Chapter 10

"Sulking around all day isn't going to help out Giyuu."

Giyuu paid no heed to the peach-haired man who once again, broke into his house. At this point, he didn't really give a damn anymore, let him. The amount of times he changed the lock to his door was uncountable at this point.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Giyuu felt extremely annoyed, he hadn't seen Shinobu for a week now. He wanted to see his... Girlfriend? No, friend... No, bestfriend? He doesn't know where their relationship is currently at this point, ever since she kissed hi-

"Oh my god Tomioka Giyuu! Could you stop sulking around all day and help me out over here?"

"Help you out with what? Why can't you just go back home to your wife? You come here too often, Makamo would probably think you're cheating on her with me. Oh wait- don't tell me, you're actually planning on divorcing her to date me? Oh man, I'm sorry, I don't swing that way dude."

"I swear to god Giyuu- Are you alright in the head? I don't swing that way either, I love my wife alright?" Sabito replied exasperatedly, "Now come here and help me find the perfect place for a vacation."

Giyuu sighed, this was going to be a long day.


It was a fine day for Shinobu, other than the violent coughs happening here and there, the day went by smoothly. She was signing some documents in her office as there were surprisingly no patients which were in need of her. As she continued on with what she was doing, the sounds of unhurried knockings were heard, with a sigh, she told them to enter.

"Kochou-san, here are the x-ray scans of your body which you've requested."

"Thank you very much, you may leave now."

With a nod, the man had left, but before she could even take a peek of the results, her sister, alongside with Aoba, who was trying to slow her down, came bursting in into her office.

"Are your results here yet?!"

"Just in time Nee-san, please calm down and close the door, lets take a look at the scans." Shinobu replied calmly as she rubbed her temples in irritation, "Hello Hashibira-san its nice to see you again."

"A-ah It's a pleasure to work with you Shinobu-chan." he shyly smiled at her before taking a seat on the chair right in front of her desk, "I'm honestly still quite surprised when Kanae-chan called me for a collaboration. Especially since I killed the blue spider lily years ago." he said timidly.

"Its all good Hashibira-san, everybody makes mistakes." she smiled gently at him before placing the x-ray scans in the middle of the table for them to see. After all, I've made alot of mistakes.

A minute passed as they observed the scans in silence, though Aoba was the first one to break it as his eyes widen when something caught his eyes.

"Shinobu-chan, there's something off about your lungs."

"Where? Could you point it out please?"


When she looked over to where he had pointed, her eyes immediately widened and a memory from the past suddenly played in her head.


Stand up.

I can't, I've lost so much blood, I can't stand.

My left lung is punctured and I can't breathe.

Her eyes widened even more, that can't be it... Right? How was it even possible? It was just a coincidence right? Shinobu thinks as she begins sweating profusely.

"Shinobu-chan, are you alright?" The emerald eye man asked worriedly which caused her to snap out of her thoughts. She hadn't even realized that Kanae was wiping her sweat... No, she realized, it was her tears.

"Why are you crying?" Kanae asks in a soft voice, "Is it because I slammed the door open just now? I'm sorry Shinobu, I won't do it again, I promise. Please stop crying."

Her sister was really dumb, how did she even become a doctor again?

"It's not because of that Nee-san. This might sound a little crazy to the both of you but do you guys believe in... Reincarnations? Past lives?"

Both Aoba and Kanae looked at each other with confused expressions before looking back at Shinobu, "Somewhat." the both of them answered at the same time.

"Good, Now listen carefully. I've got quite the story to tell."


"So you're telling me... That you were a swordswoman that slayed... demons? And that before you died by the hands of a demon called... Douma? Your left lung was punctured?"

She nodded her head in reply to Aoba's questions, "I know it may seem weird and that none of you might not believe me but... That might be the cause of why I keep coughing blood out and have difficulty in breathing."

"What does that have to do with this... Thing in your lung have to do with it though? Like you said, in your past life, your lung was punctured. I don't think it has anything to do with this spot, I don't even think its possible to carry on injuries from the past life."

"I don't think so as well... But maybe, just maybe, it is?"

Kanae suddebly sighed making the both of them divert their attention to her, "Shinobu... You know what you're saying right now is a little crazy right?"

"I know, but-"

"Whatever it is Shinobu, I'll trust you. I believe in your words. But first things first, did this sort of thinking made you have an idea for a cure?"

Shinobu places a thinking finger on her chin momentarily before she perks up as an idea pops into her head, "Remember when I also said that I used to drink wisteria poison?"

"Shinobu... Don't tell me..."

"I'm sorry Nee-san, but that might work. If I were to die, at least I'd know that I've tried rather than dying without doing anything." she smiled softly at her. "So, what do you think Hashibira-san? Could you help us out?"

Aoba looked at the both of them weirdly as they stared back at him, waiting for his answer before he lets out a sigh. "I think you've lost your mind but, I guess I'll help out."

Both Kanae and Shinobu looked at each other with a relieved smile before Shinobu stood from her seat. "Alright, let's begin our research. We're probably going to have to modify the wisteria poison a little bit though."


Knock knock knock.

"Piss off, I'm not going to do any interviews."

The door opened much to the person's dismay, though, his eyes widen immediately as soon as he caught sight of the person who entered.

"Yushiro, It's me. I need your help."


A/N: How dare you guys expose the plot??

Anyways, How Shinobu's disease works probably didn't make any sense but yes.
