Chapter Five

John, Felicity, Laurel, Dinah, Curtis, and Rene eventually all got to the arrow cave with Roy Harper joining them. They gathered around the computers while Felicity was seating in the chair she usual uses to do her hacking. "I had you come here tonight not to have us fight the criminals. I know they have killed people important to all of us!" John looked at Roy as speaking the words. Arsenal knew he meant Thea and so he bent his head staring at the floor saying nothing feeling a bit depressed. "This is about something else. Oliver needs to be broken out of prison! I know I have said that he should still be kept in but then I have realized he has to keep protecting this city just like any other vigilante. Team Arrow will never be the same until the Arrow is back. Nether will the city be the same. Before we do anything we need to get Oliver out and back in the Green Arrow hood. Whose with me?"

"That is what I was hoping you would say!" Felicity blurted out with a great big smile on her face. She observed the others to see what they would say about what John said.

Curtis stepped into the conversation. "I say we do it! We all have to be in for this to work!"

Rene and Dinah agreed to get him out but when Laurel began to talk, they feared she would not agree with them. "We are suppose to be killing Diaz. Not be breaking Green Arrow out of prison!"

"It will be way easier taking him down if we had Oliver with us! We are not messing with Diaz or the longbow hunters until we get Arrow out!" John stated to her.

Black Siren turned to leave, "You know I should of never tried to work with this team! I'll kill him himself!"

Dinah ran to her before she left the bunker to try to change her mind. "We can not do this without you! You are the only one that can actually get him out! Your siren scream is the only thing that can break down the walls and bars of his jail cell. Mine is no where near as powerful enough. You have to help us!"

Laurel Lance stared at her for a few seconds, then finally replied back. "Alright! Fine but we better be quick about this! Cause if it takes too long I'll not be helping you at all! We need to get him out by tomorrow!"

John told the team, "by tomorrow we need to have a plan on how we break in Supermax!"

Team Arrow talked it over some more and they went home. Something was bothering Rene badly and know could tell what it was. He was scared of getting hurt still because of Zoe. He thought for some moments and he felt once they broke Oliver out of prison that he should finally retire from being the Wild Dog vigilante.
He went to his apartment to ask Zoe about him retiring from being a vigilante. "Hi dad!" Zoe smiled as he came in the room.

"We need to talk, Peanut." Rene closed the door and both of them sat on the couch. "I have been thinking. I feel like it is time to finally quit being Wild Dog. How do you feel about that?"

His daughter felt overjoyed. "I was hoping some day you would realize you should quit!"

"So you are good with it?"

"Of course I am glad what you have decided!" She replied to him as they hugged one another.

"Then I will tell the team soon. After we will break The Green Arrow out of jail, we will leave the city and get out of here." Zoe and Rene agreed.
Felicity went back to the prison to tell her husband about the news of them planning to break him out of the prison. "We all talked it over. We are breaking you out of jail! You have to come with us when we take you out!" She whispered.

Oliver was calm as he asked, "and go where? I would have to stay in the bunker forever! Unless when I was suited up as the Arrow."

Felicity tried to think positive about the situation. "You will have to stay in this prison forever anyways. You'll be with the team and I if you got out. At least it would be better than this."

He sighed. "I guess your right. I will be stuck in the bunker but I will at least have Team Arrow and I will still be the Green Arrow."

"By midnight tomorrow you will be out of this prison. We will finally have each other again." Felicity told him as they smiled.
Rene called Dinah and Curtis to come over to speak to them. Eventually Mr. Terrific and the Black Canary came to his apartment to talk. "Rene, what is it that you need to tell us?" Dinah asked with Curtis by her side walking in the room.

"Listen. I was thinking and I told Zoe and we both agreed about this."

"About what?" Curtis asked Rene in a curious mood which he was partly getting nervous on what the man was about to say.

Rene told them scared of their reactions. He did not know how they were going to take them leaving. "I have decided after helping you all break out Oliver it is time for me to retire from being a vigilante. I want to have Wild Dog quit the team. I am sorry, but I have been terrified that Zoe would be an orphan if something ever happened to me. So I just want us to get away from this whole city and start a life somewhere else. Do you understand?"

His friends glared at him with sadness in their eyes but they both seemed compassionate as well. "Of course we understand." Dinah said while expressing a sad reaction. "Your last suit up as Wild Dog is when we go to Slabside Prison isn't it?"

He shook his head yes to them. In a few days both Wild Dog and Rene would be leaving and not coming back.
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