Chapter Four


Pacing around my sitting room Knox, and my parents standing with worried faces, I'm not sure who they are more worried about, Aurora or me!

"We need to send our men out to find her! She has been gone all day!"

"Everest calm down, your father knows what he is doing."


"Aurora has gone home, son. She left you, our pack and if I was you I would get used to her not being here." My father finally speaks but his words are not helpful at all!

"If you think she will not be back then you should step down now and let Everest be Alpha. Aurora is not like any wolf, she is very different. She was going to leave this morning to walk home and when I refused to go with her, she was ready to go alone. Just like she has now, but in her wolf form. She wanted Everest help! I met Aurora at the front door after you sent me out while you shouted at him! Aurora needs Everest now more than ever. He is her mate, she needs his love and support while she grieves for her mother. The wedding may not go to plan on time. But she will be right here with Everest ready to be our queen, our teacher, and our leader!"

Knox stands while saying his peace, both my parents shocked by his outburst. Knox never speaks out of term like this but I am so glad he is now!

"Do you need another night in the rain boy!"

"You will do no such thing!" Aurora's voice travels around the room as she walks around the corner behind my parents.

"Miss Goodrich, you are back?"

"Yes I am, my mothers funeral is in five days, I would like to invite your pack to come and say goodbye."

"Oh, yes we would love to stand by your side and say goodbye."

"Thank you. Now if you do not mind I am going to go back to my cottage with Everest and Knox."

"Yes that is fine dear, as long as we know where our boys are and who we are fine with them being out."

"Well they are grown men, good night!" Aurora's stone cold face and hard tone is very hard not to miss. I understand she is heart broken, but she cannot take that out on my parents. I will leave her for now, but if this continues I will have to talk to her about it! Knox walks out the front door with a wide smile which annoys me! He is also getting cocky!

We all head back to Aurora's place in silence. Aurora looks broken and I have no idea how to help her. My heart is broken for her. Once we are inside, Aurora turns on her heels and looks at us both, her face softens a little.

"A witch curse, being controlled by Vlad, is what killed my mother! That is all my father would tell me."

"Vlad as in the vampire who kills people for the fun of it!?"

"Yes Everest fuck man!" Aurora shakes her head and smiles, she finds that funny!

"I do not understand?"

"Neither do I! But I am going to find out, one way or another!"

"What does that mean, Aurora?" I ask but that cold blank look is back on her face, I hate seeing her like this.

"I'm not going to stop until I find out why this vampire and his little fucking witch killed my mother! Do you have a problem with that Prince, Everest!?" Aurora looks like she is about to jump over the table and slap me! She is angry I understand that, but she is going to end up fighting vampires! And we do not need that sort of trouble!

"You need to calm down, you can not go after Vlad we will all end up dead!"

"Then so be it! You can stay here tonight, on the settee and floor!" Her eyes land right on mine as she says floor! Now she is angry with me, great! Aurora, shuts herself in her bedroom. I need to do something, but what can I do that will make her see I'm on her side? I want to help and support her, but she is so angry she cannot see it!

"How can I help her, Knox?"

"To be honest I do not know. Aurora is angry, which is normal after your mother is killed. But the fact is Vlad is very strange, and who is the witch that helped him?"

"I do not understand it either, i know Vlad hates us, but he would not randomly attack like this would he?"

"No. Vlad may kill for fun, but not like this. Aurora's mum must have known him, or made a deal with him? I guess we, wait and see what happens next."

"That is what I am worried about. Aurora is angry and blind by pain, she may just walk into his house!"

"Do not act like she is stupid!" Wow, I was not expecting Knox to hit back so harshly!

"Calm down Knox! But she may. How else will she find the answers she is seeking?

"I do not know."

"I just hope she doesn't push me away like father thinks."

"I do not think she will." 
