side chapter: more modern gigantic ship boys part 5

Don't own anything

Author pov:

(Theme starts playing in the background)

Sirens are running scared from the blinding Light one of them got vaporized. Tester b got her hands blown off she screamed & running back to a portal.

It was hell on earth. Sky lit up orange as conqueror's texas sized main battery guns moved to the right charging up & fire a rapid fire rail gun.


Super yamato: NANI!?

Conqueror: just bloody shoot that crazy son of a bitch

Meanwhile akagi enterprise just stood there jaw dropped observer & purifier left as leaving their kind getting obliterated. Hypersonic missiles traveling speed off sound from a ginormous A 150.

Akagi: my kami!?

Enterprise: human Japanese empire had plans to build this akagi?!

Akagi: was. We as sakura empire have no memory of this

Nagato comms: " no it wasn't in the memory. It never came to to our lives. Only the yamato class did "

Theme ends:

Nemesis ships stopped sending 8 million tomcat st21s to finish the job. Conqueror & super yamato noticed nemesis their happy to see him & super Missouri.

Conqueror: bloody hell. He's alive & no humans

Super Missouri & others came on aboard.

Super Missouri: Super yamato Conqueror. Great seeing you guys again

Typhoon: master * bowed *

Amagi: master?

Takao: looks like it

Nemesis: you leave gave them true hell. Where's belfast?

Shinano: oh (yawn) just noticed 😑😒

Queen Elisabeth unicorn (who's glaring daggers at her majesty about the drinking in sorrow part) Illustrious warspite belfast & wales arrived. Leader of royal navy squealed.


Enterprise: i can live with that

Shadow enterprise laughing

Yorktown: yeah .. i don't care

Conqueror: who are you?

Queen Elisabeth:

i am the queen of the royal navy queen Elisabeth. QE lead battleships

Conqueror kneel: i'm HMS behemoth battleship class Conqueror. I conquer the seas of the battlefield. Its an honor

Queen Elisabeth: mr nemesis?

Nemesis: i don't care. I do not order around people around with born royalty like you nagato & bismarck & other except eagle union don't have that

Enterprise: its a democracy for us

Conqueror got up walked to Warspite retrofit.

warspite got confused then he clasped her hands & leaned for a kiss her on the lips. Making everyone had this look.

(Something like this but different........ yeah i know)

Warspite try to fight but she gave in kissed back wrapped her arms around him he did the same. She moaned happily.

After that he walked away jumped in his ship. Warspite R collapse on her knees. Dazed.

Atago: what in the actual fuck?

Super Missouri: he likes her

Queen Elisabeth: warspite?

Warspite R: i am okay. He's mine

Queen Elisabeth: not stopping you. She passed out with a smile on her face

To be continued:

Later or goodnight
