Anders Sadik-Halvorsen

"I feel insulted as an Agent and on behalf of Luxembourg." - Anders Sadik-Halvorsen

Biographical information

Full Name: Anders Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen


* Gatekeeper

* Starlight

* Andy

* Küçük yıldız (little star in Turkish)

* Babystjerne (baby star in Norwegian)

* Star

* Goldie

Gender: Genderfluid (male form, he/him)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Status: Alive

Age: 28 (season 3)

Birth: August 13, 1987

Race: Hybrid (Human-Mythonite)

Nationality: Turkish-Asgardian

Origin: Galvan Prime, Galvan Star System


* Jazz Town, Pacific Bay, USA (formerly)

* Grimsborough, USA (formerly)

* Montreal, Ontario, Canada (formerly)

* Istanbul, Turkey (formerly)

* Oslo, Norway (formerly)


* Investigator

* G.I.A. Agent

* Assistant Ambassador of Earth

* Ambassador of Earth (formerly)

Past profession(s): Olympian, figure skating


* Fili Savage (husband)

* Ahmet Savage (son, adopted)

* Clover Savage (child) (deceased)

* Aslan Sadik-Halvorsen (father)

* Heimdall Sadik-Halvorsen (father)

* Maria Sadik (grandmother)

* Deniz Sadik (grandfather)

* Birgitta Halvorsen (grandmother)

* Soffía Halvorsen (grandmother)

*Kára Halvorsen (aunt) (deceased)

* Brage Halvorsen (pibling)

* Magnus Dahl (twin brother, not biologically related)

* Tómus Dahl (brother, not biologically related)

* John Savage (father-in-law)

* Quinn Savage (mother-in-law)

* James Savage (brother-in-law)

* André Santos (great-great-grandfather) (deceased post Mysteries of The Past timeline)

Partner(s): Cybele Floros (ex-girlfriend) (deceased)


* The Bureau (formerly)

* Pacific Bay Police Department (formerly)

* Grimsborough Police Department (formerly)



Height: 5',10"

Age: 28 (season 3)

Weight: 185 lbs

Eyes: gold

Blood: O-

Anders is Adalet's male persona. Like his female counterpart, he has dark skin, gold eyes, black hair, and wears Loki as a choker around his neck. Unlike Adalet his hair is in dreadlocks that reach his lower back, and he has the upper half of his locks tied back into a ponytail with a few left loose to frame his face. He also has a clean-cut beard and gold stud earrings in both ears.

He wears his gold wedding ring on his left ring finger.

While working as an agent of the Bureau, Anders wears a black leather jacket with a dark orange lining and hood over top of a sleeveless red leather shirt, dark pants, and black combat boots.

In his suspect appearance in Beauty is Dead, Anders wears a pair of Jack's yellow-tinted sunglasses and has his nails painted gold. It is known that he eats Dunder Salt, gets manicures, and drinks coffee.

As per his suspect appearance in Star of Death, it is known that Anders is a marksman and drinks ginger beer.

As per his suspect appearance in Out of This World Murder, it is known that Anders drinks Spice Runner Hard Cider, is a fan of The Healer, and uses teleporters.

Powers and Abilities

Asgardian abilities:

* Super-strength

* Enhanced durability

* Enhanced speed

* Superhuman Stamina

* Regenerative healing factor

* Flight

* All-Speak

Star Generation

     * Asgardians can create small orbs of light which they call "stars" that they send up into the sky at night


     * Capable of seeing and hearing anywhere in the universe but limited due to it taking time to locate areas in the universe. Quicker if he has visited the place before or knows its exact coordinates.

Fire manipulation

Ice manipulation

     * Skin turns blue if used for too long


     * Gender transfiguration

          * Asgardians are able to learn a spell that allows them to change their biological sex at will 

          *  It also allows them to change their hairstyle/facial hair

          * While anyone can learn the spell, some choose not to use it

          * The spell is cast by crossing your middle finger over your index finger and saying "skifte" to become the opposite sex to what you were assigned at birth, and then crossing your index finger over your middle finger and repeating the word to go back to your assigned sex

Powers gained from wielding Hofund:

* Transportation portal generation

* Pocket dimension generation

* Bifrost

     * Capable of opening the Bifrost which allows her to travel anywhere in the galaxy in seconds. Not to be confused with her transportation portals that only work for intra-planet distances

*Note! Anders needs to "recharge" these abilities if he has not been in contact with Hofund recently. Holding the sword for a few seconds is all he needs and he can go up to a week without wielding Hofund.


Anders came into existence for the first time when Adalet was 20 after the successful use of the Gender Transfiguration spell. Though he has identified as genderfluid since he was a teenager. He comes out on the masculine days while Adalet exists on the feminine days. On the rare occasion that they don't feel a preference for one gender over the other, then typically they just remain in the form they are currently in.

* For more of Anders's history, see Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 3

Anders was first introduced to the team when he appeared as a suspect in Bella Beauty's murder. He enjoyed hiding in plain sight and later explains to the team how he exists. After the reveal, he bounces back and forth between this form and Adalet, depending on what gender he's feeling that day.

Chief Ripley is a very open-minded boss and therefore did not see any issues with one of her agents being genderfluid. Since they were travelling around the world, she approved of Anders changing his gender as needed to feel comfortable in his own skin. And while she'll never admit it, she found it amusing watching the rest of the team try to figure out who their teammate was. 

During the Europe Region following his debut, Anders and the Bureau hunted down the Promethian Cult, which was trying to sabotage the European Referendum to unify all of Europe into one united nation under their control.

In the Sahara Region, as the team searched for the person behind their Chief's "death," Anders's abilities came in handy when investigating the deserts and vast landscapes. He also got along well with Jonah, though he kept his guard up, especially after finding out he had shot Marina in the past. But most importantly, Anders found Andrew Stern after the young boy had been kidnapped. He understood what the kid was going through better than anyone and was relieved when they found the boy uninjured. 

When it came down to facing off against his boss's killer, "The Sword," Anders was grateful for Jonah appearing when he did to kill Omar before the assassin could take the agents out. But finding out Omar had never killed Ripley in the first place made Anders relieved to see Ripley alive and well, but he was hurt that she lied to them for weeks! Of course, his annoyance was quickly redirected at his husband when Fili blasted him with a fire extinguisher, but the Irish man made it up to the Turk by helping him "clean up" in the showers.

(Ripley had "No Sex in The Shower" signs made and put up by the next day on each shower stall.)

In Stonehearted, Anders was stunned to learn that his ex-girlfriend had been murdered and that his husband was a suspect. But even more surprising was learning that Fili was a nature mage. Anders was no stranger to magic, but he couldn't believe Fili had managed to hide something so big for so long. But finding out he was a mage did explain a lot of strange things about Fili. At least now Anders knew why he loved nature so much!

Next came Eurasia and the Bureau's investigation into SOMBRA and the security breach in COSMORUS. Things were tense as they dealt with Marina's mother, Natasha, but the Bureau tried to keep the peace as best they could. But in the end, Marina got to tell them all that she had "told them so" when it was revealed that Natasha had been SOMBRA all along. At least they managed to arrest her and take control of the satellite SOMBRA had successfully launched into space.

While in South Asia, Anders didn't appear until Peace and Dead Quiet. He was surprised to run into an old suspect from Pacific Bay during the region and suspected the "flashing light" the Guru claimed to have seen might have been one of the G.I.A.'s Neuralyzers... After all, he was sure Agent Z wasn't going to risk anyone in Rhine Canyon remembering anything about the alien investigations, and despite Ezra not being involved, Z didn't like taking any chances.

This was also the region where Anders and the Bureau met Sanjay. Anders won't lie; the boy reminded him of Ahmet, and more than once, he considered offering him a place in his family. But the boy was constantly slipping away from the team. So Anders kept his eyes open for signs of Sanjay in hopes that they could save him, especially after finding out that SOMBRA was recruiting children.

Speaking of children, Anders enjoyed having the triplets around as the team headed to East Asia. While the girls defiantly caused their parents and the Bureau to worry, they had fun times, like when they gave Anders a makeover. However, he had to make sure he got a more secure container to store Loki's star bits in after the orb-ki incident...

In the Oceania Region, the Bureau and Anders faced some of their hardest challenges after discovering that SOMBRA was experimenting on their recruits. While that was bad enough in itself, nothing could prepare Anders for his husband being kidnapped by SOMBRA. Finding out that Fili had the original enhancement serum inside of him was crazy, and this was coming from Anders! But he had to stay strong for Ahmet until the Bureau was finally able to save Fili from SOMBRA's clutches.

While Fili stayed in Australia to recover, Anders and the Bureau continued their mission, which led them to Africa. In this region, not only did they have to deal with the mole inside the team, but Anders also got word that Slade Masters had finally been found. Anders and the other G.I.A. agents who answered the call to eliminate Masters didn't hesitate to find and kill the mercenary. And while Anders wished the mission hadn't ended with the team finding out some of his darkest secrets, he had to admit a weight came off his chest after revealing his and Loki's contingency plan for if Anders ever went feral.

After the mole had been revealed and arrested, the Bureau travelled to South America to continue the hunt for SOMBRA. This was also when Fili rejoined the team, bringing Dean, Oberon, and Avi back with him. Shortly after the reunion, it was finally time for the Intergalactic Summit. Anders was beyond nervous about attending the event for the first time as Assistant Ambassador, but he knew he couldn't back out now. He and his family had worked too hard to give up!

But he didn't plan for the Earth Ambassador to get murdered on the day of the Summit! And while Anders couldn't investigate due to being flagged as a suspect, he knew his father and Michelle would find the truth! ... He had just hopped the truth about the power and verbal abuse he had endured while working for Zimmerman hadn't come out... But in the end, all that no longer mattered to him when he won the Summit and finally earned Earth the right to be integrated into universal society! And while there was still plenty of work to do before that day arrived, the G.I.A. kick-started their newest mission in overdrive to be ready in time for the grand reveal.

While the G.I.A. worked on that, the Bureau resumed its mission to take down SOMBRA, which led them to the final region, North America. Anders didn't appear much in this district after getting pregnant in his female form. Still, he appeared in the earlier cases, including Murder From The Past, when the Bureau visited Concordia. Working with Dupont as a partner was strange, but Anders can't say he didn't enjoy it! Learning about the Flying Squad was fascinating, and Anders wished he could meet them, especially the detective Dupont had compared him to. Sadly, the Flying Squad was long gone, but their legacies live on, and Anders looks forward to attending the grand opening of the Flying Squad's museum.

* For more of Star's "Events of Criminal Case," see Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen


The Bureau (disbanded)


* Agent

* Co-pilot

PBPD (formerly)

Rank: Captain

GBPD (formerly)


* Lieutenant

* Chief (formerly)

* Detective (formerly)


Branch: Earth Branch & New Asgard Branch


* Agent

* Assistant Ambassador

* Ambassador (formerly)

Story Information

First appeared: Beauty is Dead


* He does retain his tattoos and scars when changing forms, they may just alter slightly to fit the large form

* When compared to their fathers, Adalet is told she looks more like Aslan while Anders is told he looks more like Heimdall

* His legal gender is genderfluid and it is recognized everywhere but Earth. Once Earth has been approved for integration into universal society, his correct gender will be recognized everywhere in the universe

* Has a little too much fun confusing people who don't know about his genderfluidity. He gets a kick out of watching people trying to process the transformation

* When he told Fili the truth about his gender, his husband's response was "So I have a wife and a husband?!" Anders replied "yes" and Fili proceeded to celebrate while saying "take that Chad!" Fili later explained that 'Chad' was someone he went to school with who said that Fili would never get a wife or a husband. The Irishman hopes to one day rub it in the bully's face that he now has both a wife and a husband!

* Ahmet was a little confused when he found out his mother was also his father, but he loves both his parent no matter their genders

* Anders always tells people that if they're ever talking about him and are unsure of what to refer to him as they can call him Adalet and use female pronouns. For the majority of his life that is the name and pronouns he went by, so he does not care if people use them when talking about him unless they're in his presence and know he is currently going by Anders ad male pronouns.

* Anders generally doesn't care if someone accidentally misgenders him, he understands that being genderfluid can confuse some people. He only gets annoyed when people intentionally refer to him by the wrong name and pronouns. He doesn't get what's so hard with calling someone by their name and correct pronouns

* As Anders, he tends to act more like Aslan personality-wise. He's often more cheeky and sarcastic but can be a proper gentleman when the situation calls for it. While still cheeky and sarcastic as Adalet, her mannerisms are closer to Heimdall's

* See "Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen" for other trivia
