New Questions

Me: Octy! I'm back!

Octavian: It's been forever!

Me: I know. But I'm back now, and you have questions!

Octavian: Yes!

Me: @Apples4EVER asks: XD Do you like Apples?

Octavian: Apples are delicious and nutritious, so yes.

Me: Next question... @animals114 asks: Octavian, do you believe there might be demititans somewhere in the world? What would you do if you met one?

Octavian: Yes, I do believe there are demititans. If I met one, I would try to have a civilized conversation with one, until it tried to kill me. Titans are scary. I can't imagine what their children are like.

Me: CatcherOfStars asks: Octave,
1) Do you know why people hate you?
2) Why do you hate Greeks?
3) I am a Greek and a child of Hades, Pluto, for you Romans, and I will slap your *bleep* to Tartarus if you dis Octachel again.

Octavian: 1) Because I kill teddy bears
2) Because I do
3) That's nice. -_- BTW, I am one of the individuals mentioned in the ship name, I have a say in whether or not it is true.

Me: Lastly, @WhatTheHog asks: What's your opinion on your fangirls Octavian?

Octavian: I love them! *blows kisses to fangirls* Thanks for the love, ladies.

Me: AND that is all for now. I might have other questions for Octy I might have missed, so I will update if I do. Thank you for asking and all that stuff. See you in the next chapter!

Octavian: Goodbye everyone!
