Chapter 2

         ARIA AND KOU HAVE KNOWN ONE ANOTHER FOR A LONG TIME. Although it would be odd to call them friends, they were more like forced acquaintances. They grew up across the street from each other, went to the same schools up until Kou moved away, and of course, their parents became friends through all the school events and just living nearby.

       But there's one fact that both of them found strange, an annual coincidence that not even the universe would be able to explain and that was that somehow, no matter what Aria and Kou ended up in the same class. Now the first few times they didn't think anything of it. Plenty of kids ended up in the same class more than once, but when it became more than four times, than five times, then six times it got more and more apparent that they weren't gonna get rid of each other.

       That was until the Tanaka family separated, and Kou moved to live with his mother. Whilst their conversations were always short and surface level, Aria never noticed how much having someone she knew nearby at all times really set her at ease, until he left.

       They landed with a thud. Kou was sprawled face first on the ground while Aria landed right on top of him. Sitting on his back.

       "Ow" groaned the boy. Aria hurryingly scrambled to her feet making sure not to put any more pressure on the person she fell on.
      "I apologize I was rushing to class and lost my footing, '' she said, not realizing who she was speaking to. She didn't recognize him at first. It took her a minute, but looking past the tousled black hair, she realized who it was. "Tanaka?" And in that split second Kou's head sprung up and they locked eyes. He was surprised, while he expected to eventually see her again. He never imagined it would be this soon.

        "It's Mabuchi." he said, in reply. He had changed his name. Although it wasn't unheard of to do so, it was still unexpected for Aria. She heard from Yoichi that their mother had recently passed away. So in turn Kou probably found out about her family's accident.

       "Oh." She wasn't sure how else to respond. "We don't have much time, we should probably get to class." She broke the silence.

         "Let me guess you're in class 1-1."
         "Class 1-1." They said in unison.

          "And I finally thought I was free," Said Kou. He seemed to have become more snarky in Nagasaki. Luckily they were able to make it to class in time for the bell but because they were the last to get there they were left with the worst possible seats in the classroom. And of course they had to be right next to each other.
