I see stuff (that's not helpful)

Hope you enjoy the chapter. This is the last one before canon stuff starts up so yay!

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life

Come chat with me on discord: https://discord.gg/3tGNJhu


I frowned as I stared at the water.

It was hard keeping my mind clear, but I needed to to scry properly.

Wait no that was thinking, stop that.

Blank mind. Blank mind. Blank mind. Blank mind- wait oh no that was more thinking.

Just stare at the water and think of nothing... nothing at all... I am not thinking-

I sighed.

Not thinking was hard.

Zoey could do it, sorta. She said it took her awhile, but she managed to do it. I'd already been trying for several weeks and all I got was a headache.

Why couldn't I scry? I was getting all those dreams that I could almost never figure out. But I couldn't scry at all!

This was water, it should be easy to scry on. I was the son of the sea God for Pontus' sake. Ugh, this was so frustrating.

I stared at the water again and tried to clear my mind and just think of nothing at all.

Nothing to think about.

Clear mind.

Nothing happening here.

All was fine.

Head empty.

No thoughts.





Dang it.

I gave up... again.


My dreams were filled with fire.

I stared at the burning fields, the temple standing stark.

A statue towered over me, massive and regal.

It radiated power.

It seemed familiar.

Fire burned and the statue vanished.

The world went dark.

I woke up.


Euphemia had a chart sitting on the desk for me to look over.

"And as you can see here, sensors are always part of the first wave of forces."

"Because they can sense the different threats ahead?"

She nodded, "Of course it's best to have a team of different kinds of sensors, list the kinds."

I paused to gather my memory.

"There are the kinds like me, Purifying sensors, er sorry, Vakasta Itenahe. We can sense magic, power, spells, and the like..."

She smiled and made a motion for me to continue.

"Um, there are also the uh, the ones trained in storms... Uatevi Itenahe? They can sense airflow, though that's only really good for sensing incoming storms."

"Very useful for any battles near the surface," she confirmed. "But not much for deeper warfare."

"Earate Itenahe can sense the flow of water and currents and all that, which is good for sensing any changes or disruptions."

"Extremely useful for that," she agreed. "And any large force or creature disrupting those currents would be noted."

"Really skilled healers can also sense life forms and state of health and all as well I think."

"That's correct, Tafahu Itenahe can sense life forms, health, and even specific illness if they're skilled enough. Of course, they're rarely sent out on the front lines. Only battlefield healers are permitted on the front lines alone, and those are rare."

I nodded. Pomaik Totov were mentioned in one of my healer texts. Healers that were also skilled in some other form of battle enough to protect themselves and their patients while they worked.

It wasn't very common because a true healer spent years mastering healing so dedicating time to train to fight was difficult.

"There are occasions of other kinds of sensors, but those four are the main ones and the ones you'll need to keep in mind. We'll go over their symbols later. Now then, what kind of sensors would be best to send in the case of this map?"

I studied it carefully. Based on the coral reefs and the kelp fields this was closer to the surface. It had a lot of hiding places as well.

"Earate and Uatevi Itenahe."


"Because... because Earate Itenahe will be able to sense the different movements of the water and there are a lot of places for them. Other than Itenahe most of the front line isn't usually powerful in magic so their presence for a purifier wouldn't be much. And since they're close to the surface there's a chance of the enemy using storms to fight as well."

She nodded, her lips quirked up.

"All good points. You should also keep in mind that Uatevi Itenahe are useful for noting any large populations of birds in the air, they're commonly used as messengers and for spies. And of course, Earate Itenahe will be at a disadvantage due to the many animals common in reefs. What would you do to help the current sensor?"

I frowned, "Maybe... um..."

What would help them? A tovhu couldn't be sent in most cases because healers were prime targets, so I probably shouldn't say that...

"I don't know."

"That's alright," Euphemia assured. "You should also send a local expert on the animal life there so that they can help identify what should and shouldn't be there. You don't only need magic to fight, you know."

I nodded, quickly making a note of it.

"Like Rosa! She's an animal expert, or well... her parents are."

"Precisely. Now then, lets talk about how you would send out forces for this encounter."


I sighed as the teacher kept talking about the Odyssey.

I'd already read it in the original Greek with Annabeth over the summer and we'd talked about all the themes and stuff cause it was considered important so this was really boring.

"And of course, Polyphemus is called a cannibal in the story, therefore he is actually human."

I focused again.


"He must've simply been a very strong human and-"

My hand shot up.

The teacher paused and leveled a look at me.

"Yes, Percy?"

"Um actually the cannibal term is the closest English word for it but it's not actually what the Ancient Greek says. The word used in the original Odyssey, in Ancient Greek, is Ἀνδροφάγοι, Androphagi. It roughly translates to man-eater, not eating of the same species. So actually Polyphemus isn't a cannibal as in someone who eats his own species but as in one who eats man so-"

"I hardly see how you be able to know this Percy, seeing how you don't speak Ancient Greek."

I faltered, "Er... my dad is Greek..."

"The translation is not faulty-" The teachers eye twitched when Kai raised his hand. "What Kai?"

"Well actually cannibal doesn't only mean one who eats the same species but can also mean simply man-eater as well, therefore the cannibal word fits for the translation-"

"That's enough," The teacher snapped. "Detention, both of you, for disrupting class."

I scowled, "But-"

"Be quiet or it'll be two detentions."

I sulked in my seat.

I hated English class.


I studied the different necklace and arm bands carefully drawn on the tuiu.

I was assigned to learn how to recognize the symbols of different mages and their specialties.

Most wouldn't wear them at all times, there were different bands for different purposes after all. Some positions did warrant constant wear though.

Purifying sensors wore the necklace, and though the scales that made it up may differ the form it took was the same.

Of course, during battle they don't wear it. Their senses were the difference between life and death in those cases, so they opened themselves to it.

I wasn't nearly a skilled enough sensor for it to matter that much... also I just really liked not sensing every single thing around me with the slightest bit of power.

Arm bands were the usual symbol of position, and also relationships. As a prince I was expected to always wear the royal ones, but otherwise I didn't have any other to wear. I wasn't officially apprenticed to anyone, nor had I taken any of the exams, so I didn't have any mark of authority as a mage.

My necklace was something normally done alongside the exams, but I needed it to counter the sensory overload from the sensory skills I'd gained so...

I was kinda sad I hadn't done the exams, I wondered if I was skilled enough to pass them.

Maybe I'd ask Triton about it later.

I shook my head and went back to studying the symbols on the different bands. Would I get to have one as a Vakasta Imote one day? Or maybe as an Eatuvi Imote?

I kinda wanted that. The bands as a prince made me feel a bit awkward, though I was adjusting to them more the more I was in the ocean, but I thought I wouldn't feel the same about ones showing my status as a Purifier or Waterbender (Thermomancy, whatever). I would've earned those.

I ran my finger over the Eatuvi Imote band picture.

Yeah, I wanted that.


I grinned as Tyson managed the heelflip.


He stumbled on the landing but grinned, "I did it!"


Zoey looked up from her sketchbook, her gaze intent as she studied Tyson, then she went back to her sketching.

"She drew you," Nikola drawled from where he was lounged next to her. He didn't like skating.

Tyson flushed, "She did?"

"Yeah," she mumbled distractedly. "Doing the trick. Nice job... stupid sun."

I snickered.

"Will you also try, Percy?" Tyson asked.

I nodded as I got into position.



I stared in confusion at the site of Grover sitting with a woolly mammoth and braiding it's fur.

What kinda dream-

Where would he even get a woolly mammoth?

He hummed and threaded some flowers into the braid.

So weird. There was no possible way for Grover to have a woolly mammoth.

My dreams really needed to chill.


I sat nervously with my Mevua'ta and Benthesikyme. Today I was learning from them how to behave during the upcoming Tempest Eve.

It was a big event, preparing for the upcoming storm season and all. There weren't many other's coming for it, but I still needed to know how to behave with the nobles of Poseidon's court. Duberdicus apparently didn't often send representatives.

"Repeat the hand motions to me," Mevua'ta said.

I carefully repeated the four new hand motions I'd learned to Amphitrite.

Technically most only needed to know a handful of the motions, but since I was dealing with the higher ranked stuff I needed to know lots of more obscure ones rather than just the basic greeting, goodbye, general respect, high respect, and thanks motions.

It was hard to remember them all, but Mevua'ta wouldn't let me go until I could do them in my sleep.

My tails flicked as she nodded, seemingly satisfied.

"Now, lets go over titles," Benthesikyme said. "How should you refer to any ambassadors you speak to?"

"Ta, I should call them whatever their name is then 'arinit'."

She nodded, "And the generals?"

"Their name and 'nee'."

"Good," she said with a small smile. "What about the mer from the court?"

"They'd be 'ove', 'ope', or 'ote', depending on the mer..."

"A safe bet it to stick with 'ope' unless they indicate otherwise or you know for sure what to call them."

I nodded.

"Alright, you seem to have the titles, down. We've already gone over the higher titles..."

"Do you know how to get ready?" Mevua'ta asked.

"Oh, an excellent point, Mevu."

I faltered, "La... I mean... I need to make sure my scales are clean and wear my bands?"

"You should also do your hair and of course tail ornaments... hmm... we'll have to go over the appropriate wear for the event... Mevu do you have- ah thank you."

Mevua'ta had pulled out a tuiu for Benthesikyme to look over.

"Hmm, gold is the usual color for the event, so we'll need to stick with that, though you'd look better with silver... Well, you'll need some new jewelry. I doubt Kym or Triton thought about what was suitable for Tempest Eve."

Mevua'ta hummed and studied me, "You'll need to learn how to do your hair. It's not issue for a siona to do it for now but in the long run it would be good for you to know how to do it just in case."

I nodded. The Aphrodite kids would no doubt love to help me. I could talk to Drew about it.

"Well, let's go over the basic adornment expectations."


Zoey straightened from where she was staring at the water. I'd given up scrying the water a good twenty minutes earlier.

She quickly grabbed her notebook and started scribbling her observations down.

"How'd it go?"

She paused, "Uh, it was fine. Still a bit vague in shapes and stuff but it gets more clear every time."

I nodded.

"How about you?"


She winced, "Still no luck?"

I huffed, "I don't get it! I can't figure out the scrying no matter what I do."

She hummed, rubbing her eyes as she put her pen down.

"Maybe you should try a different scrying technique? There's also fire and smoke and sky and all."

I considered, "Yeah, maybe that would work."

She beamed.


"And since you've finally been cleared for the most basic of Siren Song work," he paused to give me a look. "And only the most basic."

I nodded, bouncing lightly on my feet.

"I can now teach you how to use it to call for you hippocampi from a distance."

"So, Siren's Song is a part of it?"

"In a way."

He pulled out three whistles. They were made of gleaming silver and each had a small rainbow scale hanging from braided thread.

"These are Hippocampi whistles."

I leaned forward. "They're pretty."

"They are," he agreed. "And these are connected to Appa and Belle."

Belle, Triton's personal Hippocampus.

"Why are there three?"

He held two out to me. "Appa is too young to ride right now, so I'm giving you a whistle for Belle as well, for emergencies."

I perked up, that was so nice of Triton! I couldn't imagine sharing Appa with anyone.

"Now, like with your ocarina you can channel the song through the whistle, which greatly increases the strength. Honestly as long as you're in the Atlantic the whistle should work."

I nodded, "So channel song like with my ocarina and stay in the Atlantic."

He studied me, "Yes. Please stay in the Atlantic. There shouldn't really be a reason for you to be anywhere else."

"Got it! Can I try now?"

He smiled and motioned for me to do so.

I took a deep breath and focused on Appa and then channeled the Song through the whistle.

It didn't make any sound that I could hear.

Kinda like Appa's whistle in Avatar! That was so cool, I had my very own Appa whistle.

It only took a minute or two before Appa's head popped out of the waves.

"Appa!" I moved over to pet him.

"There you go, now you know how to call your Hippocampi if you need aid. Belle's works the same way."

"For emergencies," I confirmed.

He nodded, "Exactly. But there really shouldn't be anything to worry about. While in school you're safe and camp should be safe after all."

"Yep! Thanks Triton."

He ruffled my hair, "Of course,


I settled on the couch with Drew, all but vibrating.

"It starts in three minutes," I chirped.

"In three minutes the glory of Korra shall be on the screen," Drew said gleefully. "A shame we couldn't all meet up for it."

"Yeah but we can do reactions after. Do you need anything else before it starts?"

She shook her head, holding her bowl of snacks.

We both watched the screen, waiting for the commercials to end.

And then the opening credits began to run as the show started.


"Wait she can control water, fire, and earth at the start? I thought the avatar was never even informed before they were like sixteen?"

"That's so weird- also where's air?"


"Why did they lock her up there? And oh hey Aang's kids!"


"The old men are weird."


"So, they made a city out of Fire Nation conquered land? That's got bad vibes."

"Yeah that's strange."

"I'm crying did she just- she just smashed like two buildings-"

"But she has a polar bear dog."

"Naga has my heart for sure."


"Ooh, waterbending!"


"It's cool!"

"Wait look at the metal bending."

"It's so normalized."

"Toph being amazing and making a whole new type of bending-"

"Wait Sokka is dead?"

"What about Suki!?"


"Where are Katara's other kids? Are any waterbenders?"

"Why isn't Katara shown doing waterbending?"

"Katara simp."

"Master Katara is the coolest, why isn't she shown doing amazing things?"


"Tenzin is kinda cool, like Triton."

Drew laughed.


Zoey swung her legs as she studied her notes, "So what are your summer plans?"

"I'm going to visit family," Nikola murmured.

"We're going to a summer camp," Kai said, motioning to Klara and Acantha.

"I do not know what I am doing," Tyson mumbled.

"I'm also going to a summer camp," I chirped, but glanced at Tyson with concern.

A Kyklopes didn't really have a home to go to. I should probably talk to Triton about making sure Tyson had a place to go for the summer.

"That sounds fun, have you guys been to the summer camps before?"

Klara nodded, "Yeah we've gone for several years."

"I've only gone once to mine, but it was fun."

Except for the whole murder attempt thing.

"I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again."

"Nice," Zoey said.

"What are you doing?"

"Just hanging out in the city," she said with a shrug. "Might be doing a family trip down to Florida."

"Oh, that sounds fun."

"Yeah maybe."


Annabeth POV

I packed my bag with a scowl.

The dreams had only gotten worse and my dad's wife too. I needed to get out of here and back to camp.

Percy did say I could go to him if I wanted to. Hopefully he wouldn't mind me staying the night when I reached him. I was out of drachmas and couldn't call him to let him know.

I just... couldn't handle this anymore.

I couldn't handle her constantly scowling at me. Or her kids being brats and breaking things and barely being chided while I couldn't even read a book without being chided. Or her insisting that I had to go to Church because it was "a family event". Or the way that she kept trying to make me dress "like a lady". Or the way that she looked at me when I dealt with monsters. Or the way that my dad just never seemed to see any of it.

I couldn't... I couldn't handle it anymore.

My dad alone was fine. I could work with him. I enjoyed being around him.

But I couldn't... not when his wife was around.

He was always so agreeable to her.

Even when she wasn't around her rules were still in place.

I was done with this.

But it wasn't like I needed my dad or his wife. I'd survived before and I'd do it again.

Running away was nothing new for me.


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a review, they feed my soul.

What did you think of Percy's lessons? His friends? His dreams?

Vakasta Itenahe=Purifying Sensor
Uatevi Itenahe=Storm Sensor
Earate Itenahe=Current Sensor
Tafahu Itenahe=Healer Sensor

Pomaik Totov=Battlefield Healer
Tuiu=undersea paper
Vakasta Imote=Purifying Mage
Eatuvi Imote=Thermomancy Mage
Ta=Halmaheran Place holder (such as Ah, Um, Er)
La=Halmaheran Place holder (such as Ah, Um, Er)


Scrying=a form of divination that can be done many ways with many forms.
Ἀνδροφάγοι=(Androphagi) means man-eater in Ancient Greek. I could not grab an actual ancient Greek copy of the Odyssey so this may not be the word used there, but it is the word that seems most likely.
Benthesikyme=African sea-nymph and Goddess of the waves. A daughter of Poseidon who was married to Enalos, king of Ethiopia.
Kyklopes=phonetic spelling of Cyclopes

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life

Come chat with me on discord: https://discord.gg/3tGNJhu
