of reading other people's emotions. I mean, sometimes I can't even decide how I'm feeling.

"Should we get going?" I said quietly to break the silence.

Andrew was slightly surprised for a moment but he quickly got back to his regular self and brushed off everything. "Um... Yes, let's get going."

We got to his car and left. I sat in the front even though I usually prefer to sit in the back, I figured it would be rude and weird if I sat on the back seat. Actually when I was a kid I liked the front seat but for some reason I changed my mind when I grew up. I guess it had something to do with my insecurities or maybe I just liked being in the back.

It's strange, really, same thing happened to me when I first arrived to this this town and went to the new school. Back in my grandparents town I remember I sat closest to the teacher but once I came here everything changed. Maybe this stuck in time place has that kind of effect on people.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I decided it would be better if we listened to some music so I turned on the radio. "Love on the Brain" by Rihanna was playing, which was a nice surprise. I love this song and I adore Rihanna.

I started moving my body to the melody and lip syncing. I completely zoned out and forgot about all of my worries for a few minutes. But soon I felt someone's eyes on me and snapped back to the reality. I looked on my left and saw that Andrew was looking at me with a smile on his face.

When he noticed that I turned around he faced the road immediately as if he got caught red-handed.

Okay, that was really weird. Oh, god I embarrassed myself in front of him yet again. Why do I keep acting like an immature child? Ugh, I'm such an idiot.

I quickly turned off the radio, hoping that it would be less awkward but of course this had a complete opposite effect.

Thankfully, Andrew soon stopped the car because we were already in front of the store.

"We're here," He said. "C'mon, let's go inside."


Well, I'm not too happy with this chapter if I'm being honest. I wanted to move on quickly to the more important stuff but I also don't want to make it seem like I'm rushing something.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this one, even though it's kind of short and thank you for reading.    
