Chapter Three: joining fairy Tail

" I will join your guild gramps thank you for helping and sorry for the commotion earlier I may be slightly bipolar."

Gramps just laughs,"that's fine my child now let's go explain this to the guild they are your new family everyone in the guild is one big family even when we fight we love one another." 

I smile and nod," lead the way."

Maya giggles and puts her hands out for gramps to hold her he laughs and picks her up," she's a cutie that's for sure"

I laugh but stop once we reach the main part of the guild everyone is staring at me and a few new faces are here I swallow my pride and walk to the girl with red hair who I stole her sword from.

"I'm super sorry for earlier I was freaking out I didn't know what to do and then you where holding Maya and made me freak even more cause she was crying so ik super sorry and here's your sword I have no clue how I got it." I stop rambling when she puts her hand over my mouth.

"Dang you talk fast but apology excepted my name is Erza." She says with a smile.

I smile back," I'm Ayria!"

"Mary Jane we have two new members of the guild please bring the stamp." Gramps says. Soon a girl with white blonde hair and a dress walks in. 

She asks me in a soft voice," where would you like you and your daughters guild make at?"

"Our wrists please hers on the right mine left." She gives us our stamp once that's done. Gramps yells," no let's celebrate."

I start laughing as everyone is dancing drinking fighting soon my favorite song comes on," come on Maya let's dance"

She giggles," ok mommy."

Soon we're spinning and laughing forgetting our troubles until the guild door opens and a boy with pink hair yells," I heard Igneal is here is he Gramps is it true?"

Everyone goes silent except for Maya who was giggling still she jumps out my arms and runs toward a blue cat. " kitty!!" She yells.

"Maya come back." I yell after her and run before I can make it she's crushing the poor thing." Little Maya you know you can't run off like that even if I can see you what if that pink boy thought hey she's messing with my cat I'm gonna gobble her up for lunch that wouldn't be very nice or what I'd the cat was actually a dragon disguised as a cat. Wait a minute!! That must be Igneal Oh my god Celeste never told me he had that power that's so cool.!!"   I scream happily.

"Mommy that's not a dwagon. Dwagon are big like Celeste you know that hehe this is a blue  kitty." Maya says.

I frown," nuh uh why else would she send us here we have to find him or we may never see her again ugh this is to complicated wait a second. GRAMPS!!!! Is this Igneal in disguise???" The pink haired boy is just staring.

"No Maya that's Happy an Exeed." He replies.

"What's an Exeed and ah man Maya was right I feel so stupid hey wait a minute  I need to say sorry to Leo." I say quickly.
"Open gate of Leo"

Soon leo is in front of me," Bestie!!" I yell as I hug him," sorry for yelling but guess what I'm a fairy Tail member know isn't that cool I didn't even know their was different guild I thought they were all bad well anyway sorry for calling unannounced oh and guess what Maya was mean she was right cause I thought a cat was Igneal but it's not it's just a Exeed whatever that is but it's still really cute oh and holy shit I'm talking alot sorry I'm quite now in three two one shut up." I bit my lip and stare at everyone as Leo thinks of what I said.

" Its okay  Ayr I forgive you and i know what this place is but you know it's dangerous to call me infront of people and you just called me infront of my mistress lucy." He says frowning.

"Uh oh sorry you can go Leo I didn't mean to get you in trouble if I did..." I say as he leaves.

"Why was Loki just here?" I blonde girl asks.

"Cause he's my best friend duh oh wait a second your lucy the one who saved him yay I'm glad you did Celeste wouldn't let me so I'm glad you could oh by the way Leo loves you hehe" I say  giggle like a girl.

"Where is Igneal?" The pink boy askes again. 

Gramps stands infront of him," natsu  I want you to meet Ayria she's also looking for Igneal her mother or as most know her as the celestial dragon has gotten ill and went missing the only thing Ayria knew to do was find you. I'm sorry but he's not here but maybe with you and her working together you'll find him and her"

Tears come down my face as I remember that Celeste is missing running toward me with her little legs a girl with blue hair and green eyes hugs me," Mommy why awe you cwying again?"

I kneel down," it's nothing sweet heart it's just that mommy misses Grammy ok?"

"Mommy?"  Natsu asks.

I glare," yes she's my daughter maybe not by blood but by heart"

He just nods," so your a dragon slayer?"

I perk up," yep its soooo clue and can you eat fire?? Once in my lessons I learned that. Sadly I'm not that cool. I only have dragon abilities and can call celestial spirits without keys witch is how me and Leo are best friends." I say in a rush.

"Yep I love having a fire in my belly." He says.
