
In the next few hours I will finally find out what this secret weapon is. Hopefully it is actually good and Dream's ego hasn't just gotten to him. George and I were getting ready to leave, the sun beaming through the window. Today we weren't attacking in the morning, so I had less time to feel the guilt of beating up my friends.

George was able to stand and walk now, granted with a little pain, but he had healed with help form potions Dream brewed. I grabbed my bow and went ot pick up my quiver before George stopped me, "You won't need those today." He hands me a dioamand sword.

"George I suck with a sword. " I move the sword around a little to try and get used to it. It was one of George's old ones. 

George nodded, "Yeah well this fight is going to require it. Anyways, it won't be much of a fight." 

I nodded as I put my bow away. We headed out of the house and to a random spot in the forest where Dream waited for us with Punz and Sapnap. "There you guys are, ok so I'm going to go in and injure one of them enough to set this into motion. When I come back to you guys we will go down." Everyone nodded. I noticed a trapdoor by where everyone was standing. So we are going down there, good to know we aren't just sinking into the earth's core. 

Dream ran off towards the gates of L'manberg while the four of us waited by the trapdoor. "So" I began to fill the awkward silence, "Since we are here now, am I allowed to be filled in on the details of this secret weapon?" I ask.

"It would ruin the surprise." Sapnap stated. I sighed.

"I'm pretty sure the secret weapon is only meant to be secret to the people it's being used against." I reply. Sapnap lets out a sharp exhale from his nose and leans back against a tree. They weren't going to tell me. In the distance I heard a scream and swords clanging. Dream was fighting, and from the sound of another scream, he was winning. "Well you aren't going to tell me. But it won't be long before I find out it seems." 

We stood making awkward small talk as the fight behind the walls continued. We couldn't quite understand what was happening but we knew Dream woke up on the most dangerous side of the bed. It wasn't until we heard voices all screaming Fundy's name that we knew things were going to go perfectly. 

After a minute Dream ran over to us. "They are heading down now. Let's go." Punz nodded and one by one we headed down the trap door. We wandered through tight winding corridors. This is a lot less grand than I expected. 

Eventually the corridor entered one big room. Dream lit a lantern and quietly pointed at signs that led down three different passages. One labeled for Dream that was directly in front of us, one labeled for George and Punz that was to the left, and one labeled for Sapnap and I to the right. 

Dream spoke in a low whisper, "Don't make any noise. A light will come on right before the doors open. We all know the plan" I cut Dream off before he could continue. 

"I don't you guys won't tell me it." I whispered back. 

"Don't attack Eret. That's all you need to know, now we need to be quick so lets go." Dream finished giving instructions and we all went down our paths. I followed behind Sapnap, George's sword ready at my side. It's dark and we can barely see anything but the silhouettes of each other and the tight walls. When we reached the end of the passage we stood there preparing for, what are we preparing for?

I took a deep breath,"Nervous?" Sapnap asks in a voice so low I could barely hear it. I nod big so he can see it through the curtain of darkness. "Don't be. It will be ok." He said even softer than before. 

We could hear murmuring through the wall. I could faintly make out Wilbur, Tommy, and Eret speaking. Though I could not make out their words. Suddenly the light turned on. I took one more inhale, I prepared myself. 

The door slid out of the way.

"It was never meant to be." 
