
// Tubbo POV //

I sat next to Tommy while he laid asleep. His face was covered in bruises and bandages. Dream only had him for a few hours. We didn't even touch Toni except for when Wilbur hit her over the head to knock her out. 

Tommy's eyes opened a little and he groaned. He was awake. I have been sitting here for hours now just to be sure that he wouldn't be alone when he woke up. I grabbed the bottle of water from the table. Tommy must be thirsty after being out for so long, and who knows when the lat time he had water was before that. 

Tommy was very tired and in a lot of pain. He looked over at me and a smile briefly flashed across his face. He began to sit up and it caused him a great deal of pain. I reached over to him to try and stop him from hurting himself. 

Tommy swatted my hand away, "I'm ok, I'm ok." He reassured as he moved himself into a more comfortable position. I took the lid off the water bottle and handed it to him. "thanks" he said as he took a sip. His lip was slightly swollen but it didn't seem to bother him.

"I have to go get Fundy. I'm sorry. I'll be right back." I got up from where I had been sitting. My legs hurt from sitting for so long and Tommy took note of this. 

He let out a small chuckle, "So you've been sitting there the whole time?" He smiled, "Go on then are you getting Fundy or not. I'll be fine."  he said.

I walked out of the room and out of the medical facility. I walked to where Fundy lived and knocked on his door. Tommy really had been out for a while, it was very late out. Fundy opened the door. Still in his outfit from earlier, he wasn't getting any sleep either. 

"Tommy is awake." I said. Fundy nodded and the two of us walked back to the underground medical area. Fundy was in charge of anything medical in L'manberg. He was really the person who knew the most. 

I just sat with while Fundy tended to Tommy. It was very quiet in the room. Tommy broke the silence all the sudden, "Do you guys know if Toni is ok?" he asked. It remained quiet, "I know she was shot and fell over, but what happened?" 

After a moment of silence I gave him a response, "We don't know. Based on the way George ran off though, she probably..." I couldn't bring myself to say it, my friend had been shot and she probably died. "Probably died." I said quickly. The words pained me.  "But she had all her lives luckily." I said, trying to make the situation seem in anyway better.

The situation couldn't be any better than the truth. One of us killed our friend. Tommy seemed to know this too, "Who fucking shot her?" Tommy's voice filled with anger. 

"We don't know, which sucks," I said sadly. I wish I knew who did it. Then it could clear my mind of all thoughts that I could have been the one.

A tear fell from Fundy's eye and then he said something we were all hoping we would hear. but none of us wanted to, "I think it was me. I was aiming at Dream but I missed and I think I hit her." There was no response in the room, "Can this please stay between us. I'm so sorry." Fundy's voice sharked with sadness. 

Tommy and I were speechless. We weren't ready for the truth, no matter how much we wanted it. We nodded in agreement. We all stayed quiet as Fundy finished tending to Tommy and left the room. 

That's when it hit me. Tommy is all bloodied up, Toni died, and for what? No one got a leg up on the other. This was just a big mess that did nothing but cause pain. I did nothing but help start it. What if I didn't block the door. Would Toni not have died. Would Tommy not be lying in this bed right now. 

No this isn't my fault. This is a war. Whatever happens in war is fair. No matter how messy. 
