Chapter Nine

That night after Rene told the team that he was leaving, Curtis and Dinah were outside saying their goodbyes to Rene and Zoe. The team had already said goodbye but Curtis and Dinah wanted to stay until Rene and his daughter officially left for good. "We love you Rene!"

Dinah Drake hugged him while Curtis said, "We will miss you Wild Dog!" Then he bent down to Zoe, "We'll miss you too Zoe. You are coming back to visit ever so often right?" Curtis then asked them.

Rene replied. "Of course!" Then they got in his car and went off in the distance as his two friends kept waving at him. "Goodbye." Rene whispered to himself as him and his daughter went farther and farther away from Mr.Terrific and Black Canary. Rene had a terrible feeling inside of him while he was leaving. A part of him wanted to stay there with his two best friends. He had a strong deep feeling that he was not going to see one of them ever again.
After that Curtis Holt and Dinah Drake went back to the arrow cave to get ready for dealing with the longbow hunters. When they got there they all suited up. They were waiting for Felicity to announce their location. She told them the area to go to and soon they were in their location, ready to attack the longbow hunters in the building.

They were all waiting for anyone to show up, and finally the assassins came in sight. The team jumped in front of Komodo and another assassin named Killer Moth. They could tell Red Dart was nowhere in sight. Komodo ran away as Oliver, John, and Roy went after him. Black Canary and Mr. Terrific was fighting Killer Moth while Black Siren was searching for Ricardo Diaz who was nowhere to be seen either. As they were attacking Killer Moth, they spotted Red Dart in the distance.

While Dinah canary cried at Killer Moth, Curtis turned to chase the other assassin. As he ran to the man to attack him the longbow hunter quickly took one of his red trick darts, threw it in his direction, and hit Curtis in the chest. He paused and suddenly stopped running embracing the pain of the dart. The assassin threw another in his heart and that was when Curtis fell instantly to the ground because of the pain he was in. Dinah Drake noticed extremely quickly that something was wrong with Mr. Terrific. She fought and hurt Killer Moth enough to go and check on Mr.Terrific for a few seconds. "Curtis!" She yelled across the room before bending down next to him holding him. She gasped, looking down at him seeing the two darts in his heart with the extreme amount of blood pouring out of the darts. "No! No! No!" Dinah knew that Curtis wasn't going to survive once she saw that one hit his heart.

Killer Moth and Red Dart were about to attack again when Black Siren screamed at them from behind. "I thought both of you could fight for yourselves!" Laurel stated in a sassy tone. She then noticed Curtis was badly hurt. She frowned and then  looked back to make sure the men were still down but they weren't. Red Dart and Killer Moth were gone. Dinah Drake felt tears form in her eyes hoping that everything was gonna be alright but she knew it wasn't. She knew Curtis was too hurt to heal from this. She knew that Curtis was too hurt to survive this.

Dinah held him up as he started to cough and he started to spit up blood. "Dinah I am glad it was me that got hurt and not you." It only took just after a second before his eyes rested and his rapid and quiet breathing suddenly stopped. 

Dinah knew he had now died. Curtis was dead. It was unbearable for Dinah. Extreme pain was in her voice. "Curtis! You can not leave me! I can't lose you!" But it was too late. Curtis was already gone.

"Dinah I'm sorry." Laurel said to her with a slight moment of compassion and then yelled for the others to come over to see Curtis. "You all come over here! Curtis is in trouble! Something terrible happened to him!" The rest of the team quickly responded and came to see what was happening with Curtis Holt.

"Oh no!" Oliver ran to Curtis and Dinah in panic once he saw the bloody body of Curtis on the floor. Oliver quickly checked for his pulse but he knew he was already dead.

"He's gone!" Dinah broke down in tears at that moment. A look of grief flooded Oliver's face knowing of his death.

John stood still in horror knowing that they would have to tell Felicity. In that second he heard her through his comms. "What happened to Curtis!? Is he okay?"

"He's dead! Curtis is dead!"

"No! What? He can not be dead! He can't be!" She then had a meltdown of whimpers and tears knowing of her friend's death.
The three longbow hunters met up to talk to Ricardo Diaz about the fight that they had with Team Arrow. "We were in a battle with the Green Arrow and his team! We fought back and killed one of them. The one they called Mr.Terrific but we could not kill all of the team. The team is too strong. Two of them even had powers. It was harder than it looks!"

After saying that Diaz told them, "I never told you to kill any of the team. I thought about this and I think I need to get you all more motivated! Capture Team Arrow for me and I will give you each ten million dollars! Does that seem motivating enough?!" They looked shocked and quickly agreed with him that they would try their hardest to capture them. "Capture Green Arrow, Spartan, and Overwatch! The others kill them or capture them. I don't care. All I want is the Original Team Arrow!"
