chapter 21: his birthday

 7:20 finally rolled around and I was waiting for Axl to finish getting ready. I swear out of all of us, he takes the longest to get ready. Hurry up Babe. We’re going to be late. I thought tapping my foot. I was standing right outside Axl's bedroom. I banged on the door, "Hurry up Axl. Do you want to be late?" I screamed at the door. My comment was responded to by Axl opening the door I was leaning on, which caused me to almost fall. I looked at Axl and saw that he was completely dressed except for pants. I saw that he had to pairs of pants lying on his bed. One pair was black leather pants and the other pair was dark blue jeans. “Go with the leather." I said to him and he nodded and put them on. I started to laugh as he started to jump up and down to pull up his pants. Then I stopped laughing when I realized that, that was the only way I got my pants on the other day. I looked at my outfit. I'm wearing a red and white, knee- length dress and red heels. When I say "heels" I mean like 5 inch wedges. I was holding the bag that contained two swimsuits- one for me and one for him. He finally got finished dressing and we walked down stairs. We said goodbye and I got in the driver's side of my car and started driving in the direction of The Melting Pot. I looked at Axl out of the corner of my eye. He is wearing the leather pants I told him to put on, the new bandana, I think, Steven gave him. He was also wearing a Bon Jovi shirt and combat boots. I turned on the radio and “My Michelle" came on. I smiled and he started singing along. “Now you're clean and so discreet, I won't say a word but most of all this song is true, case you didn't know. So come on stop your crying. We both know money burns. Honey don't stop trying and you'll get what you deserve." he sang along with himself.  We pulled into the parking lot and he was smiling from ear to ear. “I see you like this restaurant." I said acting like I didn't know that this is his favorite restaurant. We walked in, signed in and walked to our booth. “How did you know that this is my favorite restaurant?" he asked. I wasn't going to tell him, but he looked at me cutely and I gave in. “slash told me." I said and he nodded. “You think that I'm stupid for asking him right?" I asked. "No! It’s perfectly fine. I think that it is amazing you asked him. Especially since someone else would probably say McDonalds or something." he said and I burst out laughing." McDonalds? Really? Are they that clueless?" I asked laughing. his eyes widened," Yeah. Once they gave me a non-alcoholic drink." he said in false seriousness. “Oh really? How dare they." I said sarcastically. He giggled. Then the waiter came and we ate. I couldn't wait for the next surprise.

"Where are we going?" Axl asked as we got in the car. "You'll see." I said as I drove the away from the restaurant. Once we arrived at the beach his expression went to a slight frown. "Michelle, we don't have any bathing suits." he said. “Got it covered." I said getting out of the car and going to the trunk. I got out the bag and showed it to him. "Everything we need is in here."I said. “Well almost everything. It’s not like there is a million dollars and a personal butler in here." I said and he laughed. I pulled out a radio and towel, and then set it on a spot on the sand. I got a cooler out. Its contents were almost all alcoholic drinks and 2 water bottles. I set everything out and took my bathing suit out. Seeing that there was only me and Axl there, I lifted up the front of my dress and changed into the bikini bottom. Then I pulled the top of my dress down and put on the top. Then I took the dress off. I turned around and saw Axl looking at me with his jaw dropped. "You just changed in front of me." he said trying to grasp what just happened. “Yes. Now put on your bathing suit." I said handing him the swim trunks. I turned around right after he took his shirt off. When he did that, I felt a smile creep onto my face.  "Ok. You can turn around now." he said and a song popped into my head." turn around; every now and then I fall apart." I sang as he smiled at me. “turn around, bright eyes." he sang back to me and I laughed. “Well now Bonnie Tyler. Would you like to swim?" I said. "Why yes, I would." he said in a high pitched voice, as we walked to the sea.
