Chapter 4

           IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SPRING DAY. School had started a week before and Kou and Aria hadn't spoken to one another since the entrance ceremony. They were quick into their studies and everyone in the first year advanced class already felt behind.

        The curriculum wasn't hard for Aria to grasp but the workload has become more and more of a hassle. It might not help that she's been out what seemed like every night roaming the streets of the city, a habit she developed over the past year.

        After the incident Aria was put in the care of her uncle Mike. Since she was half American on her father's side she grew up speaking both English and Japanese, it wouldn't have been a problem for her to move to the U.S., but because she was already so far in her studies in Japan her Uncle Mike decided to have her stay there and visit her whenever he had the time. Due to his work her uncle flys back and forth from the two countries more often than the average person and knowing his niece he wasn't too worried, so she was left alone.
       It was currently lunch break and Aria had been eating alone in the classroom for the past week. As the class got to know each other and more friendships began to form  Aria stayed alone. With the class beginning to settle into the new year it would get louder and louder during lunch, today she opted to search for a new place to spend her lunch break.

      Many of the nice areas were already occupied by the upperclassmen. So, she decided to go up to the roof hoping she could get some quiet. Many students avoid going to the roof of the school because it takes too much time and energy to climb the five flights of stairs. But Aria didn't mind it; she was very active and even planned to join the soccer club like how she did in middle school. When she finally made her way up and through the doors it was as if her heart had skipped a beat. In the view ahead of her was none other than Kou.

        The world seemed to stop in that moment, his beauty had never been more apparent to Aria till now. He was leaning against the fence looking over the track fields. A slight breeze swept over his face and the sun knew exactly what it was doing when it landed at an angle so perfect it made him look like an angel in a devil's body. Aria had never noticed how pretty Kou looked, she could recall him being popular and always having suitors here and there but she never thought about it too much.

    She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when Kou said.

      "You know if you're gonna stalk me, you should learn how to be more subtle." A sly smirk rose to his cheek. And with that the single moment of admiration vanished.

       "Noted" she said dead faced walked up to join him by the fence. She was used to dealing with cocky attitudes during her nightly adventures, but was surprised it came from Kou.

       On the other hand her reply confused him immensely. Of course he knew she was joking but the nonchalance she carried was a new quirk she had seemed to develop after their time apart. He liked it? They stood there for a minute basking in the sun Aria whispered under her breath.

         "I missed you"

         " Yeah.. Me too" Kou muttered.

