XXIX: Brighter Days

'The world you desire can be won. It exists...it is real. It is yours.' - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

The following day, Stefani wasn't thrilled when she realised what had transpired between James and Aleks shortly after the government's announcement. The couple hadn't spoken of it but the beaming smiles both men adorned and their inability to look away from one another told Stefani everything she needed to know.

Fortunately, the men weren't scolded too much, and when they were, both took it with a smile, knowing that Stef's reprimands were purely spoken out of concern for James's health.

The nurse deemed James healthy enough to return to his duties in camp, as long as he avoided any heavy lifting or strain for another two weeks. The news was a ray of hope for James, and Aleks understood how much it meant to him. He knew his boyfriend hated feeling useless, knowing he'd thought of himself as a burden whilst he recovered from the trauma of the battle.

James immediately threw himself back into his active role as one of the leaders of the Creature camp, choosing to undertake one of his favourite tasks first: babysitting the camp's young children.

Aleks watched him now with a fond smile gracing his lips; James was truly in his element as the children chased him around the vast courtyard, and the sound of their laughter illuminated the camp. Most of the residents had gathered outside to enjoy the spring sunshine, and for the first time since that fateful night, the camp was finally beginning to feel like home again.

"You two are so cute."

At the sound of Joe's voice, Aleks reluctantly tore his eyes away from James's radiant form to glance at his friend. "Shut up." He muttered, but there was no embarrassment or disgruntlement in his tone. He could never be ashamed or humiliated by his love for James.

"You're seriously giving me and Spencer some tough competition for camp's best couple." Joe said playfully, narrowly avoiding the jab to his ribs that Aleks quickly sent his way by sliding down the bench to put some distance between them. Both men were seated at one of the tables, cleaning the camp weaponry.

Aleks rolled his eyes, but was secretly grateful for the light-hearted conversation. It painted a bright future for them all.

"You know, I don't think I've ever thanked you." Joe added unexpectedly, as he returned to his former position beside him. The sudden seriousness in his voice made Aleks still, and he dropped his gaze to the gun in his hands, unsure if he was ready for the conversation that was about to unfold.

"Why would you need to thank me?" He asked lightly, but had a feeling he knew what Joe meant.

"For not giving up on them." Joe responded solemnly, and Aleks tracked his gaze to see that he was watching James, a slight smile lifting the corners of his mouth. "For saving them."

"James and Jordan saved themselves." Aleks said, a ring of truth to his words. They had – they'd been the ones to fend off the Hunters, to chase them away from the camp. "All I did was bring them home."

Now it was Joe's turn to look exasperated, and he shook his head fondly. "You did more than that, and you know it."

Aleks shrugged his shoulders, brushing off the praise. He didn't need it.

Joe seemed to sense that Aleks wasn't willing to talk about that night, and he changed the subject slightly. "I'm just glad everything worked out, in the end." He admitted. "I can't imagine living in this camp without James or Jordan."

Aleks couldn't either. James and Jordan were the light of camp; the strength and spirit of the people. Even now, he was drawn to James, and he found himself watching him again, unable to fight the connection that bound them together. Love truly was a formidable force.

That's when he noticed something that made him frown. All of the children were playing with James...except for one, a young girl named Sophie, no older than five or six years old. She was sitting on the grass, knees drawn up to her chest, watching the other children play with a pained expression on her face, her eyes downcast.

Aleks tugged on Joe's arm to get his attention. Wordlessly, he pointed over to the young girl, asking for a silent explanation for her sorrow.

Joe didn't look surprised by what he saw, and he shook his head sadly. "Do you remember Tommy?"

"Yeah, vaguely." Aleks responded, knowing he'd been one of the men that had died when the Hunters had attacked camp.

"That was Sophie's uncle. He was the only family she had left." Joe said quietly. "She knows he's gone, but she's too young for us to tell her the whole truth."

Aleks understood; he too wanted to protect the children from the grim nature of the reality of their lives. That night had terrified them all but it was easy to put on a brave face for the children. Fortunately, none of them appeared to be burdened by the trauma of that night, judging from their delighted smiles as they giggled at James.

Soon they wouldn't be forced to live like this, and the young children would finally experience a good life, safe in California.

Aleks couldn't wait for that day to arrive. Knowing that they were all going to be saved soon was enough to fuel his hope and faith for a better future.

He was drawn out of his reverie when he noticed James approaching Sophie, and he took a seat beside her on the grass. Aleks was too far away to hear what he was saying to her, but when she gave him a tiny, watery smile, he felt a rush of love and affection for the man he was lucky enough to be with. If anyone could bring joy and happiness to someone crippled with sadness – it would be James.

Then James rose to his feet, and Aleks was surprised when Sophie followed. Shyly, she took his hand, and James led her away, heading over to the other children.

Suddenly an unfamiliar pang struck Aleks's chest, and he felt his heart clench from the warmth pooling within him. He refused to acknowledge the emotion though, his mind preoccupied by an unexpected concern. "What's going to happen to the children when we're taken to California?" He found himself blurting out, and Joe glanced at him in surprise, taken aback by the question.

"What do you mean?"

"When we start a new life in California...what will happen to the kids without any family?" His anxiety was building, beginning to feel distressed as he watched James and Sophie together.

"I haven't really thought about it." Joe said warily, now looking as worried as Aleks felt. "I guess Spencer and I could look after a couple of them."

Aleks nodded vaguely, unable to tear his eyes away from his partner and the small child that was clinging to his hand. It shattered his heart, knowing that Sophie had no one left in the world. No one should be without a family.

"Maybe you and James could..." But Joe didn't get the chance to finish his sentence before Aleks quickly interrupted him.

"James could." He responded, knowing that James would be a great father figure. He ignored the traitorous warmth that was beginning to affect him again, forcing himself to speak his next words. "I'm not really...I'm not cut out for that. I'm not good with kids."

"Liar." Joe's quick rebuff cut sharply through Aleks's denial, and he blinked at his friend in shock. "I've seen you with those kids. They adore you. James told them this elaborate tale about how you saved him from an evil monster to explain his absence, and now they all idolize you."

Aleks was unsure how to reply, and he glanced over at the children, unconvinced by Joe's words.

But when a couple of the kids noticed him watching them, they beamed at him, waving their tiny hands in the air. "Come and play with us Aleks!" One of the children yelled excitedly.

Mystified, Aleks could only wave back at them, too speechless to form a reply.

"Trust me, you and James would make great fathers." Joe's remark was utterly earnest, and Aleks expected to feel panicked by his words, assumed he'd feel dizzy and confused by his friend's sincerity.

But he wasn't any of those things. The future didn't scare him anymore.

Finally, he acknowledged the warmth coursing through his veins, which was making his heart flutter in his ribcage. It was longing.

A new dawn was on the horizon, a fresh start for everyone. But Aleks wasn't afraid. He had James, and a future of infinite possibility lay before them. They both knew what they wanted, and it was within their reach.

Yes, his world was James, but there was room for others too. There was definitely space for Jordan and Seamus, and Dexter and Joe, men he now considered his brothers. Maybe that meant there was a place for Sophie too, or for the other children who'd lost everything. Family didn't need to begin or end with blood, and Aleks had learned to believe that.

Family; where life begins and love never ends.

He had that with James and the life they were building together...but damn it, everyone else deserved that too. Especially Sophie.

"You should go over and join them." Joe's voice startled Aleks out of his reverie, and he rose to his feet, grateful for the reprieve, suddenly needing to be closer to James. He gave his friend a warm, grateful smile before vacating the bench, wiping his hands on a cloth as he approached James and the children that surrounded him.

He couldn't help but feel slightly nervous, used to being on the side-lines, but the glowing smile James gave him when he reached him immediately dispelled his anxiety.

"Need a hand?" Aleks asked, only to be answered by an almighty roar as all of the children charged at him, and they began to clamber up him like a tree, all seeking his affection. Bemused, he let them, only to topple over from the force, which made James erupt into glorious laughter.

Only Sophie remained at James's side, and she peered down at Aleks timidly, her hold on James's hand tightening.

"Alright kids, get ready to play hide and seek." James announced, saving Aleks as the children immediately climbed off him to begin scattering around the courtyard, seeking out viable hiding places. "Sophie, do you want to help Aleks and I find them?"

Aleks glanced at Sophie, sensing her reluctance as he stood up, brushing the dirt from his clothes. "You handle that." He said lightly, saving her from voicing her feelings. "I'll sit out of this round, and make sure no one cheats."

At his words, Sophie released James's hand. She continued to stare at Aleks, chewing her lip nervously.

"Want to be my helper Soph?" Aleks asked kindly, relieved when she nodded her head, allowing James to step away and begin counting.

Aleks began to edge towards one of the vacant benches, watching out of the corner of his eye as Sophie followed him dutifully. They sat down together, Aleks putting a space between them, not wanting to scare her or make her feel uncomfortable. He knew she was a lot closer to James, but hoped to secure a bond with her too.

"You have to pay special attention to James. He always peeks." He said solemnly, hoping to elicit a positive response from the young girl. It worked – Sophie smiled shyly, which delighted Aleks, especially when she inched closer to him, closing the distance between them slightly.

Warmed by her response, Aleks felt brave enough to ask his next question. "Why didn't you want to play?" He asked gently, hoping his words wouldn't make her bolt.

They didn't. Sophie glanced down at her hands, thoughtful as she pondered Aleks's question. "I get scared." She whispered eventually. "Scared that when people hide, they don't come back." She spoke with such weight that it startled Aleks. Sophie was so young but she spoke with such maturity – proof that her loss had affected her in ways that Aleks couldn't even begin to comprehend.

He knew though, that she was thinking about her uncle – and possibly the family she'd lost when the virus first struck. "It's okay to be scared." He said honestly. "Sometimes I feel scared too." He did so in that moment, not used to being so open with his emotions, but he knew that it was important to voice them.

He was glad he had when he felt Sophie slip her hand into his, and she leaned into him, resting her head against his arm.

Smiling, Aleks fell silent, and they turned their gaze to James, both feeling content as they watched him interact with the other children, warmed by his light.
