Chapter Four: Depressed

It's been 3 months since I've arrived and there's still no sign of Celeste. I'm starting to lose hope, Leo tries to make me happy and so does Erza me and her have become best friends surprisingly. She may look and seem scary but she's a big softy.  Natsu hates me though I gave him false hope and brought back memories he surpresed. Maya lives with Mira since I go on missions. She misses me but I know she loves being with Mira. For the past week my thoughts have gone dark, memories from before I met Celeste flows through my mind day in day out. I'm giving up, inside I believe she may be dead but my heart doesn't want to believe that. But my brain is winning, and my heart is dieing only four people can bring my spirits up, gramps, Erza, Leo and of course little Maya. Truthfully I can't handle it, I have a history of mental things my past is horrific only Celeste knows it all.

Sighing I get out of bed I'm gonna ask Mira if she'll watch Maya for a week I give up maybe by then everyone will forget me. I get dressed in my red dress and black hoodie my green hair, brings the light in my  chocolate eyes appear  but today they look dull.  Grabbing my bag I stuff my hang man's noose and my blades, above it I put clothes so Noone see's them. Once I'm finished I leave my house and put it in my will that it will go to Maya.

Walking toward the guild I see everyone smiling and goofing off only a handful of people know that Mayas not my real daughter but I don't mind. Once in I hear Natsu and gray fighting and Cana yell for Gray to put clothes on I laugh silently.

"Mommy mommy look what I made!" I look down, a month ago she had turned three and hit a small growth spurt. Now she makes jewelry for the guild. The one she made this time is two bracelets one had a fire and a red dragon the other had a golden key and a gold dragon. " the fire one is for Natsu can you take me to him and the other is for you."

"Of course sweety," picking her up I head towards Natsu who is now talking to Lucy and Loki.

I set Maya on the table and she walks over toward Natsu,"Natzoo I made you a bwacelet it matchs mommy's since you awe dwagon will you wewe  it?"

He starts to say no but looks up a shake may head pleading he just nods," of course."

I sigh as Maya giggles," hey Leo can you watch Maya today Mari is busy and I'll be gone all week." Natsu snorts.

I glare at him,"what is it Natsu I would love to know?"

He glares back," oh I don't know maybe how you are always working exept sometimes and the girl you made is not their response ability."

My anger flares," for one I saved her and I'm trying to make enough money now so she'll have a future. Do she won't have to worry about what her next meal or if her father will find her cause you know what she's not my daughter she's my sister but I saved her from my god awful father before he could do to her what he did to me. He killed her mother just like he killed mine except my memory wasn't erased now I'm fucked in the brain  so is this what you want me to say? Huh my dad is the leader of a bad guild so woppie I'm just gonna fuck ever boy I see huh nope that's not me so later."

I jump up and kiss Mayas cheek," I love you sweety never forget"

"Leo I'm going on a mission I may not come back don't look for me don't worry anyone I'm gonna see Celeste again no matter what she's my mom and my fuck ass dad won't get away with anymore shit you know what I have to do." I say and kiss his cheek soon everyone is staring.

" Ayria have you been planing this? You know they only why he can die is.....oh shit Ayria not again show me your damn arms." He yells.

"No Leo the lion as the princess of the future dragons of the world I comand you to leave me alone keep your mouth shut I may be just a Celestial wizard but you know what will happen if I live past my 16 birthday and I will not sand back and allow him to rise again. Goodbye my friend"

With that I leave, today I'm finally 16 and today Natsu will get what he wants, while my father will die finally.
