Funny Texts


Momma- Hello Y/N, what are you doing today?

Honey- Mom I'm at school

Momma- You're texting at school?! You're grounded!

Honey- But you texted me first....


Genius Girl- Hey dad, what's up?

Iron Dad- Gas prices. But it's ok, I'm rich XD

Genius Girl- No, I mean what are you doing?

Iron Dad- Your mom ;)

Genius Girl- I'm moving in with Uncle Rhodey

Steve Rogers

Captain Dad 💙- Y/N, I'm learning how to use hashtags!

Miss America❤️- That's great Dad, good job 👏

Captain Dad💙- hashtag father & daughter convos

Miss America❤️- ........


супер мама (super mom)- Hey sexy, did you shoot those assholes in the dick yet?

малышка (baby girl)- What the heck mom??!

супер мама- Sorry Y/N, that was for your dad

малышка- It's still weird 😖


Katniss- You know that song Sexy and I Know It that you and your friends listen to?

Baby Hawk- Yeah why....

Katniss- Well he's one for you

I walk in your room and this is what I see, there's a condom on the floor and it's staring at me. I have a rage in my stomach and I'm not afraid to show it, show it, show're grounded and you know it!!!

Baby Hawk- ......sorry?

Bruce Banner
My little girl 😘- Dad, I got detention today, I'm sorry 😐

Daddio- WHAT? That is not ok Y/N, you know that. What did you do?

My little girl 😘- Well, Ms. Goldman was saying that our class is impossible to teach and I whispered something to T/D (Tony's daughter) about her not being smart enough. But she heard me and asked if I wanted to teach the class in a sarcastic tone. So I went up to the front of the room and yelled "Class dismissed!"

Daddio- While you are smarter than your teacher, you're still grounded for a week.

My little girl 😘- That's fair.

Thor Odinson

Father, God of Thunder- Y/N!

Daughter, Goddess of Love- Yes father?

Father, God of Thunder- It's mom, I'm at Unlce Eric's. Your dad accidentally pushed Aunt Darcy off the black dick.

Daughter, Goddess of Love- What the crap, mom???!!

Father, God of Thunder- Oh my god I'm sorry sweetie, I meant back deck.

Daughter, Goddess of Love- Ok, I'll be there in a few.

Maximoff Twins

Magic Mama- Hey, would you accept my Facebook friend request?

Darling- Mom you got a Facebook?! Wtf!!!

Magic Mama- What does wtf mean?

Darling- Um, welcome to Facebook 😄

(Since Pietro is their uncle I'm doing one for him)

World's Best Niece- Hey uncle Pietro, can I go running with you today?

Uncle Speedy- No, you cunt. Sorry.

World's Best Niece- Dang, that's a bit harsh.

Uncle Speedy- Oh my goodness hun, I meant no you can't. Sorry, your mom and I are going to a party. You're staying with Uncle Clint and Aunt Laura

World's Best Niece- Aw 😥



Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! This was definitely a fun one 😊 Also I got most of these from Google, I just changed them to sound more like the characters. Idk when I'll update, but it'll be by tomorrow I hope! Maybe even later today 😉 Anyways, thanks for reading, love y'all 😘
