Part 3

This eposide contains sensitve topics such as:

I was spinning around in my leather chair, daydreaming. I knew I was suppose to be working on my novel, but I couldn't stop thinking about Heito. I'm glad I have her to think about instead of how horrible everything with Kent has been.

I was forcefully reeled back into reality when my doorbell sounded.

I groan, standing up to get it.

"Hello~," Kent smirked, blocking the whole doorway with his body.

I gasped, terrified of his evil grin. I began to slowly back away from him, trying to remember where I set my phone last. Or where my pocket knife is stored.

He closed and locked the door tight as he stocked toward me.

"I'm sorry I hurt you yesterday, Amelia. I won't hit you anymore, don't be scared," he clearly lied, stalking closer to me.

I narrowed my eyes,"I-I don't believe that."

As he was only a couple steps away, I was against the wall and flattened my back onto it.

He clicked his tongue 3 times, grabbing both my wrists with his hands and slamming them onto the wall.

I winced, turning my head away from him.

"I honestly feel bad for hurting you so much, Jewels," I fumed when he called me by my nickname,"Do you forgive me?" He asked, moving his face closer to my lips.

I began to tremble, "You're suppose to be in jail!"

He rolled his eyes,"The only person here to blame is you, you told the police about me 'hitting' you. You lied to the police!"

My lips puckered into a pout as he yelled at me, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Shh, shh," he moved my wrists both to one of his hands so that his right hand was free,"Don't cry, don't cry!"

I began to cry more, wiggiling in his grasp,"Then let go of me!"

He chuckled, shaking his head no. "Don't worry, baby, I'll make you stop crying," He whispered into my ear, my eyes shot wide open as I struggled harder in his grasp.

"No, Stop!" I said, but it did nothing, it's like he didn't even hear it. His right hand held my chin, forcing me to look at him. He begun to roughly kiss me, I clamped my lips shut, my body tensing up.

After he ran out of breathe, he freed my chin. I whipped my face away automatically, a sob escaping my lips.

His free hand stroked down my stomach, slowly touching my inner thigh. I cross my legs and keep them tightly closed.

"D-don't touch me," I drawl through my teeth, trying to sound aggressive.

He chuckles, looking into my eyes,"I know you're enjoying this."

"Kent, how the f**k did you get out of jail? " I whimpered, taking that time to make a quick escape plan. He just kept ignoring what I said, just kept looking at me.

He grinned evilly, looking into my eyes again. His eyes were glazed with lust, making my knees weak with fear.

He picked me up bridal style, walking into my bedroom. He threw me onto the bed, leaving the bedroom door wide open. Great, I've got a plan!

Kent rolled on top of me,"So, where were we?"

"Right here," just then, I kicked him in the no-no zone and pushed him off of me. I booked it to the door, hearing him scream curses at me.

My eyes clouded with more tears as I tried to quickly unlock the door. It wouldn't budge!

"June, get back here!" He growled roughly, I could hear his footsteps coming to me. They were wobbly, probably because of the pain I caused him.

I yanked the door open, making a suction sound. I ran out, slamming the door right in his face. I sprinted towards the area where my work is, that's where the police station is.
