3 wishes?(Jeremy) and choose

borkborkbo asks Jeremy what would be his 3 wishes if he ever gets them.

Jeremy: a million dollars, no more jumpscares, and the ability to escape any Ask or Dare.

Lokhilvzaan dares everyone to either get a 24 hour brain freeze or choose 5 people to be paralyzed for 15 chapters.


Plushtrap: I think I'd rather go with brain freeze other thank being paralyzed for 15 chapters since you could find a way to soothe the pain of brain freeze.

Everyone: *agreeing with him then gets struck by brain freeze*

Funtime foxy: wait, why aren't I-? Let me guess... pregnant?

Lolcram11: *trying to soothe the pain of brain freeze* yep.. the babies are too young to experience it so it's not affecting them. Make sure to Ask or Dare and vote!
