Search: marktuan
15,942 stories
Vampire Love Story/Complete/

Цус сорогчид энэ хорвоо ертөнц дээр оршин байдаг болов уу? Аль эсвэл хүмүүсийн ярьдагаар зүгээр л нэг цуу яриа юу? Бидний мэдэхээр кино болон ном зохиолд нэг төрлийн этгээд амьтад болох цус сорогчдын тухай түгээмэл гардаг билээ. Амилсан үхдэл ч гэж нэрлэдэг тэдний талаар бодит түүх болоод ам дамжсан домог яриа ч их бий. Бидэнд тодорхой хэмжээний төсөөлөл бий болгосон тэр олон таамаглал болоод уран зөгнөл хэр үнэний ортой бол? Тэд оршин байдаг бол хэрхэн хооллож яаж амьдардаг бол?Энэ тухай та бүхэндээ цуу яриа бус нэгэн залууд тохиолдсон маш сонирхолтой бөгөөд адал явдлаар дүүрсэн нэгэн түүхийг өгүүлье. Таньд энэ түүх бодит бус санагдах байх гэхдээ унших эсэх нь таны дурМиний анхны BxB өгүүллэг учир алдаа дутагдал их гарах байх гэхдээ хайрлаж өгөөрэй

14.7K 24 1.4K Full
Substitute Player/Completed/

Солонгос улсын Сөүл хот Америкын Нью Жерс хот хоёр өөр газар усны дусал шиг адилхан мэт боловч бие биенийгээ огтоос танихгүй хоёр залуу. Гэвч тэд санаандгүй байдлаар уулзалдсанаар бүх зүйл эхлэх болно.-Чамд нэг санал тавы энэ чамд ч надад ч үнэхээр ашигтай санал -Тэгээд хэл л дээ хэрэггүй зүйл байвал би яасан ч зөвшөөрөхгүй шүүЭнд гарч буй бүх үйл явдлууд зохиолч миний санаанаас ундран гарсан болно. Жон Жонгүүг Пак Жимин гээд бүх дүрүүд бодит бус амьдралаас хэт далысан болно.

5.1K 25 614 Full
[C] the perfect man. | marktuan & im nayeon

❝i finally found the perfect man for me❞started [28/2/2017]ended [23/2/2018] [1K READS - 21/6/2017][5K READS AND 300 VOTES- 14/11/17][15.9K READS & 680 VOTES - 13/06/20]highest rankings :#1 in Markyeon#13 in Baekyeon#747 in Bambam

18.4K 33 770 Full

-Чи ингэж амьдрахаас залхдаггүй юмуу-Яалаа гэж дээ ахаа хүн ганц л амьдарна тийм учираас амьдралыг хөгжилтэй адал явдлаар дүүрэн өнгөрүүлэх хэрэгтэй биз дээ -Гэхдээ хэрвээ чи аль нэгийг нь сонгох хэрэг гарвал яах вэ?-Хэзээ ч тийм юм болохгүй ээ хён би насан туршдаа ингэж явсан ч чадах юм шиг байна-Жонгүүг аа амьдрал тоглоом биш гэдгийг санаарай хэзээ нэгэн цагт тэр хоёр залуу бие биенийгээ мэдэх л болно -Тэр хоёр хэзээ ч гадарлахгүй ээ ахаа би маш сайн нууж байгаа болохоор санаа зоволтгүй би тэр хоёрт хоёуланд нь хайртай-Аххх Жон Жонгүүг би чиний юу бодож явдагийг мэдэх юм алга гэхдээ л би тэр хоёр залууд санаа зовж байнаЖонгүүг~а нууц гэж байдаггүй юм хэзээ нэгэн цагт нууц ил болоход тэр хоёр залуу л шаналах болно. Амьдралыг хуурч болдоггүй юм Жонгүүг~а Амьдралыг хуурлаа ч тэр буцаагаад чамаас өшөөгөө хэд дахин илүү нугалан авдаг юм. Үүнийг санаж яваарай

4.1K 12 502 Full
Lã Śołitüdiñé

За эхэлчихлээ... эцэс төгсгөлгүй шөнийн бодол... гуниг... тарчлаан... ганцаардал... харуусал... гомдол... шаналал...үзэн ядалт... энэ бүгд толгой дотор минь эргэлдэнэ... Цагийн зүүний чимээг ч үл сонсохуйц гүн төвлөрөл дунд бололдоо идэгдэнэ... аажим аажимаар улам гүн живнэ...бүхнийг орхих хүсэл төрнө... тэгээд дахиад л өнгөгүй нэгэн өглөөг угтана...утгагүй уйтгартай өдөр үргэлжилсээр...эцэст нь яаж эхэлсэн тэр цэгтээ буцаад л очно...

546 7 78 Full
𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚  // 𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣

"Don't let the others distract you, okay? You're mine."[ WARNING: Mature Language ]

18.3K 29 563
I MISS YOU          <MarkTuan>

I miss you and I don't to lose you....This story nothing about real life

183 3 5 Full
Liar | pjm~

You had the most perfect guy in the world. His name? Park Jimin.~~~He ruined everything. Your life, your friendships. Everything. You hated him.~~~"Y/n, come back!" You ran as far as you could from the park, you had to leave. Your house wasn't that far from West Busan Park, it was 5 minutes. "Anywhere but there...I can't go back" ~~~You met up with Taehyung another member of bts to talk about what happened with jimin, but so far as your concerned you didn't want to talk about him at all after everything that happen.

36 2 0
Time I Know That Love

Markbam(Yaoi)Bam pov:>>>flashblack

4.5K 7 376 Full

climbing the stairs that leads to his heart

769 15 20 Full
First Love


5.6K 10 428 Full
your everything | markson

-190124- [✔]my drug? his smile.[ps: made few new changes]

2K 5 89 Full
guitar boy || sanha. [ COMPLETE✔️ ]

there he is, strumming his guitar.

1.9K 11 127 Full
Bangtans Girl

What! Realllyyy!? I'm bangtans girl?! OMG. I can't believe maybe just a sister or nah.

831 8 14 Full
You're So Perfect (MARKSON)

Jackson Wang you know typical Mr Cool or as he calls himself "wild & sexy" finds himself meeting Mark Tuan, a guy without a care in the world. Mark Tuan, scarred in many ways after being in a car accident with his girlfriend, is drifting apart from everyone to the point where he doesn't talk to any one anymore. What's in fate for these two?

53.9K 13 2.7K
Him...(Mark Tuan) ~Completed

Hi! My name is Y/N! I'm 17 years old and I'm a new student at Seoul High School. My dad died when I was 2 because he had cancer. My mom makes clothes for Kpop Stars, which is why we had to move to Seoul. It was the first day of school and i met a guy named Mark. We sat together at lunch and started hanging out a lot. We became close friends and suddenly something happened. Will we fall in love with each other, or will we remain as friends?

3K 11 68
Wonderland (Mark GOT7)

Mark: "Baby I'mma take you to wonderland..."

4.1K 18 121
 Best Mistake | JB

Some mistakes can't be undone and because of this we learn to accept it. - Best Mistake -

1.3K 5 50
7-eleven ' 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜

❝ Come and Get It, 7-Eleven! ❞hey everyone ! in this small book, we will introduce to you the members of 7-Eleven ! go on and read to get to know the admins of the MarkTuanCommunity !book covers by obrienkaties

549 4 20
I'm In  Love With You (Marktuan Ff.)

About a girl and a boy who is her best friend since there were little...And they fall in love to each other,and being married to each other...Their families are teasing them about how sweet and cute couple....Characters Kim Sungi is a girl who is always kind, caring, loving and also talented,and her best friend is---Mark Tuan a boy who is always with her and comforting her.....And their families:Sungi's family, Kim family:Kim Ronald Alfonso her grandfather.Kim Annaly Rose her grandmother.Kim Arnold Jones her father.Kim Arroe Lisa her mother.Mark's family,Tuan family:Ramond Tuan his father.Anna Tuan his mother.Joey Tuan his brother.Mica Jean Tuan his sister.Lilly Febbie Tuan his sister.Sorry guys I don't really now about the names of Mark's family so I made my own... hehehe..😀😀By the way hi my name is Zaren hahah nice name right...I'm a Wattpader and also KPOP lover....#Blinks,IGOT7,Army, Blackjacks,and Once....And many more ...😀😀😀😄.

358 7 7
How I Know Exo

Hi. Im here to share my story about how i know exo and started to crazy over them. :)

179 5 8 Full
5 years later

Sophie has loved Mark for as long as she can remember. Everything was going well until she ends up in a life changing accident. Will her and Mark end up together or will they never share the same heart?

140 5 6
See The Light (A Mark Tuan fan fiction)

"Why did you came back?Why you always have to ruin everything?Why, after all the things that happened between us, you came back?Why don't you go back with that girl?Why you have to make my heart flutter?Why did you broke my heart in pieces?Why do I love you?So yeah Mark Tuan, why di-" he didn't let me finish and suddenly he hugged me and I burst into tears.

1.4K 6 36
dear soulmate | bang chan

Soulmate AUA story in which a girl finally gets her soulmate mark, to an idol thousands of miles away. --------Completed: 2/2/21If you're Felix reading this on a secret account ✨welcome✨----Highest ranking: #1 in kpop#1 in soulmate#1 in bangchan#1 in chan#1 in straykids#1 in got7#1 in skz#1 in 3racha#1 in seochangbin#1 in leefelix#1 in seungmin#1 in kpopfanfic#1 in leeminho#1 in leeknow#1 in marktuan#2 in tattoo

728.7K 23 25.9K Full