Chapter One

Chapter one


The cool wind blows across my face as I look out at the breathtaking sight of, meadow crescent below me. I love standing at the top of high peak mountain, one of my favourite places to relax and think. Looking over the beautiful woodland that creates the perfect barrier to our hidden world. The path is blocked by trees and wild thorn bushes. The name comes with the territory. Beyond the trees and thorns lies the most gorgeous meadows that brighten this land with their bright colours and incredible scents. A large river sits past the grasslands, a small waterfall fills the silent surroundings. The ice blue water may seem inviting, but you should not underestimate its current. This river is dangerous, especially for the humans. They learnt that the hard way. When three young teens died in the lake. No one has stepped foot on our land since that fateful day six years ago.

The human city is not far away. Their town is a couple of miles past the woodland border. I love watching the city light twinkle in the night sky from here. It is one of my favourite places, and the reason my future changed. For I was foolish to admire their lands! My weakness gave my pack something else to use against me. At last they kept their control on me forever!

My name is Princess Aurora Goodrich, and tomorrow I am set to leave my pack, The Blue-crescent, to join my mate. Prince Everest Price of the Silver-moon pack. My destiny was supposed to be, marry the prince and join our pack as one. The week before my eighteenth birthday, my parents found out. I had broken the wolf code and had a secret job within the human world.

Alpha Ryder Price agreed to let me keep my job with the humans when I join his pack. On one condition. I show the wolves the humans mean no harm by allowing their future Luna, Queen to walk with them. Once the pack trusts me, I must train the pack to control their wolves around the humans. My parents are not doing this for me. They enjoy hurting me. I have no experience in teaching others or dealing with stubborn wolves. I am a princess! Meaning they will forever remind me of my place. In the pack house, taking care of the alpha and his people. Not training or leading! My pack laughed at me when my father told them I would be training the Silver-moon pack to control their wolves around the humans. They said I am foolish for wanting this. Even when I did not! I wanted to leave the packs behind and move alone, but my Alpha will not allow me that!

Footsteps pull me from my thoughts, I managed to get twenty minutes alone! Today is my last day. Why can I not get an hour to myself? Anyone would think they actually wanted to spend time with me. When they are just rubbing in that I am not worthy of my job.

"There you are, I have been looking all over for you. I should have known you would be here."

"Hi, Jack."

"You ok?"

"Not really."

"Sorry, stupid question."

"Why is this happening to me, Jack? Why am I being forced to bring all these changes?"

"It will be difficult, Aurora, but I know you can do it."

"I'm not so sure this time, Jack."

"You are joking, right? Aurora Goodrich, the only wolf to walk with the humans, doubts herself. I must be dreaming." Side glancing Jack, who is sitting with a cheeky smile. He is my best friend, my only friend. Most of my pack despises me, because I am different. They hate my peace with the humans for they see them as the enemy. They cannot understand my love for their world and they never will. I enjoy being different from yet another she wolf who follows her alpha's demands.

"I mean it, Jack; how can I marry Everest, join our packs and train his people, while working? I have not got it in me to bring the changes that they expect me to."

"Look at me, Aurora, you are the bravest person I know! When you want something, you fight for it. That gave you this destiny. I believe in you, Aurora, believe in yourself. You went up against your Alpha, your father. You are amazing!" Jack has a point. I broke the wolf code. But that was different. I wanted that. I do not want this.

"That was different, Jack, and you know it."

"I know you want this, Aurora. You just don't want to marry Everest."

"It is not just that. We will not be together again! This is the last time we'll be us. I won't see you again until the wedding. Unless you are training, I will never see you again. You are the only person who accepted me. I am losing you, If you were with me, I might do it. I am losing my only friend and gaining a husband I do not want!"

Jack rests his hand on mine, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. These are the moments I am going to miss where we just sit together. I wish Jack was my mate and not Everest! I know Jack would love and protect me with every single part of him! He would cherish me and I him, but he is not my mate! For now, it is goodbye!

"I'll always be here for you, Aurora. Do you think anyone will stop me from talking to you every day? No one can stop us from linking."

"It won't be the same, though. I don't want all these changes."

"I know, and I wish I could change this all for you."

"Just promise me one thing."


"Keep me updated on the abuse he gives her in my absence."


"No, with me gone, he is going to use my mum as a punchbag."

"I'll do everything I can to protect your mum."

"You know that is a loss cause. No one can protect her from him. Just keep me updated, please."

"I promise." Now I must work out how I am going to get through this without Jack by my side.

"Thank you." Leaning over toward Jack placing a small kiss on his lips, he returns the kiss before resting his head on mine.

"I'm going to miss you Roo." A nickname Jack gave me when we were very young, he had a hard time saying my name so he started calling me Roo, and he has never stopped. Trying my best to smile, the tears have already taken their place over my eyes which doesn't go unnoticed by Jack. "Please don't cry."

"I'm trying not to! It's just i'm not going to get used to not hearing you calling me that every day."

"You will always be my Roo, and i'll always be your J. knowing that is enough."

"For you maybe."

"And for you Aurora, it has to be enough." I will always love Jack, he was my first love, even if it was just a friendship love. It was still my first.


"I love you, and i know when i come and see you on your wedding day all these feeling will be a distane thought."

"I hope you are right."

"Trust me."

Sleep does not want to happen tonight. 3am, just like last night. I hate lying in the dark with only my thoughts for company. My mother was better off not having me than forcing this life on me! I did not want this. I wanted to be free from wolves, alphas, mates, and fucking packs! My whole life I have been training to be the Luna of the Silver crescent pack, to be the perfect wife to my mate and help guide him. Within two weeks everything changed! I should never have gone to the human city.. My phone buzzing on the bed-side table pulls me out of my head. Will I ever be left alone!?

As I pick the phone up; it vibrates again. A second message coming through, settling back on the bed unlocking my phone, clicking on the flashing envelope.

"Hello, Aurora, could it be possible you are losing sleep over me?" I hate this man! "A couple more hours and we will be together. Now go to sleep baby, xx." He is pushing me. I begged him to leave me alone! My fingers dance over the keyboard. Hitting send without reading over the message.

"Everest, I begged you to leave me alone and still you push me! I cannot take any more of this." My phone lights up again, still ignoring me!

"I'm sorry. You know I cannot do that. I need you like my next breath. Please stop denying me Aurora. I am yours and you are mine xx."

We do not belong to him! He is not our mate and I will not accept him! My wolf growls within me. She does not feel the connection. I cannot force a bond that is not there. Closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, I hope you have a plan because I cannot keep rejecting him.

A loud bang wakes me from my sleep. Jumping out of bed, ready to take on the threat. My door hangs open with Dwayne standing with a smug grin. Dwayne is my eldest brother, who hates me for no reason! He looks me up and down with an evil glare.

"Did I scare you, runt? Father wants you in the kitchen. He will not be happy you have slept in today, of all days."

"Dwayne, are you trying to kill me? I thought we were under attack! Do not storm in like that!"

"Shut the fuck up! Did I say you could talk to me? Get ready, we have not got time to punish you today. Hurry!" He smirks, stepping towards me. I drop my eyes to the floor, trying my best not to look at my brother's hateful glare. He slams the door behind him. I hate this family! The male wolves are vile creatures and their wives are no better than always turning their nose up at me. I am their runt. I'm the princess when they want me to do something.

This wardrobe is full of outfits, but none that are fit for a princess handover ceremony. I can only hope Everest's pack accepts me. I cannot live the rest of my life as the runt of another pack being mentally and physically abused.

"My princess, I left your gown hanging in the washroom." Stuck in my head, I did not hear the door open. Mum stands at the door, smiling at me.

"Thank you. I should go get ready; father has already called for me." Mother walks into the room, closing the door behind her. What is she doing? She knows father will punish me if I am late. "Mum?"

"I won't see you here again. Let me make the most of it. I know how you are feeling. When I joined this pack, I felt the same way. I know you are scared, but he will love and protect you with every part of himself. The way he looked at you when he accepted you told me you would be fine."

"I have an open mind. I'm sure in time I will feel it."

"I know, sweetheart." She wraps her loving arms around me. This will be our last time together.

"Right, I better let you get ready. I will see you outside, baby. I love you." Mum kisses my forehead, smiling at me before leaving. The only thing keeping me going is her love. I don't know how to cope without mum.

Standing in front of the mirror, the dress mother gave me is beautiful. An ice blue ankle length dress with small glistening sparkles covering the neckline. The blue fades into a bright white towards the end of the dress, giving a sense of the moon's glaze. This dress comes with a beautiful white crown with small blue flowers on the tips of each spike. The dress is perfect. So why do I feel ugly? The buzz from my phone pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Come on, princess, do not keep me waiting. I cannot wait to see you xx." I take a deep breath, looking over my outfit and hair one last time. I head to the kitchen to find my father.

Father stands by the kitchen table, looking out of the window. He is going to be angry. He is always angry with me, his only daughter, and he hates her!

"Dwayne asked you to come an hour ago. You know I hate waiting."

"I'm sorry, Sir, I was with my mother." Father spins on his heels with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Aurora, you are lucky you are leaving today. Now it is time to smile, Everest is waiting, so try not to embarrass this family any further." I smile the best I can, even with his bitter words. I place my arm in my father's as we leave the house. We walk side by side, leaving my home forever.

Outside, mother stands with my four older brothers, a bright smile on her face and tears in her eyes. My brothers giving their famous death stares. I do not know why they hate me for who I am. They have not had their entire lives planned out for them. Forced to marry someone they do not know or love; they should be happy.

"Look, the runt is scared."

"Oh well, at least she is someone else's problem now."

"Yes, poor Everest."

"I'm just glad we're getting rid of her."

All four of my brothers stand whispering. They forget we have good hearing. A tall frame appears from the crowd wearing a face of thunder. I push myself to ignore my father, who is staring at me.

"Well, if it is not, James, Taylor, Dwayne, and Darwin. How nice of you to come and bad mouth my future wife. I thought you would be happy for Aurora. I sense jealousy. How one of you becomes the Alpha of this pack, I will never know. Please, stop calling Aurora a runt. She is the most beautiful wolf I have had the pleasure of meeting." All my brothers drop their heads to the floor. Ashamed of themselves for being called out. Father sighs, pulling at my arm. Everest has just stood up for me in front of both our packs. Maybe he is not so bad? Everest turns to face father and our eyes lock.

A mixture of emotions hit me at once, causing me to drop to the ground. The surrounding air grows thin as my vision blurs. I am having a panic attack. Everyone is talking all at once. Mother shouts, but I cannot hear the words she is saying. The only person I can hear is him.

"Aurora, you are ok, trust me this is normal. Just listen to my voice." Everest's golden eyes burn into mine. Smiling, I stand as my body moves on its own. Mimicking Everest. The shouting stops and father takes my hand, placing it on Everest. His father lifts both our hands in the air before turning to the people.

"They will marry in six months, on the first of March. Until then, Aurora will join our pack to get to know her husband. Aurora will bring changes to our pack. She will lead us into a new future as she teaches us to live amongst humans. Silver-moon, welcome your future queen. You're Luna. Love her, protect her, for she is one of you." A cheer breaks out behind us. Turning to the rest of my pack, they bow their heads to the ground.

Now they show me respect. Where was it for the past eighteen years!? I want to see Jack. I look around, double-checking everyone's faces. He is not here. He must have already left. I cannot leave without saying goodbye. But the way is paved ahead. Everest leads me away from my home and down a long path, leaving everyone I love behind.

Stepping over a fallen log, walking at a slow pace with Everest's hand in mine, he leads me through the woods away from his pack. I have been living with Everest and his pack for a week now, and it is very awkward. He is trying his best to make me feel welcome and comfortable, but nothing can take the ache in my heart away. I miss home. Never did I think I would miss my brothers calling me the runt, and bullying me, but I really do. I miss them so much! Mother please, come and hold me, tell me everything is going to be ok! I have tried to link to my mum a couple of times, but she is blocking my connection. The only person I have spoken with is Jack. He is still the only person who cares about me even now I am gone and meant to be bringing everyone great changes, they still do not care!

"Aurora, I am sorry."

Everest breaks the silence. His deep, smooth voice vibrates through me. I should not, but I still turn my head to look at him. He keeps his head straight on the path before us. Why is he sorry? He did not choose this life, our families did. We are both in the same boat, even if mine is half sunk.

"Everest, this is not your fault. We just have to get on with it."

"But you are not happy, and that is my fault, Aurora. You know I am the one responsible for your happiness, and I understand the sadness you have in your heart." Everything changed the day of the ceremony and I hate it!

"You are not responsible for my happiness, Everest. The only person who can make me happy is me. We must learn to love each other." He does not want us to learn to love each other, he already does! But I am not sure I will ever love him.

Everest smiles as he pushes an overgrown bush out of our way, pulling me with him. Twigs poke at my arms and jab me in the ribs as I push through, exiting the large bush. Gasping at the sight before me.

A large lake sits peacefully in front of us. The cool wind blows on my face, making me shiver. Everest looks so happy as he takes a deep breath of the fresh air. He looks so at peace, for once. This place is breathtaking, flowers grow over by the lakeside, bright green grass blows in the wind. A small boat sits at the far side of the lake, and on the other side of the lake sits a large log cabin.

"Wow, this place is magical." There is a feeling of peace here. It is not too far from his pack, but far enough that we cannot hear their voices in our mind.

I smile for the first time in weeks; taking a deep breath of fresh air. This place feels like home.

"Well, if I knew you were going to like it here this much, I would have brought you sooner. "Yes, it is indeed magical here, and I am glad you like it." Everest pauses mid-sentence. He is fighting with his emotions. I hate how awkward it is between us. I wish we could connect the way he wants us to. I cannot open my heart to him, no matter how hard I try. I do not belong with him.


"When we get married, we are going to live here. When I was a pup; I came here on a walk with my father. He was telling me what my future held. Since then, whenever I need to clear my head, I come here. I told my father that if I was to become leader of our pack; I needed a place away from them to live quietly. Only our families know about this place. I will not take you away from them." What is he talking about? He already has taken me away from them. I do not want to blame him, but I do deep down.

"I'm sorry, Everest, but a cabin won't ease the pain in my heart."

"Let me finish, Aurora. Living here, you will see your family. They can come to visit anytime."

"Everest, do not get my hopes up, please. I know I will never see them again."

"I mean it, Aurora. We will not be living with my pack. They can come here; we are not on our land. Trust me, please." I will try to trust him, but I cannot promise anything more. My wolf does not belong to him, I do not belong to him! We are wolf shifters, but we allow our wolves to have their own thoughts and feelings just as much as we do. 
