Three More ?'s

Me: Octy! Good news!!!

Octavian: What?

Me: We got three new questions!!! All from @InspireTheDreams!
#1: "How do you not get the hint that you needed to back off so people liked you?"

Octavian: Ummm... well, I guess I was severely annoying and didn't take hints very well. Not too much left to say on that one.

Me: #2: "Why did you catapult yourself?"

Octavian: *Laughs* That was an accident! I don't know why I did it.

Me: Last Question. "Why does everyone hate you?"

Octavian: They hate me because I kill teddy bears. And I'm a jerk. You can blame Rick Riordan for the way I am.

Me: Thank you, @InspireTheDreams, for your wonderful questions. Until Next Time, bye bye!
