11 - Violet Is The New Black

"I said no, Violet. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I made it very clear that what happened between us is over so get that inside your head, okay?"

"You're just confused, Andrew. Trust me, I know how you feel about me. We can still be together. I won't let a stupid mistake ruin a relationship that I worked so hard on."

"Stupid mistake? You almost burned down my house and you call that a stupid mistake? I had to go to the hospital because you decided to sneak into my room and light up those candles while I was gone even though I clearly explained that I wanted to break up. I just don't feel the same way about you and that's it. I'm really sorry but there's nothing you can do that can change that. What we had was nice but it's over now and sooner you realize that better because it'll be easier for you to move on."

"I don't want to move on. I want to be with you! Please, Andrew. I really can't live without you. I'm begging you, don't do this to me. Please, at least try to work on our relationship. I'm ready to make some sacrifices so don't just throw me in the trash that easily."

"I'm sorry about this but I don't want you to get a wrong impression. I tried being polite but it seems like there's really no polite way to say this. It'll hurt anyways so I guess I'll just say it... I don't have feelings for you, don't you get it? I don't love you. I know it sounds harsh but I already tried explaining it the nice way and you still don't get it for some reason. Why do you insist to be with someone that doesn't want to be with you?"

"So that's it, ha? You just used me like a tampon and now you're throwing me away? No, I won't accept that! I'm never letting you go! I can wait, just tell me how long you'll need for your personal time and we can go back to where we were before. I'll try my best to be with you and I'll never give up on us. There's nothing you can say that can change my mind on that."

"I'm in love with someone else."


"You heard me! I love someone else, okay? I can't be with you because I already have feelings for someone that isn't you, so just back off already. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point."

"Ugh! You little... How dare you! No! No! NOOOOO! You can't! I... I love you. No, please don't leave me. I'll do anything, trust me. I'll be better, I... I won't annoy you anymore. Just tell me what I have to do. Do you not like my boobs? I know they're not that great but I can make them bigger. Or is it my nose? I'll fix that too. Just tell me what it is and I'll do it. Is it my butt? I can make myself perfect for you so please, just stay with me."

"I'm sorry but I just don't want to be with you anymore. There's nothing wrong with you or your body so you don't have to do any of that. Please, just move on already. Our relationship was a mistake from the very beginning, I shouldn't even have started dating when I already had feelings for someone else. I realize how my actions make you feel and I apologize for that but I really can't be your boyfriend. So, please. Just stop."

"You'll pay for that, Andrew Wilson! Mark my words. I'll make you pay for every bit of pain and humiliation that you caused for me. I'll return the favor so watch your back. You took away the person I loved the most when you broke up with me. It feels like my heart was pulled out from my chest and I'll do the same to you too. I'll find out who the person is that you love so much and I'll make her life a living nightmare, so don't even think that this is the end. I will have the last laugh. I'll destroy her and when she's out of the picture we can finally be together again."

"Violet! Don't... Just listen to me. This is between us, there's no need to get someone else involved."

"Hah, you should have thought about that before you ripped my heart out of my chest and tossed it in the trash. It's too late to apologize now. Goodbye, Andrew. See you in your nightmares!"

Violet Grey, Kristen's daughter just walked past me and I couldn't help but wonder if she was on her right mind. Now I realized why Andrew said that we couldn't use her to get closer to Kristen. It's because she's just as crazy as her mother, maybe even more. She made this huge scene in front of the whole school and humiliated herself.

But for some reason I still feel bad for her. Don't get me wrong, I still think that she's completely and utterly insane but if you think about it hard enough you'll realize that all she wanted was to be loved. That's not a crime, or at least I don't think it is. I know it very well, how it feels like when the person you like doesn't even acknowledge your existence so I can kind of relate to Violet. I had a huge crush on Matt ever since high school begun but I always knew that nothing would ever happen between us. It's crazy to even think that he'd ever be mine.

However, I don't think Violet's case is that similar to mine though. I mean, at least Andrew likes girls and she's a girl. Oh, that reminds me, he said that he liked someone else, I wonder who it is. Come to think of it, I've noticed him throwing a glance at me and my friends' table on lunch once or twice, so maybe he likes one of them. I bet its Lucy. She's beautiful, kind, funny. Why wouldn't he like her, she's like the best package deal you'll ever purchase. I still don't know for sure yet, so maybe I should ask him. Don't get me wrong I'm not doing this to be nosy or anything, I'm just trying to help out my friend.

What I mean by that is that before Violet left she threatened Andrew that she'd ruin his loved one's life. I have to know if it's Lucy so I can warn her. I'm not sure if she still wants to talk with me though. We haven't spoken in a while because Andrew ordered me to not contact my friends for safety reasons or whatever, so maybe she's so mad that she won't even talk to me anymore. It doesn't matter, she's still my best friend no matter what and this is the least I can do for her after all the lies and secrets I've been keeping from her, she at least deserves this much from me.

"Um, so you like someone else? Who is she?" I tried to think of some sort of sneaky way to ask this question but it wouldn't work on Andrew anyways so I just straight up asked.

"That is none of your concern." He answered shortly.

"Oh, c'mon! It's not like I'll tell anyone. I'm just asking because I'm curious." I reasoned.

"I don't care why you're asking. I won't tell you either way." Andrew responded coldly.

"Please!" I tried pushing him but it still didn't work. Then I thought of another way I could find out if Lucy was in danger or not. "Okay, fine. The whole reason I'm even asking this is because I want to know if the person you like is one of my friends since you know, Violet threatened you that she'd ruin your loved one's life. I don't really care if it's someone other than Felicity or Lucy, so could you at least tell me if it's one of them?"

"Don't worry about Violet, I'll deal with her." He answered but I still looked at him with a worried look and he gave up. "And no it's not Felicity or Lucy. Happy now?"

"Oh, thank god." I was relieved that one of my friends wasn't in trouble but soon I realized that it came out the wrong way when I said those words. "Um, I didn't mean it like that. I was just worried about my friends. I'm sure dating with you wouldn't be that horrible. Oh, god. What am I even saying, I'm making everything even worse. Um... I mean..."

"Just stop already!" Andrew looked at me with a smile on his face which kind of surprised me, I expected him to explode but he looked pretty cheerful. "I get what you meant."

"Oh, okay."


"Um, what is this?" I asked staring at Andrew's notebook.

"My math homework, why'd you ask? Is there a problem?" He stared back at me with a confused facial expression.

"Well, not exactly." I answered and he became even more confused. "It's perfect and that's the problem."

"I don't get your point. What are you talking about?"

"What I'm saying is that this is much more advanced stuff than I'm capable of solving so I'm wondering if you could do this by yourself why'd you ask me to help you with your homework. If anything you should be the one helping me not the other way around. I guess what I'm asking is why did you lie to me that you needed help with your homework?" I finally finished my question.

"I never said that." Andrew said with a blank expression.

"Well, you kind of did. Don't you remember? You told me that you wanted me to help with your homework because you couldn't do it yourself." I explained myself.

"No, I said I wanted you to do my homework. I never said I wasn't capable of doing it."

"Ugh, that's the same thing."

"Not really."

"Okay, whatever, what was the purpose of all that farce then?" I asked.

"There was no purpose." Andrew played dumb.

"Then why'd you do it?" I sighed.

"Do what?" He did it again.

"Ugh, you're driving me crazy!"


So, this one's kind of a filler and I know it's short but it's all I could write for the moment. I tried adding another events to this part but it just didn't fit so this is all I got for now.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it and see you in the next one, hopefully.
