chapter sixty-one: breaking voices

at the edge of the cliff

chapter sixty-one: breaking voices

Walking aimlessly down the school hallway, I read the colorful posters that scatter the walls. School used to be all I worried about. Getting the right grades so I could get into college; not because I wanted to, but because I needed to. I needed to get of of here. This school. This town. This life. I had one friend. Well, if you want to count Jemma, even then it would only be one and a half. I had a routine going. Go to school, come home, get beat, leave for a few days maybe getting drunk somewhere in between, and repeat.

Then one day, this stupid guy came and messed up that routine and it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. It was probably just the distraction/adventure I needed. In that time span, some of the worst possible things and the best happened.

Worst: the beatings got worse, Amilio coming back, suicide attempt, I thought my mother was dead, Justin and the kidnapping, the death threat texts mixed somewhere in there, and I would even count fights with Grayson because those sucked pretty bad too.

Best: getting adopted, meeting Grayson, finding out my mother isn't dead, her coming home, meeting Grayson, getting away from my dad, Amilio, and Justin, and most importantly. . .meeting Grayson.

I can't even believe how much he has changed my life.

Changed me.

I'm happy. And not just happier than I was. Completley happy. With myself. With my life at the moment.

Its crazy.

I run my hand along the lockers as I walk down the hall. Footsteps echo against the walls and I look up from the ground. The man of the hour walks around the corner, a red hall pass dangling from his fingers, matching mine. He had a bored expression on his face as he typed one handedly on his phone. A smile slowly takes over my lips as I walk over to him. "Hey." I say. He looks up from his phone to meet my eyes and smiles a soft smile.

"Hey princess." He says putting his phone into his pocket. I roll my eyes.

"Stop." I whine throwing my head up. I actually hate that nickname. A little less than I used to, be I still don't like it. He chuckles.

"No can do baby girl." He shakes his head throwing an arm around my shoulder as he start to walk. "Skipping won't get you anywhere in life." He comments.

"Well the sub in history was snoring so loud so I took it upon myself to remove myself from the classroom before I started a game of 'see if I can make my eraser in his mouth'". Grayson laughs out loud at my words. But I was dead serious. That guy had his mouth wide open; it was just begging to have somethung thrown in it. So I left.

"Your something else." He says leaning his head down to kiss the top of my head. "So I'll pick you up this afternoon and-"

"Nope." I shake my head inturrupting him. "Ryder will be home and no one knows about your little secret." I say. No one except me. . .and well Kira, knows that he's the mask fighter. And before it wouldn't have really mattered if Ryder found out, but now? That would be bad. That would be like choosing between one of them. And I can't do that.

"We'll just tell him we're going to eat." He argues. I roll my eyes and slap his arm.

"He's fighting too dumbass. He'll see me there." I say. Grayson huffs, rubbing the place on his arm.

"Okay fine. Then meet me at my house then." He says. I nod.

"Okay, see you then." I stop and turn to him. "I should get back to class before Mr. Whatshisface wakes up." I say. He nods and leans down, bringing our faces together. His lips attach to mine and I immediately melt into his touch. Grayson brings his handz to grip my waist, pulling me into him completely.

Why we decided to get into a heated make out session in the middle of the hallway? I don't know.

But I loved it.

He opened my mouth with his tounge, massaging mine against his in a mindblowing way. I slowly started to back up until my back hit the lockers. He pull away just for a moment to grin at me. I squeal when he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, using the lockers behind me for leverage. He attacks my mouth again. I get goosebumps as him raises the bottom of my shirt up just a little, rubbing small circles on my bare hip. He continues completely exploring my mouth as I hold back a moan. Damn, he is a good kisser. I gasp when he bites my bottom lip before pulling away.

I immediatley pout, missing his lips on mine. His chest heaves up and down in syce with mine. Grayson eyes were low and dark as he stared at me dazed. "I would absolutley love to do so much more to you." He growls pushing himself into me. I suck in a breath.

"I would absolutley love for you too do so much more." I say pulling his head closer to mine, kissing his mouth only for a second. He growls and drops me to my feet.

"Nope." He shakes his head. "Gotta go. Your too tempting." He pokes my nose before starting down the hallway.




I examine myself in the mirror. Ya know, most girls try to dress even better when they know they are going to see their boyfriend. But me? The red joggers hung off my legs one size two big and the black hoodie was cropped by me so it was a little wonky and to top off the look? My hair was thrown into a very messy high pony tail. So over all I looked like a model.


I slip my slides over my black and white stripped socks and grab my phone before leaving the house. The air was crisp and cold as it was getting farther and farther into winter. I was fine with it though; I love the cold. It matches my heart I guess.



The drive to Graysons was short and I soon found myself hopping out of my car and up the steps to Graysons house. But I freeze when I hear yelling. It was obviously Grayson and his father, which in all honesty didn't surprise me. As wrong as it was, I listen. And they were loud enough to hear, even from out here.

"If you keep going down the path your going, your gonna end up in the streets, or in a gang, or prison! Who knows?!" It wasn't Gray who said this, so obviously it was his dad.

"How the hell would you know what fucking path I'm going down? Your never here!" Grayson shouts back. I take a few steps towards the door so I could hear better.

"Watch your mouth!" Nothing is said for a moment. "Me and your mother do everything for you. Just because Will is-"

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence." Grayson growls. Its muffled, but I can still hear it. And I can feel the tension from out here. "You don't get to talk about him now. You avoided it for so long, and all of a sudden now you're ready?! Fuck no. Fuck that. Fuck you." When I hear him say "I'm out." I get to the bottom steps before the door swings open. His eyes land on me just as the door slams. "What are you doing?" He tenses, glancing back at the door.

"The fight." I say stupidly still trying to process what I just heard. Realization flashes in his dark eyes and he takes a few steps forward.

"I'm not going." I could visablly see him shutting down as he walks passed me to his car. I reach out for his arm and he flinches at the slightest contact. "You needa go." He says a little louder. I knew I probably should, let him cool down and everything, but I couldn't just leave him. Not like this. I know he wouldn't leave me.

"No, just talk to m-"

"I'm tired of fucking talking!" He yells spinning around. His face goes shade of red and his eyes go watery. "And of people not talking." His voice lowers and his eyes go to his house behind me.

"Just let me help." I say stepping closer to him. Grayson kept his eyes trained on the ground, jaw clenched, blinking a few more times than needed. My heart ached. For him. With him.

"How?" I almost started crying at the sound of his voice cracking. Breaking. I blew out a slow breath trying to keep myself together. Oh how I so wanted to go in there and yell at his parents, his father for not being more understanding. For making the only son he has left hurt like this.

But I don't.

"Come on." I say grabbing his hand. This time he doesn't flinch. He just lets me pull him to my car. We both get in. As I pulled out of the driveway, I debated on either going home or to the cliff. But when I found myself passing my neighborhood, I know exactly where were going. Our place. The only escape we can have at the moment.
