XVIII: Signal Fire


Soon, winter drew to a close, and signs of spring started to appear. The weather grew milder, and the days grew longer.

However, duties were more demanding than ever as the camp prepared itself for a new season, and everyone was pulling their weight, including Aleks and James, who worked tirelessly every single day. Aleks missed his partner; they'd barely spent any time together recently. Only sparse minutes every now and again between jobs, both collapsing from exhaustion as soon as the sun set.

Today, Aleks hadn't seen his boyfriend at all. He'd been stuck outside all day, fixing the fissures in the camp wall with clay. Parts of it had ruptured because of the relentless weather, so he was attempting to strengthen it.

So absorbed in his work, he didn't notice someone staring at him – until he turned around to pick up some more clay. He jumped in surprise when he saw James behind him, leaning against one of the wall pillars. "Hey you." Aleks said, once he'd recovered from his initial shock. 

"Hey." James straightened up, and he began to saunter over to him. "Sorry, I would have announced myself earlier but I was enjoying the view."

It felt good to be flirted with again. It had been a long time since they'd had the energy to do anything vaguely romantic. "I bet you were." Aleks responded, biting his lip as James stopped in front of him, inches away. He waited for the inevitable greeting kiss, but didn't receive it.

"Do you have any duties after dinner?" James asked, making no move towards him.

Aleks frowned, disappointed. "No, I'm free tonight."

"What a coincidence." James stated, and he grinned wickedly, his dark eyes gleaming with vigour. "Me too."

Aleks hoped desperately that was true, but he couldn't trust James's expression. "Please don't be fucking with me." He said, furrowing his brow. If it was a joke, he was going to give James hell.

"I'm being serious." James's smirk faded, and he gave him a genuine smile, which convinced Aleks completely.

"So we're finally going to have some time together?" His face broke out into a smile, his mood lightening considerably, and James nodded cheerily. "Thank fuck for that. I was getting a little concerned." Aleks added, unable to resist the opportunity to tease him. "The first sign of a relationship in trouble is not spending much time together."

James rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've been reading that shitty five-year-old Cosmo magazine, haven't you?"

"Maybe." Aleks said coyly.

James responded by scooping up a piece of clay and smearing it across Aleks's nose, leaving a grey smudge on his skin. "Idiot." He said fondly.

Big mistake. Aleks's hands were already covered in clay and he charged, grabbing James's face to leave two grey handprints on his cheeks. He leaned back to admire his work, noticing that some clay had gotten on his beard. James still looked incredibly hot, so Aleks quickly cupped his face again to kiss him fiercely.

James reacted just as he wanted, and he backed them up until Aleks was pressed up against the newly refurbished wall. The clay clung to his clothing but Aleks couldn't care less, too overwhelmed by James's touch to worry about the state of his outfit.

I love you. Those three words were on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't say them aloud. His lips were occupied by James's, and when they weren't, he was panting for breath as James trailed a path of kisses across his jaw, gently nipping at his skin.

Aleks chose to convey his love through touch instead.

He dragged his fingers through James's locks, tugging on his curls. I love you.

He pressed his body against his, hooking a leg around his waist. I love you.

He pulled back to breathe, his lips stained red from James's rough, biting kisses, and he gazed deeply into his eyes. I love you.

He wondered if James was trying to say something too, through the way he touched him in return. His fingers tracing delicate patterns on his skin, underneath his t-shirt, his hands exploring the contours of his chest. Resting their foreheads together as they gasped for breath, smiling into a kiss as a chorus of uninhibited moans escaped Aleks's lips.

"James, aren't you on patrol?"              

At the sound of Jordan's voice, James immediately released Aleks from his grasp, stepping away to smile beseechingly at their leader. "No." It was an obvious lie.

"Back to work." Jordan commanded, but he was grinning at them, no doubt amused by their very public display of affection. Aleks had completely forgotten that they were in the centre of the courtyard, surrounded by other campmates.

"You're the boss." James waved him off, and then he turned back to Aleks to kiss him briefly. "I'll see you at dinner."

"See you." Aleks murmured, watching him leave.

Clearing his throat, he pointedly ignored the looks from the people around him as he returned to his work, discretely adjusting his pants as he did so.


Fortunately, the two were reunited only a couple of hours later, when the camp gathered for dinner in the basement. They were both teased relentlessly by their friends for their appearance whilst they ate, as streaks of clay still lingered on their skin.

Aleks took it all in his stride, in too good of a mood to be offended by the playful jibes. All he could think about was the evening ahead, when he could finally be alone with James. He missed talking to him, he missed laughing with him - and more importantly - he missed having sex with him.

He was already struggling to keep his hands off of him. The moment James had finished eating, Aleks began to clean his face, tenderly wiping away the smudges of clay with the cloth that Jordan had tossed their way. James rolled his eyes, but allowed Aleks to fuss over him.

"You two are such an old married couple." Jordan remarked, and Aleks stilled at the mention of the 'm' word, his hand lingering on James's cheek. First Aron with the engagement comment...and now this.

"Jealous?" James shot back, unfazed by his best friend's comment. Aleks felt himself relax, and he resumed his cleansing, dragging the cloth down James's neck to wipe away the handprints he'd left there earlier.

"Who's the wife?" Dexter asked flippantly, before Jordan had the chance to make a retort of his own.

"Aleks." There was no hesitation from James, and he daringly met Alek's gaze, grinning when he saw his venomous glare.

"Fuck you." Aleks muttered, and he dropped the cloth to shift away from him, no longer willing to continue his loving gesture.

He didn't get very far. James quickly snaked his arm around his shoulders, drawing him back into his embrace. Aleks went willingly but he continued to scowl...until James kissed his temple, softening his expression.

"James is definitely the wife." Dan piped up, and Aleks laughed when James immediately flipped him off. He looked set to respond verbally, but something caught his attention, and his playful glare became a look of concern.

Aleks followed his gaze, and saw Seamus approaching their table. He felt himself mirror James's frown when he saw the state his friend was in. Seamus looked awful; he was as white as a sheet, and the dark shadows under his eyes were patent in the sunken palette of his skin. 

"You look like shit." James said bluntly as Seamus sank down into the remaining chair at their table.

"I know." Seamus said dryly, reaching for a glass of water. "When one feels like shit, they tend to look like it too."

"There's no way I'm letting you go on night-watch tonight, not when you're this ill." Jordan said, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. "You need to rest."

"And who's going to replace me? Everyone is busy with other duties." Seamus reminded him, taking a small sip of his drink.

Aleks knew exactly what was going to happen next, and knew that he could do nothing to stop it.

"I'll cover your shift tonight."

At James's words, Seamus visibly brightened – but Aleks's mood darkened. Curse his thoughtful, caring boyfriend.

"Thanks James, I owe you one." Seamus sighed, reaching across the table to clap him on the shoulder.

Yes you do. Aleks knew that James had done the right thing, but he couldn't help but fume silently as their plans together collapsed. Great, another night alone.

"It's no problem." James said airily, and after giving his friend a reassuring smile, he turned his attention back to Aleks. His smile quickly dimmed when he caught sight of the unhappy glare directed his way. "What have I done to deserve that look?" He asked, bewildered.

"You know what you've done. So much for our night alone together." Aleks hissed, lowering his voice so that he didn't attract the attention of their friends.

It didn't quite work.

"You need to get laid man." He heard Dexter comment, imitating James's common expression whenever he noticed someone in a bad mood.

"I was trying to." Aleks said gloomily, and James blinked, momentarily taken aback.

"Gross. I definitely joined the conversation at the wrong time." He heard Aron remark, and Aleks glanced up to see him standing by their table. "Seamus, you're needed on patrol."

"It's me tonight." James corrected him, but he didn't make a move to leave right away. He leaned towards Aleks, his lips brushing the shell of his ear. "I'll make it up to you." He whispered.

Aleks believed him. "You better." He murmured, his frustration wavering when James kissed his mouth gently, a silent promise. Then he rose to his feet, winking at Aleks over his shoulder as he followed Aron out of the door.


If Aleks had known what would happen that night, he never would have allowed James to go on night patrol.

He never would have let him leave without a proper goodbye.

He wouldn't have been mad at him for something so trivial. He would have traded his glares for loving smiles and tender kisses.

He would have finally said I love you.

But Aleks hadn't done any of those things, and he went to bed alone.

In seven hours, thirty six minutes and fifty two seconds...everything changed.
