Home and Away

The following evening, Lou took Tamy and I out for dinner, we went to our favourite restaurant, Tamy seemed very talkative today, more so than usual, but what did i know? I hardly ever saw her anymore.

"So, how's work going?" i asked her, when our main course had arrived, she hesitated before answering.

"I quit that job, now I'm working for home and away in the writing department" she answered, how did i not know this? She had been a journalist for a local newspaper in Sydney the last I heard, wow, home and away. I remember watching that show as a kid with Tamy every week night; she always loved it, even though our parents didn't think it was appropriate for us.

"Are you enjoying it there?" I didn't want to get excited if she hated it now did I? She finished her mouthful of food, and looked me in the eye, her lips curled upwards and a smile was planted on her face.

"I love it" she responded, Lou and I both smiled.

"It's hot in here" Lou pointed out, taking his jacket off, there is something different about him lately, he's been alot quieter, and less enthusiastic, I kinda miss the old Lou, the loud and annoying version was always fun.

A reporter came over to us, and asked who the mystery blonde was, we just ignored him, Tamy found it hardest to ignore the man, she kept taking glances over to him, we had to whisper our conversations in fear of him listening in, it was absolutely terrible!

When we left the restaurant, we went for a walk along the city, Tamy was taking in everything around her, as she had never been to Hollywood before, and she absolutely loved it here.

"I should introduce you to a few people, maybe you could start writing a Hollywood production" Lou told her, I nodded in agreement, although I doubt she'd let us do that, she's always been Miss Independent.

"Maybe you should" she answered to my surprise.

"You should move here" I said to her, excitement filled my voice; imagine having a sister in the same country as me? That would be amazing!

"Mum wouldn't let me" she responded, looking down at her feet as we walked.

"Nonsense, you just don't want to see me everyday" I teased her, squeezing her hand, Lou had his arm around my shoulder, and Tamy was holding onto my other hand, we must have looked rather funny walking down the street like that, but I didn't care what anybody else thought.

"Wonder what Harry got up to" Lou said, when we were almost at his car.

"Maybe we don't want to know" Tamy suggested, in a cheeky, dirty way.

"Oh Tam, don't even go there" I squealed, she is so gross sometimes, and Louis was encouraging her by laughing, silly boy.

"If that was the case, I wouldn't have trouble believing it for some reason" he kept on laughing like a crazy person, it was quite cute though.

We dropped Tamy off at Lila's it was quite strange having my sister staying with my best friend, but by what Tam had told me, the two of them were being good friends, Lila wasn't there when we arrived, and we were going to stay until she came home, but Tam wanted to go to bed, so Lou and I went straight home.

When we walked into our apartment, the lights were all on, so we walked into the living room looking for Harry, and we found him alright, with a half naked Lila on top of him.

Lou coughed to let them know we were in the room.

"Oh my g.." Lila jumped up, covering her bare chest.

"Shoot" Harry Muttered, handing Lila a pillow to help her cover up.

"I see you two have gotten quite close tonight" Lou said, chuckling to himself, he thought it was very funny, having embarrassed Harry like this.

Lila excused herself to go and put her top back on, I glared at Harry until she had safely entered the bathroom.

"What the heck was that?" I asked him, he shrugged.

"She just broke up with her boyfriend, she came here looking for you, then one thing led to another and she started kissing me first, so get that disapproving look off of your face" he told me, crossing his arms in front of his own bare chest.

"I'm going to bed" I said before storming off to my room.
