chapter 1:

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Calm sea not far from azur lane base. Portals opened. Frame shift dimensional drive out comms several gigantic warships.

3 Gargantuan class super battleships. 4 fortress class super captial ship super carrier class. 1 gargantuan aegis class carrier & 1 familier but new gargantuan class battlecruiser that looked like sakura empire.

Super Missouri hanging on upside down foot caught on the anchor. He open his eyes. He sees clouds. He woke up in fright.

Super Missouri: SON OF A * covers his mouth looking around * I'M HUMAN DAFUQ?! .... uh oh

His pants ripped off the anchor & fell but a hand caught his foot. He looks up seeing titan & shadow enterprise.

Titan: close call buddy

They helped him up the ship. He looks at theirs. All of them are okay.

Super Missouri: what just happened?

shadow E: idk. Crew are gone


Strife comms: " a Kitsune? "

They ran jumped on the massive battlecruiser. Hurricane helped a woman to her bed. They arrived seeing her out cold

That made Brooklyn blushed.

Titan: she's beautiful. Who is she?

Super Missouri looking at papers in large captain room found the name

Super Missouri: amagi

Her fox ears twitch. Hurricane tried waking her by slapping her softly on her cheek with water soaked his hands. She opened her eyes & shot up awake bonked her head against Hurricane he fell to the floor.

Hurricane: OWWWW MY NOSE

EF - 6: hehehehe. I love seeing your pain


Amagi: I'm alive?.

Titan: uhh yeah

Amagi: who are you guys

They introduced themselves. Super Missouri gave her tea. She told them how she died.

Titan: so your from this world. Then you died from a illness because of the mental cubes extracted out of you to make akagi kaga

Amagi:Hai, but I feel A WHOLE lot better

Hurricane: amagi you said your ship counter part was a normal size right?

Amagi: Hai

Brooklyn: come outside please

Amagi walked outside. Her light violet eyes went wide. Cloud resting on her cannons. She looked at their gigantic ships. She dropped her tea on the floor.

She looked down. She had this look.

it's like being on top of the empire state building only way way taller. Super Missouri holding his laughter trying to hold it in.

Amagi: なんてこった?😱

Super Missouri can't hold it anymore. He laughed so hard. Holding his stomach.


Amagi: must ignore the arrogance of youth

Super Missouri: YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR 30

Boys gasped

Hurricane: BRUH

EF - 6: I seen enough. Going back to my ship

Amagi bonked him. Knocking him out.


They shook their head no. Then they heard a sos.

Strife: " be advised azur lane base amagi called is under attack. Two carriers that looked like amagi "

Amagi: MY YOUNGER SISTERS?!. WHY DID THEY ATTACK THEM. the hell is going on?

Super Missouri: tell them ....

Amagi: no don't. Element of surprise. Use your riggings. Besides these clouds are not big enough to cover us


They see enterprise. Attacking. Then a shell one hit kill large white fox & one hit kill siren ships.

Kaga: NANI?

Enterprise: ?

Boys arrived with riggings on aimed their guns at two carriers & a destroyer.  Akagi heard a fighter coming. F35c lighting 2 appeared with amagi sitting on the plane.

Akagi ayanami & kaga just fucking jaw dropped.


she punched kaga in the stomach. Then she threw her at akagi. She landed next to Grey Ghost. She glared at ayanami. Destroyer ran off. She looked at zuikaku from afar.

Zuikaku: she's alive .... but how

Then a shurikan was thrown at her. She caught it. Looking at Titan on her carrier.

Titan: get outta here

Zuikaku: idk who you are. But well meet again

She left. Akagi stared at her older sister in shock but gritted her teeth.

Amagi: you wanna bonk akagi?. I said get outta. I may be be the same amagi but I'm different younger sister. Eventually we will gonna find out why your doing this

Akagi: very well elder sister

They left. Amagi sighed Brooklyn patted her shoulder.

Enterprise: have we met before?

Amagi: no we never met

Later on they meet. They introduced themselves to the azur lane girls. Amagi with her parasol with her.

Illustrious: I thought you were dead. Well few of us knew that

Amagi: I was dead. Idk why I am alive, I woke up with them

Enterprise: your called shadow enterprise?

shadow E: yes I am. I guess I'm your successor. Without the bow I just have this m9 barret

Cleveland: & your a male

Shadow E: your point?

Wales: anyways thanks for saving us. Amagi welcome back from the dead. You look very healthy

Amagi: airgato. Why did they have siren ships with them?. Idk what's going on anymore

Cleveland: can you guys dock your ships?

Strife: hehe boi

Hurricane: we can. But we can't fit them in these docks

Wales: why not?

Titan: what are your about to see. Is fact or fiction

Amagi: I cannot help but laugh at this

They remove their riggings. Cubes flying out of the base. They choose where they parked their ships. Flash of light they covered their eyes. When the light die down. Shadow covered the sun.

San Diego: why is it so dark it's not............

Enterprise: * dropped their bow *

Unicorn dropped her unicorn Jaw dropped laffey wide awake for the first. Time.

I seen others doing their own thing how they begin their own in a different way.

Putting ooc amagi is trying something new.

Later Phone charging
