Belleza headcanons

Belleza also cat Belleza on the left without eyes

Color pallet 

- The youngest of my kids

- Babied a lot

- Spoiled heavily as the only daughter in Tito family and also that Maria doesn't anymore kids

- Is African- Latino 

- Loves water

- Despises the cold to the point she honestly hates Christmas only cause it in the cold

- Loves jewelry and makeup 

- Also the smartest of the crew

- Fits the Blue is Feminine trope very well

- Despises getting dirty so kill with knife

- Shorter than her older brother

- Secretly a nerd thanks to Dan

- If was still in her father cartel she be adore by man as with her mother

- is considered the Prettiest Female of the group 

- Can be spoiled and sassy

- Prefers water over land

- One of the view who her father can't get mad at
