Blue Homes

Surprise! Bonus early chapter <3

Hope you all enjoy the chapter :D We're finally reaching school stuff... sorta.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life


I studied the silver mirror in my hand while I waited for Triton.

It was very shiny and perfectly round and smooth. It was used to symbolize the moon and would be brought up to the surface so that the full moon could shine on it and power it until the next full moon.

There were a lot of moon Gods. I'd known that of course, there are a lot of pantheons around the world but... getting the full lecture really put it into perspective.

Most in the sea honored the local moon God, or whichever one they were raised honoring. In Atlantis it was most common to honor Selene as the Greek Moon Goddess (well, Titaness). She hadn't been seen in a long time, but it was still proper because She was the Moon. Since Artemis drove the moon chariot She was also honored and respected.

Triton said they would be leaving out a table setting for Artemis at dinner tonight alongside the always open seat for Selene that hadn't been filled in a long time.

Most in the sea left a table setting for a Moon God on the full moon. It was meant to recognize the Moon Gods as equals with great importance to the sea, but also Gods didn't worship other Gods. The normal mer in the sea might do more to honor them, but the Sea Gods didn't do much beyond it.

Well, they would also make the ponofa that mers would bring to the surface. I had some of the cakes (strange pressed fish and anemone and seaweed cake cookie things that look surprisingly good) to share when I went to the surface with Triton.

I was looking forward to going to the surface, it'd been weeks and I did kinda miss the sun and moon.

"Are you ready to go, Percy?"

I perked up, flicking around to face Triton who was swimming towards me with two hippocampi.

"Yeah!" I grinned at him as he handed me the reins to one of them.

"This is Chelsea, she's very sweet and easy to ride."

I nodded, I'd only ridden a hippocampus two times, both brief and just for practice. Hopefully this went okay.

"I'll be on Belle and following behind you," Triton said as he settled on Belle, his hippocampus. "Chelsea knows the way so don't worry about getting lost."

I nodded, settling on Chelsea.

"Hi," I murmured.

Chelsea nickered, tossing their head as I held the reins.

"Hello Prince , " Chelsea replied. "Are you settled?"

I nodded, curling my tails tightly around their sides. "Yeah, all set."

The hippocampi took off and immediately proved why they were the favored steeds of the mid seas by gaining speed rapidly until the ocean was a blur around me.

My breath caught and I couldn't help the grin stretching across my face.

Oh wow, this was amazing.

The world was a blur, the water rushing past me, I was being pushed back some by the force of the water as Chelsea moved.

Magic thrummed beneath my hands as Chelsea's inherent magic, the reason Hippocampi were such good steeds, made us move even faster. Their power bent the ocean around us so that we could reach the surface even faster.

Chelsea rapidly slowed until they were just moving at a steady swim, and I leaned forward as I caught my breath.

That was amazing.

Triton laughed, "Enjoy the ride?"

"That was..."

"Belle is my favorite method of travel," Triton agreed. "I could just go where I need to, but it's so much more enjoyable to ride there."

Belle nickered, tossing her head.

I grinned, looking around where we were now, then gasping as I looked up.

"Wow," I whispered.

"Come on," Triton said, grabbing my hand to pull me to the surface.

In the sky were more stars than I'd ever seen. Millions, billions, maybe even trillions sparkled brilliantly above. I'd never seen so many, nor seen them so clearly.

"The view is best from the sea," Triton murmured. "Where pollution hasn't yet touched the sky."

"It's beautiful."

"It is."

We drifted for a time, just staring up at the stars. I tried to find the constellations I'd learned, but there were too many stars for me to pick them out right then.

"Perseus-aia," said a familiar voice.

I turned to see Lorenzo (who was at my party) and his parents swimming over.

We ducked back under water.

"Triton-re'aia," murmured Lorenzo's mom.

"Camila-nee," He responded, flicking his fingers in greeting as she twisted her hand.

"It has been some time since we saw you on the surface for the Full Moon," Lorenzo's father mused.

"I normally sit at the dinner for it," Triton agreed. "But as this is Persi's first Full Moon, the first proper one that is, I am with him to guide him."

"Of course," Camila said with a smile.

"The moon is still fairly low," Lorenzo murmured, staring up. "It'll reach its peak within the next hour."

"Yes," Triton said, turning to us. "And when it reaches the peak you'll pull out your mirror and say the prayer."

I nodded, remembering from what he told me last night. And until the moon reached its peak (around midnight) we'd interact with each other and share the ponofa.

I brightened, fingering the pouch at my side. Maybe I could share some with Lorenzo?

"Lorenzo?" I asked. "Did you bring ponofa?"

He nodded, "I did, Perseus-aia. Would you like some?"

I nodded, "I have some as well, if you would like to share."

His lips curled up as he agreed, and we traded ponofa cakes. The ones he had were very sweet, they seemed to have some berries mixed in too! I didn't know they could be made like that. Maybe next time I could make the cakes.

I smiled politely and asked him about Camp Tetomoa, and we spent the time before Moon Peak discussing the programs the camp had.

At some point a few others joined the conversation, some I knew, many I didn't, and the water grew more crowded as more mers arrived for the full moon.

Triton brought me to this spot because it was a popular one, but not so popular that the water would be filled.

It did mean I got to meet a lot of people, their eyes all but glowing in the faint light as we spoke and traded ponofa cakes. I got to meet quite a few that would be at Camp Tetomoa, and more that lived around the castle. A few others also rode on Hippocampi, and a few on other sea creatures, but just as many swam on their own.

The conversations trailed off as the moon neared its zenith. I glanced over to Triton who was settled with the Hippocampi, suddenly worried.

He explained how to do it and made sure I knew the prayer (it was short so not that hard to memorize) but still, what if I messed it up? We came all the way out here and everyone here did this all the time and they were all important and if I messed up it would be so bad-

"The moon's almost there," Lorenzo murmured as he reached into his pouch to draw out his mirror.

I glanced around and noticed others beginning to do so as well, adults and children alike. Some of the younger ones were handed their mirrors by their parents.

I bit my lip and drew my mirror out of my pouch.

This would be fine, it was just my first time celebrating the Full Moon.

I glanced back at Triton, to see him watching me.

He smiled, giving me a nod.

Yeah, okay.

I focused on what he told me for this. I just needed to do my thing, not everyone else's.

I held out the mirror as others did, letting the light of the Full Moon shine on it, and recited the prayer to Selene.

"Selene ert Ponisi, teye tivena pora eretamu ert pyev y haho ert moareno horenu."

"Topsana Selene, ponirahiv sanamak ivemu ert mireona wasare, tav havu rao sa'opuno tenuk."

"Matpe av ert pohur, Selene av ert Ponisi, erta pohur tav hinru rao sa'opuno hamuso pora ela pahiti y pora patua sa'opu ro ert muro."

"Maotiman opu ela tie tav tufe ert po, amavhova ro topta poniov."

I paused for breath, basking in the power that seemed to hum in the air. Everyone was reciting prayers to different Moon Gods, and the water was practically radiating Their presence.

I licked my lips and recited the prayer to Artemis as well.

"Artemis ert hauvuatono, teye eretamuna ert hauvuat av Selene, tav havu ri era pohur."

"Artemis ert kaluha-ve, teye tahouna sa'opuno ponio rao ert ponisino hamuso, tav hinup sa'opu maiv kaluha."

"Artemis av Delos, maotiman sa'opuno hamuso ela wasai y opuno pohur waoituk uti erva sa'opu maotiman teuhamu ary apima."

The mirror shone brilliantly by the end of the prayers. The silver metal reflected the moonlight and seemed to glow all on its own. The water wasn't much different, glowing faintly with the light of the moon.

"Wow," I whispered as everyone's prayers finished off.

Lorenzo grinned, "It's a lovely ceremony isn't it?"

"Yeah," I said with a grin of my own. "It's really nice."

We didn't talk much, just drifted and basked in the moonlight.

It was lovely.

As the moon slowly began to set once more, we tucked our mirrors away again and traded a few last ponofa.

"Did you enjoy it?" Triton asked as I swam over.

I nodded, "Yeah! I wish I'd been able to do it before."

Triton pursed his lips as he nudged Chelsea and Belle from where they were curled.

"You may have missed it before, but you won't have to miss any more Full Moon celebrations. And for any you can't come to the sea for, we'll make sure you also have a mirror for land."

I brightened, "Really?"

He nodded, "You'll just need the mirror, and really you can do it without it. Just the prayer honors the Moon Gods, but the mirror is for continuing the honor through the month. There are substitutes of course, but the mirrors work the best."

I nodded, settling on Chelsea.

"I have a lot to learn about our traditions."

"You do," Triton agreed. "But we're here to teach you. You won't be alone."


I stood outside the new apartment, biting my lip as I hesitated.

It'd been forever since I saw mom, and I missed her loads, and she was right inside that door, but...

I took a deep breath, shouldering my backpack and clutching the travel bag at my side. This was fine. I was gonna go in, I was gonna hug her, I was not gonna cry or anything cause it's all good.

I reached up and knocked, rocking back on my heels.

I heard footsteps, and then the door swung open, revealing my mom.

"Oh, Percy," she beamed and reached out.

I dropped my bag and lunged forward to hug her.

"Hi, mom," I whispered.

"Oh, my baby," she whispered. "I missed you."

She pulled back, studying me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay."

She let out a breath, "Alright, come in, honey. I made cookies, oh let me show you your room. We'll need to get stuff for your room too. Oh, and school stuff."

She ushered me inside, taking my bag as she led the way to my room.

The apartment was much nicer than the previous one. The door opened straight into the kitchen and living room space, and I could see a breakfast nook in the corner by the window on the living room side.

The area smelled of cookies, and the kitchen had new appliances. The couch was even leather, and had soft blankets laying on it.

Mom led me past an open door that held what I guessed was a guest room, another open door with an office inside, and then stopped at a closed door.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted to do anything special for your room, so I just painted it and put the basics in. We'll go shopping for stuff in it later today."

I opened the door and stepped in.

The walls were a cobalt blue, with a bed in the right corner and a bookshelf of cubby holes at the base of it. To the right were two dressers and against the right wall was a desk with bookshelves beside it. The floor was covered in a carpet that actually looked comfy.

It was mostly empty, with the bags we'd left at the beach sitting on the desk and my old books on the bookshelf.

"The bathroom is across the hall, and my room is the last door at the end of the hall."

I nodded, moving over to drop my bag on the bed.

"It's awesome mom." I turned to grin at her. "Thanks."

I studied the cubby hole bookshelf thing at the base of the bed.

"I thought that would be good for anything you wanted by the bed," mom said. "Or for books, or just nicknacks... I had the Lotus card and grabbed a lot of things that I just thought would be nice."

I laughed, "No it's fine, and... I think this would be good for making altars..."

I looked at her a bit nervously, Annabeth's experience with her step-mom and how she treated her religion was still stuck in my mind.

"Oh that's a lovely idea, Percy," she murmured as she came over to me, laying the bag she was holding on the bed. "Yes absolutely, we can buy some things for altars in your room today. And we'll set up one in the living room as well, as a family one."

I couldn't help but grin, "Yeah, that would be great."

She ran a hand through my hair, a smile on her face.

"Why don't you put your stuff down and get ready and we can go shopping?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll be ready in a sec."

She left my room and closed the door softly behind her. I dropped my backpack on the bed.

My room really did look nice. It would be fun to put everything up and decorate.

I grinned at the thought of making altars, I was gonna make a bunch of mini ones! The cubby holes were perfectly sized for small altars so I could make one for Artemis, and Selene, and Triton, and Metua, and maybe just a general one for my family in the sea... plus Okeanus and Tethys... yeah, that would probably be smartest. But I could make one for Lord D too. And Hestia, She needed one.

I chewed my lip, I should probably grab stuff for all of Them, cause there were also the holidays. Even if I wasn't at camp I wanted to celebrate them all.

This was gonna be fun though. That card was definitely my best grab on the quest.


Mom and I walked to the nearby department store, a list in her hand for the main things for my room, and a list I'd made for things on an altar.

I didn't actually know what exactly you needed on an altar. I'd seen the ones in the Demeter and Aphrodite cabins, so I have an idea of what went on them but I didn't know what you did for setting it up and stuff.

There was the one in my room in the sea that Triton arranged with me, but it was very simple with just the silver mirror that I keep in the sea and a carved out space for offerings.

But that was different than on land.

I was pretty sure I needed an altar cloth, and something for the offerings. And candles, a lot of candles. Candles were important for land offerings from what I saw. And then just things to decorate?

I didn't know for sure, but I was gonna try to get things that matched right.

First was my bedroom stuff though.

First stop was bedding. I found a really cool one that had waves and seashells on it, so mom got that. She just asked them to deliver it to the apartment, with the Lotus card we could do that and it was really cool.

I wondered if they'd ever notice us using it.

Then we got stuff for my desk, paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, notecards, mom added some art supplies to the pile, and highlighters and rulers, and a pencil sharpener (mechanical), and a charging extension cord, and a little caddy to hold the stuff on my desk.

After that was the bookstore, mom said we should grab my school books and any other interesting ones. She also promised me audio books and let me pick out different books on the myths. There were some interesting ones, I hadn't read the Song of Achilles yet.

After that mom just led the way around, checking out different stores. We grabbed stuff for the bathroom, some extra socks and underwear, a small fan for my room, a planner, some snacks.

Then we found a store with pretty cloths, and I grinned as I stared around at all of them.

Ooh, there was a really nice blue and green patterned cloth that would be perfect for the altar for Poseidon and Triton and Okeanus and Tethys the rest of my sea family. And oh! There was a silver one with little stars on it! And that one was a really deep red, almost purple, maroon? It looked like wine.

I paused when I found some head scarves, remembering what I'd learned about veiling.

Well... it wouldn't hurt to have a few, and I did use magic and those that used magic tended to veil...

And I kinda liked it...

"Did you find something Percy?" Mom asked as she came over, more cloths in her arms.

"Um, some headscarves... I was just thinking about veiling. Annabeth showed me how."

"Oh," she hummed thoughtfully. "I don't know much about it, would you like some?"

I peered at her shyly, "Yeah... I think I would."

She smiled, "Then pick a few out. Maybe you can teach me about veiling."

"Yeah, sure!"

I grinned as I looked through the scarves.

I found a deep blue one that was obviously the best there, it was blue after all. I grabbed two white ones, one of them with lace edging it (mom would like that I). Ooh, there was an avatar one! With water tribe symbols on it.

I stuck that in the basket, it was second only to the blue one.

There was a soft yellow one with orange sun patterns that I liked, mom grabbed a matching one (but white with gold suns). Mom also snagged two green ones, one with flower embroidery the other with vine embroidery while I eyed a sparkly rainbow one.

"Oh look," mom said holding up a scarf. "It's the hunger games."

I laughed, I'd listened to the audio books before and enjoyed the books. I didn't expect a scarf though.

Mom put it in the basket with a grin.

"I think these are good," I said. "I know a few styles that Annabeth taught me, so I can show you them."

"That would be wonderful, Percy," mom said with a fond smile.

I felt warm. Mom wasn't anything like Annabeth's step-mom, mom wanted to learn about the Greek culture, not dismiss it.

"Well, anything else we need from here?"

I considered for a moment, "No, I don't think there's anything else here."

"Alright, let's check out then go find another store with more supplies."

Mom checked us out, then led the way back around the department store (which was really multiple stores put together).

We wandered a little while but only managed to find glasses for libations, and a bunch of candles in every color we could find (both the tall ones and those tea-lights). Oh, and a wax melter plus some wax, mom thought that would smell nice.

Mom hummed, and led the way out again, "We'll have to find a thrift shop, or an antiques store, I think. Those will have the kinds of nick-nacks that would work best for an altar."

I nodded, struggling with the bags. I wished I was back underwater where everything was lighter. It was hard to do things on land again.

Plus, walking was annoying. After weeks with tails using legs again felt wrong and it was difficult to move right.

We brought everything in the bags home first so that we could drop them off.

Mom helped me make my bed and put the desk stuff where it went. We put the new books on the shelves then moved back out to put up the food she'd bought. The scarves and other stuff for the altars were left in the living room for the moment.

"Alright," she said cheerfully as she put her phone up. "I found an antique shop nearby, and there's a thrift shop not too far from it. Are you all set to go?"


"Then let's head out again."


It took three antique shops and two thrift shops before me and mom were satisfied.

I got a really cool shell bowl for the sea altar, and a fancy like... tiered thing? It was made out of silver and patterned like waves. Oh, and jewelry, mom let me buy a few fancy jewelries for the altar.

We even found a pretty water display thing, a mini fountain. It would be easy to decorate it with small shells and I could put a candle on the part that was above the water.

Mom found a great candle stick too, to match the candle holder, it was made up of a bunch of fake shells and had a small spot in the center for the tall candles, with a bigger flat area around it for the bigger ones. And I found a bag of assorted shells, and a few fancy candle holders that were blue and gold and made me think of the sea on the beach.

Then of course was the moon candle holder that I was putting on the altar to Artemis and Selene. It had three crescent moons with the curved parts all facing the center that was shaped to hold a tea-light.

And mom found a little silver stag that was just perfect, plus fake amaranth flowers (they looked like the little red flowers outside of the Artemis cabin that I'd never really given much thought to).

And I managed to find a collection of moonstones that should be great, and a like... mini cake plate, with stars on it, that would be good for an offering place. Mom also found something for an offering bowl and decided to get both.

Getting stuff for Hestia wasn't too hard. I found a few stones that looked nice, and some fancy looking candles, round and red and orange. I found a mini bonfire thing, with a set up that looked like a bonfire and a spot in the middle for a tea-light.

I also found a statue of a fire and an old cookbook.

I thought these would work well for Her, She seemed to like cooking during the times I talked with Her at camp.

Finding stuff for Lord D was actually the easiest. There was a lot of grape themed stuff, I wasn't sure why though. Did people just like grapes?

I got a tiered thing with grape patterns all over it, and an offering plate with pinecones on it, and a jug thing that mom said was for alcohol along with a fancy looking cup, also with grapes on it.

Why did adults like grapes so much?

Anyways, that covered the main altars I wanted.

Mom also found some other stuff, incense and incense holders, statues, vases and jugs, other pretty stones, more fancy candles, a few assorted animal figurines, some assorted jewelry, and a lot of fake flowers.

I studied it all, "Do we need so much?"

She hummed, "Well, we can get it thanks to the Lotus card, and I thought we might want to be able to adjust the altar to the seasons... plus well, I'm not entirely sure what goes on them so I'm getting a little bit of everything."

I grinned, that was fair, I also didn't know what was supposed to go on them.

We were heading back to the house when we passed a skateboard shop and I paused.

Skate boarding was kinda like land current surfing wasn't it? Could that help me get good at it?

I hesitated, staring into the shop.

"Did you want something?" Mom asked.

I bit my lip, "I kinda want... I mean... it looks fun?"

She smiled, "Why don't you get one, and safety gear."

I nodded slowly, pushing into the store.


We got home with a bunch more bags, and a bunch of stuff to put up.

While most of what we'd gotten was for the altars on this trip out, I'd also grabbed some things that just looked cool, and mom had too. Plus of course, the skateboard.

First thing I did was put the skateboard in the corner of my room, along with all the safety stuff. I'd try it out later.

Mom grabbed me cleaning supplies so I could wipe down the cubbies I was gonna use for the altars and then left me to set it up.

I first cleaned the altars so they'd be nice and neat. Once they were clean I laid out the cloths for them.

I was setting up four, one for Lord D, one for Hestia, one for Selene and Artemis, and one for all the assorted sea deities. There were too many for separate altars.

I wanted to honor Lord D and Hestia because I actually knew Them, and They were nice to me. The sea deities and Selene and Artemis were just natural for me to honor.

Setting up Lord D's was quick, I put the tiered thing in the center middle with a candle holder on each side. In front of those I put the altar plate with pinecones on it, and then behind them I put the cup and the jug for alcohol.

Hestia's I set up to remind me of the campfire at camp. I put the bonfire candle holder in the center, with the stones around it. The different rounded candles I placed around it, one in each corner with the stone fire statue in the back (centered). The cookbook I leaned against the right side of the cubby.

Artemis and Selene's I put the candle holder in the center (it just felt right for the candles to be centered). I decorated the area on both sides and behind with the fake amaranth flowers and moon stones. The silver stag I arranged on one side, amongst some moonstones, and then I put the offering plate in the front center. The silver mirror I brought up from the sea I put on the top of the cubby, so that the mirror was looking down at the altar. Command strips were the best.

The sea altar was definitely my favorite, though I was probably biased.

The mini fountain water thing was put in the center and I put a small blue tea-light on the top of it.

I put the candle holders on either side and just in front of it, five of them, and put a candle in each of them. Then I decorated the whole area around it with shells, and put some in the fountain thing, then filled it with water.

In the front center went the shell bowl I was using for an offering plate.

It looked very nice if I did say so myself.

I stepped away when I finished and turned to throw the trash away only to do a double take.

In the right corner of my room, opposite where I'd put the skateboard, stood a long table with a large fish tank on it.

It was filled and had a rocky/sandy bottom and assorted coral creations. Inside was a familiar figure.


She curled around one of the corals, tilting her head as excitement radiated from her.

I grinned, now my room was perfect.


Antonio POV

I watched the three kids stumble over themselves as they tried to set up our base of operations while we guarded Perseus-aia.

None of them had done much moving on land, and the difference in weight and gravity is a struggle. Even those used to going between sea and land struggled for at least a little while when moving back to land.

"Wait where's my dagger?" Klara called as she tripped over a box of supplies.

"Don't break my storm bottles!" Acantha cried as she scrambled over to Klara to check the box. "Oh good, my babies are okay."

"My dagger though?"

"I dunno, ask Kai."

I sighed as Kai looked up from their book on algebra (some human name for a specific branch of math).


"My dagger! I found my trident, and my spear, and both of my swords, plus my different knives, and my net, but I can't find my bigger dagger, I had four and found three of them."

"Why didn't you just put them all in the same package?" Kai wondered.

"I'll shove them all in you if you don't help me find them," she hissed.

"Tamapuv," I chided. "Kai keep reading, Klara please don't threaten your teammates, Acantha the storm bottles are double, and triple, wrapped, they're safe, help Klara find her missing dagger."

"Yes, Antonio-fu'oro," the three grumbled.

Kai looked back at his book, their eyebrows furrowed as they tried to understand it.

Better him than me.

"Antonio-fu'oro," Acantha said after a moment. "When does this class start, the one where we guard Perseus-aia?"

"In a few days, on the fifth of the land month..." I paused, trying to remember what the land month was... or at least the American land month... were there different land months?

"September," Kai muttered. "Land month of September. Don't forget about parent-teacher conferences."

I sighed, "Right. You should also make sure you know the land calendars, and their time system."

"They use those minutes and hours, right?" Klara asked as she dug through a box. "It's so weird."

"I guess they don't have the tide inland, though I can't imagine not having the tides."

"They go by the sun," Kai said. "Or they originally did. They did their hours by how the sun made shadows, now it works a bit different but still on the same idea."

"Found it!" Klara called, pushing out from a box with her dagger clutched in hand.

"Excellent, are your bags for school packed?"

"But that's not for a few more days!" Klara cried.

"Mine is," Kai mumbled.

"I have my stuff in one place?" Acantha offered.

I sighed, "Right, well, get it all together. We need to scout out the area for good paths to guard Perseus-aia on his way to school. And make sure we know any threats nearby."

"Yeah, yeah," Klara said.

I moved over to grab a box and cursed quietly as my foot caught on the ground and I toppled over.

"I hate land," Acantha said.

I sighed, this was going to be a long mission.


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a review, they feed my soul.

What did you think of the Full Moon ceremony? And Percy going home? What about his altars? How do you think his guards will do?

Ponofa=moon cakes

re'aia=crown prince
fu'oro=master teacher (basically commander)

Camp Tetomoa=Atlantis Camp
The altars were designed actual ones
The prayers were my own creation based on how prayers would be done in Ancient Times but with a bit of ocean flare

Antonio= the leader of Percy's guards, the only adult
Klara= girl, likes weapons, one of Percy's guards
Acantha=girl, likes her storm bottles, one of Percy's guards
Kai=demi-boy, he/they, likes books, one of Percy's guards

Selene the Moon, who rises to guide the tides and pull the oceans deep.
All-shining Selene, moonbeams gleaming over the salty sea, we thank you for your presence.
Eye of the night, Selene of the Moon, tonight we pray for your passage to be safe and to greet you in the next.
May you be with us even when all is dark, radiant in all times.

Artemis the charioteer, who guides the chariot of Selene, we thank you on this night.
Artemis the huntress, who gives your time for the moons passage, we wish you good hunt.
Artemis of Delos, may your passage be calm and your night peaceful so that you may journey again anew.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
