chapter two: the locker encounter

at the edge of the cliff

chapter two: locker encounter

"You want to die don't you." my friend Jemma says closing her locker.

"How did you know?" I fake gasp grabbing her arm. She pulls away and rolls her eyes.

"Seriously. Stay away from Kira, she's trouble." she says completely serious.

"Really?" I laugh, "she's trouble? Have you met me? I stole your mom's car because we wanted MacDonald's but we were too young to have a car and she wouldn't take us." I say laughing. Jemma pondered that as I continued. "I put a snake in the office because that secretary lady gave me detention for fucks sake. She's trouble?" We both laugh as we remember all of the screams that came from the office that day. Kira is the total opposite of trouble. She's a dramatic, blonde whore who is obsessed with herself and guys. She is not trouble, just annoying.

"Mom's still mad at you by the way." she says. I roll my eyes and start walking to the cafeteria. I sit at a table in the back and just look around.

Jemma eats in the library because she is scared of the cafeteria. I don't why, but she is. And I'm not a good enough friend to go eat with her.

I like people watching.

"Waddup?" Ryder asks sitting down in front of me. I nod in response and continue looking around. "Your coming over later cause' I have to babysit and your doing it for me." he says taking a carrot from my plate. My eyes meet his and I raise an eyebrow.

"You'll have to pay me." I say. He nods and gives me a 'duh' look. I laugh and push my plate towards him. He chuckles and takes it in his hands and walks towards the trash can.

I'm not the type for 'best friends' but if I had to say someone was it would be Ryder. I am not a very friendly person and neither is he. We're a lot alike in our personalities. Like lack in a heart, or compassion, or kindness. He is like the "bad boy" of the school I guess, along with Grayson. Why he popped into my mind, I don't know. Anyways, that's why I am actually friends with him. He is not boring, and he isn't like a most friends. He couldn't care less about how I feel or shit like that unless its serious. We're pretty close but not creepy close.

We just kind of get each other.

"Alright so is that a yes?" he asks sitting back down. I roll my eyes and nod. He sends me a wink and gets up to leave. I watch as he walks over to the table where every chair is filled with a ho.

Hope he doesn't get an STD.




The hallways are empty which is good since no one could see my embarrassment. The bottom of my shirt got caught in my locker when I shut it and now it won't open. I was supposed to go to Ryder's house to help him and he didn't answer his phone when I called so i'm just stuck.

I scrolled through my contacts but I don't have anyone im close enough to just call up out of nowhere for something like this. Jemma, I'm sure has already left or I would call her.

Humming echoed through the halls meaning someone was coming. I'm going to have to ask whoever this is to help me or I'm going to be trapped in the school all night. And take it from me, it's not as fun as it might sound.


"Shit." I whisper to myself. Its Grayson. His eyes are looking down at his phone and earbuds are in his ears and he's humming. It doesn't sound that bad.


"Grayson?" I say. He doesn't hear me. He is walking closer without knowing there is someone else here. "Grayson!" I say louder. No response. I manage to get my backpack off of me and hold it up. Without thinking, I hurl it at Grayson and it hits him in the shoulder. His eyes snaps up and the pissed off look doesn't stay for long when he sees me.

"Wow Shay." he shakes his head and walks over to me.

I didn't even know he knew my name.

His laughing was getting annoying and now I regret getting his attention. "Seems like your stuck." he says. I watched annoyed as he leans against the lockers beside me, arms crossed, staring at me with an amused smirk of his face.

"Could you help me?" I ask as politely as I could. He chuckles and reaches down grabbing my shirt. He tugs lightly and nods.

"Yup. It's definitely stuck in there." he says. I roll my eyes.

"Quit being a shitface and help me." I whine, getting more annoyed by the second. He raises an eyebrow.

"Why should I help you, Shay?" he asks. I stare up at him as he stares down at me. His eyes are mocking me.

"You want your black hoodie back?" I ask with a smirk playing on my lips.

He stared at me confused for a minute until realization flashes through his eyes.

"You were there?" he asks quietly. Something about the darkness that flashed through his eyes made me want to take back what I said. His whole demeanor changed. Shoulders slouched a bit, but he tensed up. He harshly grabbed my shirt and pulled it from the locker causing it to rip a good four to five inches up. I stare in complete shock as his arms go around me pushing me forcefully against the lockers.

"Don't speak a fucking word of that to anyone, do you understand?" he says lowly. Something snapped inside of me. Who does he think he is to tell me what to do?

"And if I do?" I challenge. His dark eyes spill into mine and it's like he can see right through me. His fingers gripping my arm got tighter until it started to hurt.

"Do you really want to find out?" he threatens.

"Do I?" I ask him tilting my head to the side. He lets go of my arms and hits the lockers dangerously close to my face.

"Are you always this fucking-?"

"What the hell is going on?" another voice joins in our little conversation.

"Nothing Ryder." I say grabbing my bag, "lets go." I walk over to Ryder and grab his arm. He looks back at Grayson one last time before following me out of the school.

"What was that?" he asked once we were outside. I shook my head and walked to his car. "It looked a little heated." he says shutting the door. He starts the car and starts the drive to his house.

"Nah shit sherlock. It was nothing. Leave it alone." I say ending that conversation. "What happened to the kids?" I ask changing the subject. He scratches his neck and glances over at me chuckling. "You left them there by themselves?" I ask laughing. He nods and I laugh.

"They're good." he says dismissing it. He watches his brothers every once and a while because his parents work so really I'm stuck watching them. I don't mind though, it's something to do. Plus I make a few bucks off of a couple hours so it's all good.
