
I fell out with Kelly today. I know it sounds stupid but it just annoys me so much when people act as if the sun shines out of her behind. Because I know it doesn't. So when she acts rude, or mean it just makes me even more mad.

We've started doing a project in history and I'm not working with Kelly. I'm working with Pearl, Bethany, Holly, Fae and- surprisingly- Cherish. We have to make a film about the slave trade and I'm the master. Cherish is a slave which I would usually think ironic, but we've been getting on better recently.

I had school council yesterday but I accidentally missed it. You see I usually go with Kelly. But because I wasn't with Kelly I forgot. I cried after school in my mums classroom. You probably don't know this but my mum and dad work at the school I go to. It's not a lot of fun but not has its good points.
