chapter 13: the feelings

After Axl and I kissed, we went down stairs and saw that everyone was drinking. Axl and I decided to join them. “Hey Axl. What did I tell you the last time we drank?" I asked. “You told me about your mother's being dead and your dad's "job". He concluded. Oh great. I thought. I probably scared him half to death. Poor baby. I thought. "Hey Chris. Hand me the vodka."I said. She slid the bottle to me and I took a sip. I felt the nice burn afterwards. “Thanks Chris." I said and she gave me a thumbs up. I saw that she was talking to slash, who acted like he liked her. Good for her. She needs someone in her life that is slightly more normal than me. I thought to myself. I thought to myself. I then turned to see Rachel on the other side of the room kissing my brother.EWWW!!!!!!! Gross!!! Why my brother, why not Steven or someone else? I thought in disgust. I looked to see where Stevie was. Steven was sitting upside down on the couch trying to see if he could drink upside down. He was failing miserably, so the alcohol was all over his shirt and it just went in his eyes. "OWWW!!!!!!!!!" he yelled in a drunken state, which made Izzy, who was watching him, giggle profusely. I went and got a warm washcloth and walked over to Steven. Leaning over, I put the washcloth over his eyes, making him flinch. "This will help with the pain from the alcohol in your eyes Stevie." I said.

After I took care of ol' Popcorn, I started looking for Axl. I found him on the balcony. I took another swig of vodka and went to talk to him. I saw that he was smoking a cigarette. “Hey Ax." I said casually. "Hey Michelle." he replied looking out at the horizon. “I guess that we won’t have to pretend to be a fake couple anymore." he said without looking at me, but I could sense that he was smirking. “Yes, we will just have to be a real couple, then." I said smiling." even more the reason for you to sing in the concert." he said facing me. He had his sunglasses on. "What’s with the glasses axl?" I asked. “I just want to have them on." he said bluntly. "Ok then, cool." I saw that his bandana that was usually wrapped around his forehead was now on his wrist. “Axl, is anything wrong? Or are you just wearing your bandana around your wrist for no reason?" I said. “I just don't know what is up with me. I should be happy because I'm with the girl of my every freaking dream, but I am just really out of it Hailey. “He said. Oh my gosh, he called me Hailey. Something must really be upsetting him. “I think you should come inside Axl, babe. Ok. I want you to talk to the guys and girls with me so we can figure out how to help you. Ok." I said highly worried for his well-being." ok." he said without emotion. “Hey guys?" I said interrupting everyone's kissing fest. “Axl and I want to talk to you." I said scared. We all sat in the middle of the room. "What’s up?" Christie asked us. "Well, I just feel, really depressed and at the same time emotionless at the same time and I'm not sure what to do." he said with a tear going down his porcelain face. I leaned against him, rubbing his back letting him know I am at his side. “Um, I think maybe we should take you to a psychiatrist or something. A doctor of some type." Duff said. "That seems like a good idea." I said. Everyone nodded including axl. " I think only a few of us should go though so, Axl, of course, Izzy and I will go and when we get back we will tell you what's up. Ok." I said and they nodded their heads.

We called the limo to come pick us up and we went to a local psychiatrist and walked in. a lady at the desk talked to me." do you have an appointment?" she asked. “No, but...” I started but she interrupted me. “No walk-ins are accepted here, I'm sorry." she said. “You didn't let me finish. The reason we don't have an appointment is because his change in emotion happened so fast that it scared me half to death. “I said pointing at Axl." wait. Are you? You couldn't be. You are Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin from Guns N Roses, right?" she said as a smile crept onto her face. "Yes we are. Again if you could please get someone to check Axl out, it would be greatly liked." Izzy said to her. "Ok, I can get someone. Just one second." she said and hurried into the back.

A few minutes later, a doctor came out and brought the three of us to her office." Hello, I'm Dr. Alvarez." she said sweetly. “You don't look like you would be a type of person to work with people's thoughts and feelings." Izzy said to her. “Well, when I was growing up I had this crazy friend you see, and she REALLY needed some help so I majored in this in college so I could help her. I'm glad I did too, because she has gotten the help she really needed and she is now what most would call the crazy house. So yeah. So which one of you will I be helping today?" she asked. "I am." Axl said. “Ok, you two may leave or one of you may stay, but only one." she said. Axl looked at me with pleading eyes, in his eyes I could tell that he wanted me to stay."I’ll stay, Izzy you go make sure the guys don't do anything funny with the girls or vice versa" I said. He nodded his head and left without a word. This is not how I thought I was going to spend my day, in a doctor’s office with Axl, but hey. At least I'm with someone I love.
