Chapter Nineteen: Recovery

13 hours....13 hours he was in surgery. 

Noon The Next Day

I was sitting in the waiting room and the nurse came out and over to me and I stood up. 


Me:Yes that's me

Nurse:follow me

I followed her to a room which  Mario and Mr.Sisco were outside she opened the door and I followed her in. I saw Rio on the bed awake.

Nurse:He's going to be okay as long as he takes time to fully recover. Which is about 2 weeks. 

I nodded and she walked out and Rio looked at me. 

Rio:Come here mamas

He reached out and I went over standing next to the bed and held his hand. 

Rio:Are you okay?

I smiled but tears rolled down my cheeks

Me:Seriously....are you okay

Rio:eh just a little scratch

Me:3...3 bullets

Rio:I didn't kill her did you...

Me:No...I just stabbed and shot Dean but he'll survive

Rio:*smiles* I love you 

Me:I love you too

I leaned down and kissed him and he wiped my tears. Mario came in.

Mario:Someone's here for you

I walked over and Mario walked out I stepped in the hall seeing Ruby and Annie. 

Me:What are you guys doing here?

Annie:We heard what Beth did

Ruby:Even though we don't agree with what you did to dean by the way he's here to and okay

Annie:It sucks losing/almost losing someone you love trust me I know

Ruby:Me too

They hugged me.

Annie:Can we see him?

That is the only and probably only time they have asked to see Rio.


I opened the door and walked in they followed. 

Rio:Wassup Ladies

The door closed.

Annie:Even on your death bed your cocky

Ruby lightly hit her arm

Ruby:Give the man a break he almost died

I couldn't help but smile. 

Annie:Right, sorry hope you feel better soon

Ruby:Yeah I know it's not really your thing but take it easy

Rio nodded and smiled and Annie looked at me.

Annie:So this is what he's really like, nice? Was not expecting that

I couldn't help but laugh and she came over and sat next to me.

Me:When you said trust me, were you talking about Noah.

Annie:Yeah, I told him I knew he was FBI

Ruby:What did he say

Annie:*sniffles* He replied with.....I love you


Annie:Yea, I tried breaking it off but I think I love him to


Annie:I don't know I've never loved someone

She defended and she looked at me and Ruby's phone rang.

Ruby:It's beth, I'll be back

Annie:How did you know you loved Rio?

She said as though he wasn't in the room with us. 

Me:Have you ever been away from home for a very long time?

Annie:Yeah when we went across the border the first time

Me:*smiles* Okay well do you remember when you got home, that overwhelming feeling of relief

Annie:Duh cause I'm home

Me:That's what I feel like with Rio can feel like that with a person

Me:*smiles* Do you feel like that with Noah?

She thought for a moment

Me:You feel completely safe with the person you love, like nothing in the entire world could hurt you and it's when your at your happiest.

Annie:...Yeah....yea I gotta go


Annie got up

Annie:He's at the airport, he's leaving for phoenix I can't let him go

She left and Ruby came in

Ruby:I'm sorry


The door opened and Beth came in, I tensed up. Ruby sat down and Beth looked at Rio then me. 

Beth:He's gonna live...Dean

Me:I heard

Beth:I couldn't do it, shoot Turner....I just couldn't kill someone

Me:Really cause I see differently 

Beth:It's different


Beth:Cause he's a bad person

Me:If he's such a bad person then why did you sleep with him

I snapped 


She said lowly

Beth:How did you....

She looked at Rio. 

Rio:Don't look at me I didn't tell her

Beth:How do you know

She said looking at me. 

Me:It doesn't matter

I stepped closer to her.

Me:If he was as bad as you make him out to be he would've killed you the day you guys didn't come up with that cash. 

Beth:If you think that then why did you bargain with him for us

Me:Cause I didn't want you to die ...guess that was just blind loyalty 

I pushed passed her and walked out. I got some coffee and went to Dean's room, I walked in and he was the only one in there. He looked at me and tried to press the call button but I pushed it away. 

Me:I'm not gonna hurt you

Dean:what do you want

Me:to let you know, your wife's a whore. She slept with Rio.

Dean:What? What! When

Me:On your date at that nice little bar *smiles* have a nice day

I walked out and got back to Rio's room, I walked in and Beth looked at me. 

Me:Might wanna go check on your husband

She ran out probably thinking I did something. 

Ruby:Did you...

Me:Kill him? No

Ruby:What did you do

Me:I dropped a bomb

Ruby:Can I ask something, 

I nodded taking a drink of my coffee.

Ruby:If he slept with Beth why aren't you mad at him.

Me:Ruby, sex is sex there is nothing more to it than that. You of all people should know that.

Ruby:Especially when your married *laughs* yeah your right I know

Me:Speaking of how's Stan

Ruby:Great thanks to your lawyer he got time served and 2 months probation 

Me:Good, he out of everybody deserves that. 

Ruby:Where's Ella

Me:With Tina


Rio:ayo suburban give us a minute

Ruby:I should be getting home anyone the kids will be home soon

Me:Thank you

We stood up and she hugged me.

Ruby:Of course

She walked out and I walked over to Rio's bed. 

Rio:You really not mad?

Me:No I'm fucking pissed, but I still love you and not even sleeping with Beth will mess that up

He smiled.

Me:But don't ever, sleep with her or anyone else again

I said sternly and he nodded. 

Rio:Gimme kiss

I leaned down and kissed him. 

Rio:Do me a favor ma, call Jaclyn tell her I won't be able to make my visit

I nodded and I stepped in the hall to call her. She was just happy he was okay and she understood. I got off the phone and walked in the room. 

Rio:What about turner

Me:I handled it

He nodded

Rio:Speaking of I need you to handle business for awhile

Me:I know things are already in the works

He smiled. 

For a week he did as told he rested and got better. I handled the business and did what Rio needed and anything in between. Dean was already out and at home. Today was the day Rio was leaving this dumb hospital. 

I got to the hospital and went in his room. He was getting his iv's taken out, he looked at me. 

Rio:*smiles* Hey ma

I went over and kissed him.


I set the clothes I brought for him down next to him. 

Nurse:There all done you can get dressed and go

Rio nodded and the nurse walked out. Rio took the clothes and walked into the bathroom and changed, he came out. Black jeans, a black plain t-shirt, a white hoodie and black jacket over that unzippe, he had on black jordan and I looked him up and down smiling. 


Me:Your back 

He smiled and we walked out Mario and Sisco following us. We got outside and Mario and Sisco took their going to the warehouse. We got in my car I in the drivers seat. 

Rio:I'm just missing one thing

Me:I know it's in the glove box

He opened it revealing his gun which I had put a full clip in, he put it in his waist band and we left first got some real food since he's been living off hospital food. After that we went to the warehouse. We got out and walked in we stopped so I could tell him what was going on.

Me:Everything is running smoothly, we got a new connect in Canada since the last one was flipped. Also Annie,Ruby and Beth have been making frequent runs for the funny money. Our profits are up by 20% I also took the liberty to get some connects on the border so we no long have to worry about them.

Rio:You did good ma

Me:Well I wanted you to come back and not have to fix everything so I did it for you

He pulled me close and kissed me.

Rio:Your amazing

Me:No your amazing, I mean I wouldn't know any of this without you

Rio:*smiles* Te amo

Me:*smiles* yo tambien te quiero 
