Chapter 8

Note: Image is not mine. The image is made by thegorgonist on Tumblr. Credits belong to them. 


(Y/n) P.O.V

Sitting on the dirt in disbelief, I stare at the wall where Jareth was standing just moments before.  "This has to be a joke...Right?" I said to no one in particular as I process what happen.  So many thoughts run wild in my head. Thoughts of having to start over again. Stress thoughts of  wondering if its even possible to get Toby back with only 9 hours remaining. Annoyed thoughts of Jareth being a prick and making me start from the beginning because I was 'cheating'. But the most consuming thoughts were...flustered thoughts.  

Bring my knees to my chest, I lay my head on top of my knees as I think back to that...moment. Cheeks flushing red as I recall the moment when Jareth push me against the wall. Where I got the perfect view of his mis-match eyes. It was then where I notice that because of the pupils size difference, that his eyes appear to be different colours. The tip of my ears burn a soft pink as the scene play out in my head.

Jareth leans closer, allowing some of his long blonde stray hairs to tickle my cheek as he pins my wrist above my head. " A Griffin? I must say that Griffins are describe as brave, noble and very intelligent" he spoke tenderly, for his lips were closing in near to mine. I glance towards his soft pink lips and back to his eyes. Noticing how he leans forward, ever so slowly. Trap in a daze of confusion that quickly fades, cause by Jareth as he push his body against mine, but not completely, while his smooth voice potential describing my personality, I didn't fight back. Allowing Jareth to continue whatever he plan to do. 

Jareth then leans in much more closer, just when I didn't think it wasn't possible to get any closer. Now able to feel his lean chest against mine own chest. To feel his body heat, warming my cool body up. It was almost too much. Never experience such an intimate act before, much less from such an attractive person, that my body almost shut down. Not knowing how to react to this situation, yet I still able to stand on wobbly legs. I then can feel Jareth's warm breath on my lips. 

A fierce blush cover my cheeks at the realisation that if I move my head up...I could meet his lips in a soft gentle kiss. Would it be gentle? Given with the smirk Jareth keeps giving me, would it be rough instead? Passionate maybe? Now lost in a haze of curiosity of what it be like to kiss those gorgeous soft thin lips that are just tempting me so. "and also unbelievable gorgeous". he whispers as his eyes stares into my own.  As if his blue eyes are searching my eyes. Searching for a sign? My soul? I'm not sure what he's searching for, being too lost in his mis-match pupil eyes to focus. Being too lost in his voice and words.

For those words, spoken with such care and passion. It almost as if he spoken a wish to me, or a hush secret. A secret such as he found a jewel so beautiful that he wants to keep it all to himself and away from prying eyes. Or a wish...A wish to be able to taste my lips. I stare down at his lips with my eyes half close. Before I can grant him this wish and lean follow. I am rudely shaken out of this daze as he whisper ;"But you're not a Griffin".

Shaking my head to stop myself from having to replay the moment where I have to start over again. I analyse my though process during that situation. Surely I don't mean them, right? Maybe they were 'in the moment' thoughts, for I am certain that I would never want to kiss Jareth. Then again I never did experience these emotions before. The longing to feel his lips on mine. The closest I have even feel like that is during my crush on- 'What am I thinking?! This can't be right?! I don't have the same feelings for Jareth as I did for-?'  I shake my head to stop my thoughts from containing. Maybe I am over analysing my reaction to Jareth. 

Now free from the thoughts that were focus on that way. I think back to my current situation. Of having to start over. This cause rage to flow in my veins of how unfair it is. "He didn't explain the rules!" I cry out in angry. Only for that angry to fade quickly and turn to hopelessness. Knowing that I have failed Toby. "H-he di-din't explain the rules" I sob out quietly, my spirits low as I contemplate giving up.  Then I hear feet shuffling against the ground and look up to see Hoggle heasitely walk towards me. "Are ye alright?" He ask once he is close to me. 

 With tears steam down my face, I answer him;"N-no". "What happen?" He ask, with sympathetic eyes. "Jareth claims that I-i cheated and now I have to start from the beginning. Bu-But he never explain th-the rules or even say there are any! Now I may lose and never get my brother back!" I explain while stuttering, sadness evidently in my voice. Hoggle eye's widen in shock. "Ye wish your brother away too? Oh, why would you do such a thing? There's no way of beating Jareth. He's cruel and plays unfair."

 "I didn't mean it. It may seem like I meant it but I don't. He's my brother. Sure he can be annoying but. Why would I trade my brother away?" I sob. My eyes widen as I take a sharp breath in at the realisation;"  An-and when I fail. He-he will turn him into a goblin". Breaking down at the end of my sentences, I let everything out. The stress and anxiety, everything.  Completely unaware that Hoggle is patting my back. Trying his best to comfort me with a guilty expression. 

"Now now, you won't fail!" Hoggle declare once I've calm down, trying to cheer me up. Possible doing this because he takes pity on me. After all, I am crying while sitting on the ground. Wiping my tears away with the back of my hand, I look at Hoggle. "Yeah?" I ask. 

"But you just said theres no beating Jareth". Hoggle pause as he looks on the floor while he recollect his thoughts. "Er, well...umm". 'Just my luck. Hoggle can't even lie properly to me to cheer me up'.  I thought slightly bitterly as I rub more tears away from my eyes and await for Hoggle's response.  "Ah!" Hoggle cry as he turns to me with a fat grin on his winkle face. "I'll help you!". "You will?!" I cry out with a shook and hopefully look on my face. "Yes and you can't beat him by yerself! That's what I meant! Yes, he is mean and unfair but with my help. I'm sure you can win!"Hoggle reply proudly and a bit egoistic but at this point, I don't pay any attention to it . 

A small half smile appears on my face only to quickly fall into a frown as a thought cross my mind. "Why are you willing to help me?" I ask. Hoggle takes a moment to reply. But  once he has thought of a reply, he looks me in the eyes and reply in the most determined and confidence tone; "Jareth is no good. Someone has to beat him" Came Hoggle's response. A grateful smile grows on my face as I reach out and hug Hoggle. "Oh thank you!". 

"Hey!" Hoggle cry out, suprise from my actions and seemly to not like people in his personal space. Seeing how I tighten my grip, I can practically feel Hoggie roll his eyes as he gives into the act as I can feel him pat my backs while saying;" Its alright, but come on. we need to get a move on!". Letting go of Hoggle, I wipe away any stray tears and nod. "Lead the way, Hoggle". 


"Hoggle, I know I should be grateful for you helping me and all. But are you should this is the quickest way to the castle?" I ask Hoggle as we enter another tunnel that luckily has a high celling. Allowing my to walk comfy in my full height and not having to crouch. 

"Are ye going to question everything I do? Yes, this is the quickest way to the castle! I walk through these tunnels everyday!" Hoogle cry out, annoy that I questioning him about these dark tunnels. Again. 

" Well, I'm only asking because it's really dark here and I don't want to get lost... and also those rock guys from before kept saying 'go back, danger lays ahead'" I point out as I try to voice one of the rock faces we walk past. Hoggle, whose in front leading me, stops at a corner and sighs. "I told ye, don't listen to them. They're just speaking nonsense" Hoggle saids defeatly as he looks back at me. Tired of my questioning. 

I rase my hands up in surrender. "Alright, I trust you. I won't listen to them... But are you sure this is the right way?" Before Hoggle could even take a step forward, he stops and groans out of annoyance. "Yes! I am sure! Now stop complainning or else I leave you and you can figure your on way trough!" Hoggle yell out as we walk through an  tunnel that now has brick walls.

"Alright alright! I stop talking! I mean, if you did leave me I probably ask for directions." I point out throughtfully. Wondering what I would do if Hoggle did leave me. I watch as Hoggle shake his head at me, possibly giving me another eye roll. "I wonder how that will go for ya" Hoggle said, his accent coming off strong in the sentence. 

As we ponder the possibility of this, me thinking it will work while Hoggle no doubly thinking I will end up in a swamp else where, we both are unaware of the crouch figure that is around the corner. Waiting ever so patiently for us. 
