Don't Stop Believing

"Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going anywhere" Harry bellowed, when we entered our apartment, Louis shoved him inside because he was clogging up the doorway. I ran to the bathroom, leaving the boys to do whatever they pleased. Liam and Niall were staying over the night, but Zayn was off to see his woman, he always seemed to be too busy with her to see any of us anymore.

"Give it back you tosser" I heard Harry groan at one of the boys, I silently chuckled to myself as I washed my hands, looked up and stared at my reflection, I was 15 weeks along by then, and every single day I was upset about my weight. Tears streamed down my red face, I couldn't help it I looked hideous.

"She's been in there a while" Niall noticed my absence.

"Oh no" I heard Lou's worried voice, footsteps began louder, and a knock on the door confirmed that he came to check on me.

"Babe" he opened the door slightly, poking his face in the gap, I turned to face him, wiping away the embarrassment from my eyes.

"You look beautiful, you always do." He reassured me, as he walked inside the room, arms spread out enveloping me into a warm hug, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, so I cried into him until my eyes were dry. He wiped away the last tear and sat down on the closed loo, (a benefit of having a woman living here.) I stood between his legs facing him.

"You don't have to worry about your appearance anymore, you'll always be gorgeous. Even the lads think so, and according to many teenage girls across the country, their opinion matters" he winked before continuing. " I love you, you're having my baby, and you're gorgeous" he kissed my belly, his lips lingered on my stomach for a few seconds.

"I love you" I whispered, he stood up and took my hand, as we made our way back to the lads. I sat next to Liam, and Lou sat back down next to Harry, they were sitting with their legs wrapped around each other in a cute embrace.

"You are so jealous" Liam noticed me staring at the pair.

"No, I'm just admiring" I rested my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around me, if anybody were to walk in they'd think Louis and Harry were a couple, and that Liam and I were dating. Poor Niall was sitting alone on the carpet.


In the morning I entered the kitchen to see all four of them eating from about three plates each. Niall waved at me, and gestured towards to seat beside him. I sat down between him and Lou.

"Morning" Lou kissed me on the top of my head, he always did that he was so cute.

"You lot are hungry" I paused listening to my own growling stomach.

"You want some toast?" Niall passed his plate over to me, I helped myself to the steaming hot toast, the butter melted as I spread it across its surface, and it looked so delicious.

"Would you like to go with me today?" Liam asked, with a mouthful of toast.

"Depends where you're going?" I responded, I had completely forgotten about what today was.

"I'm going to read the script for the One Direction feature film" he said proudly, ever since Liam became the manager of the band, he's been opening up huge opportunities for the boys, and I've watched as he's grown as a person with all the added responsibility, he's really impressed me.

The film was very similar to the Runaways feature film, which starred Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning. It basically was a fictionalized documentary of their rise to fame, Liam wanted me to come to the reading because I've written scripts, and read many more I knew what to look for. Movies were my thing, just like music was his.

"Of course I'm coming!" I exclaimed, my excitement filled the air, I hadn't been able to work the last few months because nobody wanted a pregnant girl in their films, my body was changing to frequently for them to be able to produce anything good. This was the first time I felt needed professionally in a while.

Harry laughed at my enthusiasm.

"Can she please be in charge of the casting too?" asked Harry, we all just laughed at him.

"What? She knows Harry Styles needs to be played by the best" Lou shoved toast into his mouth to shut his absurdity up.

