Tómus Dahl

"Come on, I would like to have a dance with my sister!" - Tómus Dahl

Biographical information

Full Name: Tómus Dahl

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Status: Alive

Age: 22

Birth: 1993

Race: Mythonite

Nationality: Asgardian

Origin: New Asgard, Mythos System

Residence: New Asgard, Mythos System

Profession(s): Crown prince of New Asgard


Runa Dahl (mother)

* Eir Dahl (mother)

* Magnus Dahl (older brother)

* Adalet (Anders) Sadik-Halvorsen (older sister/brother, not blood-related)

* Henrik Dahl (grandfather) (incarcerated)

* Sylvi Dahl (grandmother) (deceased)

Affiliation(s): New Asgard Royal Council


Height: 6'2"

Age: 22

Weight: 200 lbs

Eyes: brown

Blood: B-

While younger by five years, Tómus, is taller than his brother Magnus standing at over six feet tall with a leaner build, much like a runner or gymnast may have. He has almost the same complexion as his brother, but with no freckles and he has short black hair that is curly like Eir's hair. He has Runa's warm brown eyes behind a pair of black-framed glasses and a golden symbol of the god Loki, two snakes circling each other forming an S symbol and biting the tail of the other, on his inner right forearm.

Tómus normally wears business-casual style clothes. This includes black dress pants, a green button-up shirt that he rolls the sleeves of up with a darker green tie, a black vest, and black dress shoes.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian abilities:


* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

* Star generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night

* Magic

Powers gained from wielding Lævateinn (Loki's sceptre):

Illusion Manipulation

     * Can create and manipulate illusions

*Decoy Manipulation

     * Can create copies of himself that can cause damage to enemies but do not take damage that extends to his physical self. Copies can be destroyed by enemy attacks.

* Transfiguration magic

* Mental Manipulation

     * Can control people's minds and alter their memories or what they see and hear

* Telekinesis

* Enhancement of physical abilities/powers

* Note! Tómus needs to "recharge" these abilities if he has not been in contact with Lævateinn recently. Holding the sceptre for a few seconds is all he needs and he can go up to a week without welding Lævateinn.


Tómus was born a little over five years after his older siblings were. From the moment he was born his older siblings vowed to protect and love him. Magnus and Adalet could often be found carting the baby around as best as two five-year-olds could using a wagon they outfitted with high sides, cushions and blankets to keep Tómus safe and comfortable. If Runa or Eir couldn't find Tómus they just had to search for Magnus or Adalet, most likely one or both of them had the baby.

While Tómus was too young to remember it happening, he knows that Magnus and Adalet would sometimes sneak into his nursery at night and sleep next to or in his crib. This was because the twins suffered from nightmares related to Adalet's kidnapping and both feared bad people were coming to steal their baby brother. Their parents consider it bittersweet that the twins did this and countless pictures exist to document it.

One of his favourite activities to do as he got older was to attend council meetings with his mother Runa and Uncle Heimdall. He found it interesting to listen to even if some of the words and topics went over his head. When Magnus decided that he did not want to become King, Tómus quickly agreed to take on the role of Crown Prince since he always had a natural interest/gift for leadership.

On the night of his coronation, the Fire Demons rose again to try and burn New Asgard to the ground and kill all of its inhabitants. He and every Asgardian warrior jumped into action and launched their counterattack against the enemy. It was actually Tómus's idea for him, Magnus and Adalet to take the gods' weapons and he was drawn to Loki's sceptre Lævateinn.

The sceptre increased his magical abilities and granted him the power of illusions which he used to trick the Fire Demons into attacking themselves by placing illusions on them to make them believe they were attacking Asgardians. He also used the power to camouflage himself and attacked the Demons with the blade end of the sceptre.

After the war was won he helped his mother with recovery efforts by visiting the other planets in the Mythos System to request aid for medicine, food, and building supplies.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 2

Tómus appeared for his older sister's wedding and refused to intervene when his older brother got on her bad side. Thankfully, his mother Eir managed to prevent a murder and he quickly whisked Adalet away for a dance before Magnus could put his foot in his mouth again.

Story Information

First appeared: Tying the Knot


* His first word was "Magada", a combination of his older siblings' names. Magnus and Adalet had each been trying to make his first word their name, fighting over which one he would say first. Tómus ended the fight by giggling a happy "Magada!" at the twins and for a year he referred to the two as such even when they were separate. He would later learn each of their names but still calls them "Magada" sometimes, usually for their birthdays on their cards and gifts

     * Or if he wants something from them and plays the "baby brother" card

* His weapon specialty is throwing knives and he normally has multiple knives on him at any given time

* Despite his height, he is very light on his feet and often times people don't hear him approaching. He regularly sneaks up on people on accident and, not realizing they don't know he's there, will scare them when they turn around

     * He purposefully does it to his family but has never managed to succeed with his mothers, Uncle Heimdall, or Adalet

* He likes to use his magic to entertain children by making illusions of mythical creatures to put on performances for them


A drawing of the tattoo on Tómus's right inner forearm.
