Chapter 50

The leaves upon the trees have fallen and since have been coated with white powder. The cold settling upon the land leaving the villagers to seek the comfort of their homes quickly. No longer gathering in the town's center for gossip and friendly banter rather rushing to the warmth they relish. The castle's maids and guards on the other hands attempting to not upset the two hormonal ladies that reside within. To say the tranquility was restored with Caspian's return would not be accurate.

"CASPIAN! You are NOT assigning another guard to her! Have you lost all sense?!"

"Father, what if-"


Caspian unceremoniously flopped into the seat across from his father. King Casden raking his hand down his face. This has got out of control in the last few weeks time. He arrived back from his trip to find the doctor with a certain rigidness to him. After a few days of his father endlessly questioning, he caved. Caspian told him that bounty hunters have been told of Artemis' abilities and now seek for her head. Casden took extra precautions for his daughter in law but this is becoming ludicrous.

"Father, she wants to go to the forest. If you won't assign additional patrol then I request leave of absence from my duties."

Casden sighs exasperatedly at his son. Artemis was assigned two guards upon the news of the bounty. The young beauty hormones have since kicked in with her temper taking full control. The two guards leaving quite the distance between themselves and their charge. She had almost throttle them on more than one occasion. Caspian and Navene are the only two able to placate her. Vatalanie has since been unwilling to abandon her post as her personal guard.

The queen on the other hand has been crying more so then usual. Queen Analee finding quite the companionship in Goliath along with her daughter and Navene. The young lad has found refuge with the king a few times. Caspian has practically imprisoned his protruding wife. She may only be a few months along however the babe is developing quickly.

Artemis has taken over the duties of watching over the queen's well being. No longer trusting anyone to come close to the developing baby. She has also had to withdrawal from so many healings. The little one taking much of her energy. That is when Caspian doesn't have his own ideas of how to spend their evenings together.

The king stands up hands flat against his desk as he leans forward looking his son in the eye. He is in love which Casden is happy for. But it is now becoming over bearing that it rules his life. Caspian bows his head full aware of the lashing his is more than likely going to receive.

"Have you even told her?"

Caspian instantly knows what his father speaks of. Artemis was never told of the bounty on her. The prince fearing that she would flee. Not due to her being scared for herself, but to protect all of them. He told her the extra security was due to baby. He shakes his head to his dad before looking back up to him. His dad giving him a 'tell her' face.

"She would do something dangerous if she was to know"

"She deserves to know son"

His voice softening towards him. Caspian nod thoughtfully knowing his father is right. It has just been so perfect between him and Artemis. She openly expresses her love towards him and he relishes in it. He loves the way that the feelings they share consume them. It is a feeling like no other.

A round of frantic knocks come from the door making both turn to them. A guard coming in breathing heavily.

"Your Majesty! Ar-Artemis has taken off"

He gulps trying to gather air into his lungs. Hunching over, he is swiftly thrown off when Caspian briskly runs by him. His body falling to the ground but the prince doesn't dare look back. Running towards the front doors of the castle, he yanks the doors open as the howling wind blows full force on him. He squints looking towards the front gate. All appears to be calm but he knows better.


A guard scurries off quickly while Caspian runs his fingers down his face. He closes his eyes attempting to focus on Artemis.

My love, where have you disappeared to?

He continues pacing waiting for her reply. He jaw clenching and fist tightening.

Just for a turn around with the pack my prince... Do not fear, I shall return shortly

Artemis, I wish to join you. Where are you?

Already gone... I will return soon. I love you

He growls while the guard returns with his stallion standing next to him. He is quick to climb on before nudging the horse to take off. His mind racing while the guards open the gates for him to race out.

"He is going to be upset Artemis"

Artemis rolled her eyes taking in all the snow along the trees and ground. She has loved every moment she has had with Caspian but she needed a moment away. It has been far too long since she had time with her pack and Navene. Her pregnancy is coming along splendidly with a small bump showing on her stomach. The queen's belly being quite the size. Artemis has consider the notion that she may have more than one baby.

He will be fine

At this Navene scoffs at her. He is fully aware of how much the prince loves to be in control of his guardian. When he is not near, he always... ALWAYS has someone to keep an eye on her. Navene has on more than one occasion seen the worried prince attach himself to Artemis like a leech. Navene likes the prince however has felt Artemis' restraints getting tighter and tighter. He is aware of Artemis' nature to feel free. She has never had a keeper and doesn't intend to now.

Artemis, you should have told the young man. He only cares

Artemis looks down to Vatalanie fully aware that she is correct but wants a little time to herself. So with that thought, they continue walking down the narrow path while looking at the scenery. A change in winds causing her to look upward only to see a silver under belly flying over. She smiles as the dragon lands a few meters away. Artemis picks up her dress beginning to jog to the beautiful grown winged creature.



Artemis smiles widely walking up to the dragon. Her large snout nudging lightly at the little savior. Aneesa has yet to see Artemis since that day within the forest. The dragon fully aware that she would not be alive today without the protection of her and her companions. Little hands touching her bring her back to the silver haired goddess before her. Aneesa curls her neck to hug Artemis to her.

"She has grown beautifully"

Navene speaks walking up with the wolves bowing respectfully. A notion the silver dragon mirrors back before the young lad walks to her. His small hand rubbing down her neck, the scales rough below his hand.

The sound of hooves hitting the ground hard making all turn behind them. Artemis gulps seeing an enraged prince sliding off the saddle of his horse. His eyes zeroed in on her walking with determine strides to her.

Told you

Artemis shoots Navene a look while he just shrugs turning back to the dragon to continue rubbing her. The young beauty soon being engulfed in a familiar embrace. The warmth seeping into her veins. His body has always had a certain effect to her. He pulls back to quickly for her liking as his eyes narrow down on her.

"Love" His tone holding a warning edge to it. "I thought we discussed this..."

"You spoke and you decided... I was not given a choice."

Caspian sighs feeling the tension leave his body. She is safe within his grasp.

"Artemis, I am only wanting your safety and that of our child"

Artemis steps back feeling slightly offended.

"Are you saying I would intentionally put our child in harms way?"

Her tone holding a brittle edge making Caspian's eyes go wide. He then realizes how she took his comment. He quickly reaches forward clasping her hands within his own. His eyes locking with her stormy gray eyes.

"That is not what I meant."

Artemis pulls her hands out of his turning back to the dragon that has been sitting their watching the exchange. She leans her head towards Artemis chuffling which made Artemis smile gently before petting her head. A shadow casting on her backside as Caspian stands mere inches from her. He places his hands on her cloaked shoulders before leaning down to kiss the back of her head.

" I am sorry my love..."

She sighs leaning back so she rest against his protective hold. His hands coiling around her waist resting lightly on her belly. His thumb rubbing over the small bump there. His chin resting against her shoulder.

I am too Love... I should have not left without your guards. I just...

"Needed a break." He sighs finishing her statement. He kisses her shoulder realizing his mistake. "Artemis, I need to tell you something."

She looks to her shoulder giving him her undivided attention waiting for him to speak. At that moment Aneesa raises her head quickly jerking it over before her eyes narrow. All eyes following her line of sight. Caspian instinctively placing Artemis behind him.

A moment goes by before the sounds of footprints come through. Dark cloaked figures stepping forward with swords in hand. The prince pulls out his own raising it at-a-ready. Artemis hums lightly telling the wolves to take cover. The quickly scurry into the bushels leaving the trio with Aneesa who looks ready to kill.

"Is this the beauty we have all heard soooo much about?"

A slimy voice speaks swinging his arms up looking crazed. His teeth gleaming yellow reminding Artemis of the thieves she has come across in the past. She shivers in disgust before composing herself.

"State your business here!"

Caspian's voice booming out over the silence of the forest. As a few more men step out. All covered in thick furs. If it wasn't for the god awful stench, he would have believed them to be guards for another kingdom. They were large in size.

"Oh your highness" The skinny man bows mockingly at Caspian. The others beginning to spread out evenly beside him as he stands back up straight. Gleaming a wicked smile making Artemis' spine stiffen. "We are here for your beloved of course."

At this Navene draws out his sword making the men all turn to him before they bellow out in laughter. Artemis feels her fist tightening at their crude joke towards Navene. He may be a young lad, but his more skilled than all those men. This she is sure of.

"She will not be going with you!"

He gets in a defensive stance feeling greatly outnumbered by the dozen men before him. That is until a ferocious growl rings out from behind him. A smirk crossing his face at the men who clearly did not see the creature upon their arrival. The skinny lad still has the audacity to laugh.

"Oh you will not be able to protect her Prince Caspian. The bounty on her head makes her a very VERY valuable prize to behold."

Artemis' eyes going wide at the new found information. However Caspian having no reaction startles her. She expected him to stiffen more than he already was but his body remained as is. Then the thought crossed her mind, he already knew.

"She is MY most valuable treasure and will remain such."

Artemis steps out lowering her cloak. The men all looking to her with astonished eyes. Caspian turns sideways to see what they look towards. His wife standing there tall with narrowed eyes on the men.

"I am no one's possession men. Now state who placed the bounty"

"Sharp tongue their princess"

She doesn't waver in her stance still glaring at the slime of a man before her. Aneesa stands up baring her teeth at the men viciously. They all step back slightly at the size of the beast.

"Leave now with your lives"

They look to each other but not willing to give up this opportunity. The price for her out weighing any good sense of judgement. They hold their swords strongly. Artemis eyes narrowing on the men.

"Have it your way."

With that Aneesa draws her head back inhaling before breathing out a river of fire. Four of the men perishing within the flames. The rest rush forward to attack. Caspian striking the first one to come near him. Navene taking one as well. A roar of growls coming before a handful of snarling wolves come barreling out at the hunters. Artemis does not notice the one coming behind her until he strikes. Her blue shield instantly going up before the strike could pierce her. The electric bolt shooting through the metal of the sword repelling the man back in the air. His body hurling to the ground where Aneesa quickly chomps down. Artemis closes her eyes not having the stomach to watch it. Her hands going to her stomach holding it as the men continue to fight.

Her eyes fly open when a man is about to attack Navene from behind while his is still battling another. She instantly pulls out her sword stabbing the assailant through the back. Navene turning around to see him collapsing into the snow. His eyes wide before nodding grateful to his guardian.

The last man falling at the hands of Caspian before he turns around to see the carnage left in its wake. Artemis is holding Navene while the wolves are licking the blood from their coats. Even Aneesa seems to be licking her lips although Caspian is not sure why.

He walks back over hoisting his sword. Artemis turns to him as he quickly pulls her to his form. Her heart racing against his own. His eyes looking behind her at all the fallen men. He squeezes his eyes shut attempting to slow his heartbeat. That is until Artemis halt his breathing all together.

You knew
