I can explain!

I couldn't take this, I needed to go, I can't be alone with her! "I have to go," I briskly walked towards the door.

Before I could reach the door knob, her hand wrapped around my wrist and held it securely like a handcuff.

"Let go of me!" I screech in fear as I pulled my arm uselessly. I needed to leave! I need to get the GOOD cops!

"I can explain myself, please," she growled lowly, easily pulling me closer to her.

Tears pricked my eyes, my wrist burned already. I couldn't speak, I just stared, afraid she would hurt me.

She sighed, loosening her grasp on my wrist and began to explain,"I had to do this, the bosses found a bunch of criminal records on your boyfriend's file.. they told me to follow you and try to find some clues. I'm sorry if I had crossed a line- I never looked when you were undressing!" She added, forcing the tears down my face.

"That is so twisted!" I cried, covering my face with my free hand. All I could do was stand there and hope she'd let me go soon.

Instead of freeing me, she pulled me into her embrace. I tensed up, suprised by her action. Her hands went high up on my back, hugging just tight enough.

"Who are you?"*kazoo kid laugh* My voice shook, I don't even know her name!

She parted the hug, but her hand still chained my wrist."My name is Dakota."

I nodded slowly, that suited her."Okay, Dakota," I mocked,"can you please let me go?" I pleaded, still wanting to get far from her.

"No..." she paused,"I still have something urgent to tell,  kind of..."

I sighed,"Can some other Officer tell me then?"

She frowned, putting a hand on my shoulder. I quickly shook it off, wincing. "Please, Amelia I have t-"

"You don't have to, you- you Stalker!" I growl unhappily, feeling courage fuel my veins as I was waving a threatening finger in her face.

I could tell she was getting irritated,"Now, remember what I said through the phone," she was getting irritated.

I rolled my eyes,"Seriously? You wouldn't hurt me!"

"I wouldn't? Just wait!" She boomed, pushing me hard into the wall. I groaned as all the air in my lungs left me.

She easily pinned my arms high above my head with only one of her hands. I gasped for air a bit, mad at myself for challenging her again.

"Let go of me!" I wheezed, my face contorting in pain. She moved a bit so that I could breathe better. This reminds me of my last encounter with Kent.

She bent his head down to my ear,"You should know not to threaten a cop," she whispered, her hand grabbing my hip.

I gasped, isn't this harassment?! I wiggled as hard as possible, but to no avail."Just so you know, you can't really sue me, I could tell them you looked through private files without permission." She murmured looking at my eyes.

"But you were spying on me?!" I retorted, she has to be lying.

She breathed in slowly,"It was for my job-!"

I furrowed my brows, not knowing what to do.

"-So, if you don't want me to sue you, pretend this never happened, deal?" She hissed, almost sounding like a plea. Was she blackmailing me?!

I gulped, fuming,"Get.off.me."

"And what would you do if i didn't?" She smirked, the kind of smirk that swooned most girls or guys. I tried ignoring it.

Is this girl like bipolar or something?? I don't understand her at all! "I-I'll....uh...-" I fumbled over my words nervously.

"Exactly," she spoke huskily, her hand on my hip coming up to cup my face. I began to tingle a bit everywhere, I couldnt help but blush. That's why I hate cute girls, they always confuse your emotions into a 19000 peice Jigsaw puzzle!

"Stop!" I screamed, kicking her in the no-no zone. She groaned loudly, bending at the waist to hold her pained area. She got off me and gave me an opportunity to run for it.

I grabbed the door and swung it open, I glanced back and automatically regreted it. Her face looked so broken (probably not more than her crotch) as she watched me exit her home.

I tried to ignore her face as I ran to my house, which I happened to forget she already knew where I live.

I decided to walk around the neighborhood before going back home. I felt myself calming down with each step.

My thoughts were preoccupying my attention, so I didn't notice who I ran into.

Whoever I hit, was unmovable and like a rock. I fell hard on my bottom harshly, yelping in suprise.
