Embarrassing funtime freddy

GemmaWorthington dares Funtime Freddy to do an embarrassing thing and helpy has to record it and put it on YouTube.

Funtime Freddy: okay...*playing slender in a dark, scary room* okay... right now I'm playing the most scariest slender game...

Helpy: *recording it in a different place* in a haunted place with many deaths.

Funtime Freddy: wait, what?!?

Tunia: *with helpy* is that true?

Helpy: nah, I just like scaring him. Okay dad and you're on!

Funtime Freddy: *sees "live" on game* um... hey everyone I'm- *hears sound* ...playing slender... in a haunted place...

Helpy: *put title as "pranking Funtime Freddy by saying he's in a haunted place"*

Funtime Freddy*doesnt know for a while playing the game until he's basically on the ground, crying* I just want to go home!

Helpy: *ends livestream* *laughs* you've been pranked!!

Funtime Freddy: w-what?

Helpy: I had to embarrass you somehow.

Funtime Freddy: and it's on the internet?

Helpy: yep.

Funtime Freddy: ....this isn't-?

Helpy; this isn't a haunted place.

Lolcram11: that was funny. Make sure to Ask or Dare and vote!
