
I woke up to the sound of the phone. I hate my ringtone, I've tried out basically everyone possible but none of them are really me. God, that sounds daft. How can a ringtone be you? I sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm coming over," Said Kelly. With that she puts down the phone, no discussion, no argument, it's just how it works. Fifteen minutes later I hear the door being unlocked.

"I'm home!" She calls out from the hall. She's done this for the last five years or so. Her mum and dad died when she was eight and she never really got on the family who adopted her. So ninety nine percent of the time she's over at my house. Kellies practically one of the family, she even comes on holiday with us.  "Is breakfast ready yet?"

"Five more minutes love!" yells my mum from the kitchen. As I said, Kelly is literally one of the family.

Thirty minutes later we're on the bus, sitting right at the back. Laura, Pearl, Kelly and I are just sitting casually at the back when Cherish walked over with her little sidekick, Julia. I think Cherish is pure evil but Julia is even worse. She tags along beside Cherish, practically worshiping her. One time I suggested to Pearl that I might run for head girl only to find that Cherish and Julia were ease - dropping.

"Oh, you can't run for head girl." squawked Julia in her annoying accent, "Cherish is running for head - girl." I glared at her.

"Then I'll run for deputy."

"No, I'm going to be Cherishes deputy, she's already decided."

"You know what forget it!" And with that Pearl and I stormed of with the little dignity we had left. Later when I was sitting with the gang we all agreed that we hated Cherish and Julia. Well I already decidedhated her long ago. But it was nice to know my besties agree with me.
