Chapter 4

"Tomioka-san, when demons finally disappear, what are you going to do?"


"As quiet as always huh? Well... I'm not sure what I'll do."

Why did I realize the meaning behind your words after your death was announced?

"Isn't the moon lovely?"


"Since we're together on a joint mission we should try to get along."


"CAWWW! Dead! Kochou Shinobu is dead! She died after a confrontation with upper moon two!"


He woke up with a jolt, his heart was pounding rapidly in his chest while he was sweating profusely. He looked at the clock beside him and sighed in relief, he woke up on time.

'A dream of the past again.'

When will it finally stop?

No, it won't. He wanted this. It'll never stop... Right? Whatever, he deserved this.

He stood up and quickly got ready for the day. He didn't want to make her wait.

Back to acting.


"Shinobu-san! It's me! Giyuu!"

"Come in!"

The door opened as soon as she gave her permission to enter, Giyuu walked in happily while holding a bag of takeouts.

"I bought you some food!" he happily announced while closing the door behind him. "Figured you'd need some!" he smiled brightly at her while placing the takeouts on her desk and taking them out from the bag one by one. "Let's eat together!"

He inwardly cringed. How long can he keep this act up? He's been doing it for thirteen years. Can he keep it up any longer?

"Thank you." she smiled brightly at him.

'Shit.' he felt his cheeks heat up. Sure he had memories of his past. But its not like he could control? This body fully. Its as if his former self, who he was before he had regained his memories- was mixed together with his past self.

And that was most certainly true.

"Giyuu-kun?" he heard a soft voice say which made him snap out of his thoughts.

She was close, too close. Her eyes were furrowed with concern, one of her hands were on his shoulder and her alluring violet eyes was staring right at his blue ones, her face mere inches away from his. This woman would be the death of him.

"Yes?!" he asked a little to loudly while backing away from her quickly. "You were way too close Shinobu-san!"

"Oh? Is that so? Im sorry." she giggled lightly before walking back to her desk.

He took a deep breath before taking a seat right infront of her. He silently passed one of the containers to her and opened the one which was right infront of him, which immediately made him beamed.

"What's that?"

"Salmon daikon." he replied to her question without looking at her. He just wanted to eat already, but he knew better then to eat right away without showing his gratitude towards the meal and eating before her.

"N-no that." she pointed at his face while looking at him weirdly.

'Was his smile REALLY that weird still?'

"What do you mean still? I've never said anything about your smile. But I'll admit though, smiling over your food is quite... weird." her reply had made him realize that he had said his thoughts loudly, crap.

Before she knew it she had said something unconsciously. "Uhh, can you eat the other way and not face me? I'm sorry."

No... This is the first time I saw you smile, Tomioka-san... Uhh, can you eat the other way and noy face me? I'm sorry.

"What?" he whispered in surprise while staring at her with widened eyes.

His heart was beating rapidly. Does she remember?

"Sorry." she replied with a frown and covered her mouth. "I don't know what came over me. Let's eat before our food gets cold."

He unconsciously nods in agreement and the both of them began to eat silently.

"Giyuu-kun." she called out silently, breaking the silence.

"What is it?"

"My ex-fiancé called me last night."

He felt his good mood dissipate, he was now fuming with anger upon hearing her utter those sentence. What could he possibly want with her again? Hadn't his beatings thought him a lesson?

"What does that bastard want?"

"Calm down Giyuu-kun." she gently smiled at him before patting his shoulder. "He just wanted to apologise and asked me if I wanted to get back together."

He stood up from his seat with the intention to kill. After what he did to her months ago, he wanted to get back together with her? "What's his house address? I'll go beat him up."

"Don't worry, I told him to fuck off." she smiled evilly.

He sighed in relief before going back to sit down once again.

"Oh and one more thing Giyuu-kun."

He felt his heart stop, the spoon that he had just recently took hold off once again had fallen off of his hand due to shock when she began speaking once again.

"I've been having these weird dreams... There's this man with a mismatched haori that I frequently go with for... Missions? I think." she paused, unsure of how to word it, "He kind of looks like you. And whenever I wake up from those dreams, I'll start sweating alot. I've also been getting random headaches and this- man keeps appearing whenever I do."

"You must be seeing things." he said a little too harshly then he intended while picking the spoon out off the floor. She shouldn't know, she mustn't know.

She shook her head in denial, "Certainly not. Not only that man... But there are people who look like Nee-san, Sumihiko-san and Kanata-san who appear as well... It's weird."

"You should forget about it."

She rose her brow while eyeing him suspiciously. "Do you know something about this Giyuu-kun?"

"No, I don't." she shouldn't know. She mustn't know. Him knowing about it is enough, she shouldn't shoulder anymore burdens. She had enough from her past life and she shouldn't remember it nor shoulder it once again.

She eyed him skeptically one more time before diverting her gaze back to her food. "Hmm? Is that so..."

Sabito's assumptions were most likely wrong.

She'll talk to him about it afterwards.


"Thank you for walking me home Giyuu-kun."

"It's nothing Shinobu-san!" he smiled brightly at her.

She averted her gaze away from him. She couldn't possibly hold in the heat creeping up at her face again.

She opened the gate to her house and was about to walk in until a hand had stopped her by holding onto her wrist.

"Giyuu-kun?" she says in surprise while straining her neck to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Shinobu-san, could you smile for me one more time?"

One more time? What the hell do you mean by one more time? She wanted to ask- but decided to bite her tongue to refrain herself from asking.

She did as she was told and gave him one of the biggest smiles she could ever muster.

"Thank you." he lets go off her wrist and walked away.

Why did he look so sad at that moment? What's wrong with him? One more time? What does he mean by one more time? Seriously.

She walked inside her house and was about to strip off her work clothes but her phone had suddenly began to ring.


"Shinobu! This is bad! This is really bad!"

"What is it Sabito-san?" 

"Giyuu-" he choked before continuing, "He's planning to take away his own life, tonight."


A/N: Im sorry for the cliffhanger but I had too-

I've decided to keep this story short, 6 chapters i guess. It'll be rushed im sorry but School has literally gotten me mentally and physically exhausted. Especially EXAMS ON THE 2ND DAY OF FUCKING SCHOOL BRO.

Ima fail.

Anyways, I'd like to apologize if this chapter and the others that'll be published after this are bad.
