Chapter 5: The Body in the Park

The next day. Camber looked through the peep hole to see Nick standing in front of the door. Camber laughed knowing the real reason why he is here so early. She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Morning," Nick said.

"I didn't scratch your car."

Nick smiled. "I know, I checked on my princess before I knocked on the door."

Nick walked into the house and Camber closed the door behind him. Nick looked over to the kitchen in search for Noah.

"Where's Noah?" Nick asked.

"Still sleeping," Camber replied.

Camber walked over to the kitchen. Nick followed after her.

"Doesn't he have school?" Nick asked.

"He's not going," Camber stated.

Camber put her bowl into the dishwasher and closed it. She turned around and looked at Nick.

"Why? Is he alright?" Nick asked.

Camber took a deep breath just as she saw Noah walk into the kitchen.

"Morning kiddo," Camber said.

Nick looked over at Noah.

"You didn't wake me up, I have school," Noah said.

"I was about to call the school and tell them that you wouldn't be coming in today."

"NO! I have to draw another picture for daddy!" Noah said angrily.

"Noah! Don't talk to your mother like that," Nick said.

Noah moved his eyes from Nick to Camber. "I need to draw a better picture so daddy will come home!" Noah said angrily.

Noah ran up the stairs as Nick looked back at Camber who looked down at the floor. Her little boy's heart was breaking and there was nothing she could do about.

"What was that about?" Nick asked.

Camber looked up at him. "That was a about a little boy missing his father and experiencing his first heartbreak."

Nick's heart ached. He had grown to despise Axton for what he did to them. Nick was there when Camber told three year old Noah about Axton. Even at a young age, Noah was in denial and ever since he could write he began to draw pictures of himself with Axton in hopes that it would make him come home.

"Camber," Nick said.

"I can't do this anymore. You didn't —," Camber began as tears welled up in her eyes.

Nick watched as a tear rolled onto her cheek. Nick instinctively walked over to Camber and pulled her into a hug.

Nick rubbed Camber's back reassuringly. "It will be okay."

"H-how do you know?" Camber asked.

Nick let go of Camber and looked at her. "I don't but I'll be with you every step of the way."

Camber smiled slightly then swallowed hard. "What do I do? I don't know what to say to him anymore."

"Let me talk to him," Nick said.

Camber nodded and wiped under her eyes as Nick walked out of the kitchen.


Camber exhaled heavily as she heard footsteps run down the stairs followed by others. Camber watched as Noah ran into the kitchen with Nick behind him.

"Tell him, Mommy! Tell him that daddy will come home," Noah said.

It killed Camber that she could not ease Noah's pain. He was in pain and the only person that could take it away gave him this pain in the first place. Camber wanted Noah to have his father back but she did not want him to be apart of Axton's dangerous life.

"Tell him!" Noah repeated angrily.

"Noah, please. I can't tell him because I don't know."

"I HATE YOU!" Noah spat like venom.

Camber sucked in her breath and Noah ran up the stairs. Camber looked down at the counter, feeling hopeless. Camber closed her eyes as Noah slammed his door shut. Nick looked over at Camber knowing that what Noah said crushed her.

"Camber, he didn't mean it," Nick said.

Camber looked at him. "Yes he did. Axton leaves and I'm the bad guy."

"Camber," Nick began.

"I hate him Nick. This is all Axton's fault. I hate him!" Camber said angrily.

"I know but Noah doesn't understand what he is feeling and is taking it out on you because you are the only one here. He loves you Camber, you're a great mother" Nick said.

"No I'm not, my little boy is in pain and there is nothing I can do about it. Maybe I am the reason why Axton left."

"Camber stop, don't do this to yourself! Not again!"

A couple days after Axton left, Camber broke down in front of Nick. She was trying to keep strong for Noah but one look into Nick's warm and loving milk chocolate eyes, she let it all out. Anger. Gut wrenching pain. Guilt. Camber blamed herself for Axton leaving and it took awhile for Nick to show her that it was not her fault. He was not going to let Camber fall into that chaotic cycle again.

Camber sighed heavily. "I need to get dressed. Can you take him to school?"

"Of course," Nick replied.

Camber walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs. She closed the door to her room and sunk to the floor. She smacked the floor in anger.


Camber arrived at the station about twenty minutes later after she composed herself. Camber just settled down into her chair as Tony walked up to her desk.

"Where's Everston?" Tony asked.

Before Camber could reply Nick came up the stairs.

"I'm here," Nick said out of breath.

Camber mouthed thank you to Nick as he came up to her desk. Nick nodded his head.

"Very well, you two have a case," Tony stated. "A girl was found dead near the lake at Columbus Park."

"We're on it," Nick replied.

Tony nodded then headed back to his office. Camber looked at Nick.

"How did it go?" Camber asked.

"He was very quiet, he only said bye then ran into the school," Nick replied.

Camber sighed. "Noah will come around. I guarantee that he'll apologize when he sees you again," Nick reassured.

"I should be the one apologizing," Camber remarked.

"Cam—" Nick began but Camber cut him off.

"Let's just go, I'll deal with this later," Camber said before she stood up and began to the stairs.

Nick sighed and followed after.


Nick and Camber walked almost in sync through the open jade lawn into one of the closed tree layer of the park. Camber and Nick walked down the handmade paved steps lined with green grass when a shiny object caught Camber's attention. Sprawled out partly on the step into the shrubbery was a silver chain. Camber bent down and picked the necklace. The necklace had a small silver gun charm on it. Camber thought it was a bizarre charm to have on a necklace. Nick turned around just as Camber stood up. He looked at the necklace then at Camber.

"Seriously? You're doing that right now?" Nick asked.

"What? I've been looking for a silver chain," Camber replied.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Come on."

Camber put the necklace into her pocket. They reached the quiet untouched lake. The pungent odor of decayed plant materials filled the air as an array of bushes, trees and flowers surrounded the lake. The reflection of the trees casted upon the dark murky blue water. Further down the lake, several police officers were trying to block off the scene from the eyes of curious bystanders. Brad and Darren were outside of the police tape, in a conversation as Laura, inside the tape, was bent over the body. Camber and Nick approached them.

"What happened?" Nick asked.

Camber duck under the police tape and walked up to Laura who was in the middle of examining the girl.

"Do you know who the victim is?" Camber asked.

Laura looked up at Camber. "Lauren Parks, age 25."

Lauren had long curly deep brown hair with red tips that looked like they were dipped into a can of red paint. Rachel's highlighted red hair blended into the red leather jacket she had on that covered a black dress underneath. There was a the bullet hole through the left pocket of the leather jacket.

"From what I have examined, Lauren was shot in the heart but I'll know more after the autopsy," Laura stated.

"Time of death?" Camber asked.

"Estimated around 1 to 2 am," Laura replied.

Camber nodded before she looked at the girl. Lauren was just a year younger than Camber and she still had so much life to live. Lauren was just at the wrong place and the wrong time. Poor girl.

"Find anything?" Nick asked causing Camber to jump.

Camber glared at Nick. Nick contained his laughter.

"What did Brad and Darren say?" Camber asked.

"An early jogger found the body around 6 am. He was questioned and didn't know anything but did give them an in depth detail of his morning routine," Nick stated.

"So we basically have nothing?" Camber asked.

Before Nick could reply Laura spoke up. "Not necessarily, I found a stamp on her right hand."

Nick and Camber took a closer look at Lauren's hand.

"Is that a devil?" Camber asked.

Laura nodded. Nick narrowed his eyes at the stamp.

"Is it just me or does that stamp look familiar?" Nick asked.

"Not just you, I've seen it before," Laura said.

Camber watched as Nick and Laura were racking their brain trying to remember where they saw that stamp.

"OH!" Nick yelled. "It's from that nightclub, the Red Devil," Nick exclaimed.

"That's it!" Laura said as she pointed at Nick.

Camber looked at Nick who returned her gaze.

"What? I don't live under a rock, Cami," Nick replied.

Camber rolled her eyes as Laura gave Nick a high five.

"Good the mystery is solved," Camber remarked.

"Oh Cami, you've been there too," Nick stated.

Camber narrowed her eyes.

"Remember when I made you go out with me and Miranda a couple months after Axton—" Nick quickly stopped.

Camber looked down at the floor as Nick looked at Laura who had her eyes widened. There was an awkward silence in the air. Just at the mention of his name, Camber's fist instinctively formed into fists. Nick and Laura noticed the change in Camber's demeanor.

Nick cleared his throat.

Camber took a deep breath and her hands released. "Do you remember the address?" she asked.

Nick nodded. "Great," Camber said, "Let's go."


Viper was in his office when he heard his name being frantically called. He looked up to see Gash standing in the doorway in his running gear.

"What's going on?" Viper asked.

Gash sighed. "It's Lauren....she's dead."

"What?" Viper asked angrily.

"Gunner and I were on our daily run through Columbus Park when we noticed that the park was crawling with cops. Out of curiosity, we went in for a closer look and that is when we saw a body laying on the ground near the lake," Gash explained.

Viper got off from his chair. "And you're certain it was Lauren?"

Gash nodded. "Gunner knew right away plus who else has a bright red leather jacket?"

Viper sighed. "Where is Gunner?"

"He tried to run up to her but I held him back then he pushed me off and sprinted away."

Viper ran his hand through his hair.

"This has the Scorpions written all over it, they finally got revenge against Gunner for killing Law" Gash said.

Viper sighed.

"We need to find Gunner before he does something stupid," Viper said.

"I'm here."

Viper looked past Gash as he turned around. They looked at the brunette shaggy haired man with a pissed off look on his face. Viper walked over to him with Gash behind him. Viper put his hand on Gunner's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Gunner," Viper said.

"Promise me that you'll find the bastard who killed her and let me kill him," Gunner said coldly.

"I promise, were you the last one with Lauren?" Viper asked.

"No he wasn't....I was," a small female voice said.

Viper, Gash and Gunner all looked at a girl with dark brown hair with black highlights and piercing sky blue eyes.

"Elora?" Gash asked in bewilderment.

Viper narrowed his eyes at her with a scowl. "Start talking."

Elora sighed. "Lauren and I went to the nightclub, the Red Devil. We had some drinks and danced. A little after an hour, I got a really bad headache and wanted to go home. I went to find Lauren and she ran into a friend from college and she wanted to stay. Lauren gave me the keys and said she would get a ride home from her friend."

"Well she didn't and she was killed!" Gunner said angrily.

"Gun, I'm so sorry. Lauren was my best friend, I never wanted something like this to happen to her."

"Yet you left her! What kind of best friend are you?," Gunner asked harshly.

"I'm so sorry," Elora said.

"SORRY WON'T BRING HER BACK!" Gunner screamed.

"ENOUGH!" Viper yelled.

He glared at Gunner then looked back at Elora. "What did this friend look like?" Viper asked.

Elora let out a shaky breath. "Um she had long black hair with purple streaks and light green eyes," Elora replied.

"That's Katie Kowell a close friend of Lauren's from college," Gunner revealed.

"Do you know where she lives?" Viper asked.

Gunner shook his head. "No, Lauren hadn't seen her since collge."

Viper sighed. "Go tell Hacker, maybe he can track her down."

Gunner nodded and brushed past Elora.

"I didn't mean for this to happen, if I just stayed with her." Elora said.

Viper pulled Elora into a hug.

"It's not your fault, El. It will be okay," Viper said.

Elora wiped away the tears that had fallen.

"You'll get through this and Gunner won't admit it now but he'll need you. Lauren was the closest to both with you," Viper said.

Elora nodded as more tears fell.

"But right now I want you to focus on yourself, you lost her too," Viper stated.

Elora smiled slightly then walked away.

Viper sighed.

"Hacker better find Katie's address quickly because we won't be the only ones looking for her," Gash said.

Viper looked at Gash. "What are you talking about?" Viper asked.

"I forget to mention but Camber showed up at the crime scene," Gash revealed.

"Great," Viper said sarcastically sighed. "Just great."

It seems the universe keeps bringing them together whether they want to or not.


The midnight blue mustang pulled up to a small dark building.

"This is it?" Camber asked. "I don't remember this place at all."

"Maybe going inside will jog your memory," Nick said as he unbuckled his seat belt. "Let's go."

Nick got out of the car and Camber followed. They walked up to the rusted building with broken windows and walls covered in graffiti. Camber followed Nick down the steps that led to a black door with a peep hole and the words The Red Devil painted across. Nick pounded on the door.

"State your name and business," a male voice said behind the closed door.

Camber and Nick took out their badges, "I am detective Everston and this is my partner Haldane, we have some questions about a girl who was at this club last night."

The door opened and they walked inside. The inside of the nightclub was lit up by dim lights. A large black bar ran along the left wall with black tables and red booths arranged around the club creating a large dance floor. Camber looked at the man in front of her with blonde spiked hair wearing a white tank top that showed of his toned and muscular arms with a silver chain around his neck.

"I'm Keith Andrews the owner of The Red Devil." the man said. "What can I do for you, detectives?"

Nick showed Keith a picture of Lauren that he was sent via text message from Marc. "Does this girl look familiar?" Nick asked.

Keith shook his head. "No, why are you asking?

"She was found dead this morning," Camber stated.

Keith widened his eyes. "Damn, that's horrible. She doesn't look familiar, there were a lot of people in here last night but maybe one of my bartenders remembers here," Keith stated. "ALEX! Can you come out here?"

A man walked out from the back of the club up to them.

"What's up boss?" Alex asked.

"These detective are here about a girl that was at the club last night," Keith replied.

Camber showed Alex a picture of Lauren.

"Ah vodka girl," Alex said receiving confused looks. "It was her drink of the night, she ordered about 10 shots of it," Alex clarified.

Camber and Nick nodded. "Did you see anyone with her?" Nick asked.

"Not that I remember," Alex said.

Camber sighed as this was going nowhere. "Do you have any security tapes we can look at?" she asked

"Yes, follow me," Keith said.


Camber, Nick and Keith were looking through the security tapes of last night. Keith rewound hours before the time Lauren was found in the park.

"Stop, there she is," Camber said.

Keith paused the video. Lauren arrived with a girl with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Keep going, lets see if they leave together," Nick said.

Camber and Nick's eyes quickly darted across the several screens scanning all the different faces in search for Lauren. It took practice to be able to process scanning over several screens at once and patience. For one case, Camber and Nick had to sit through weeks full of security tapes in one day. They spent all day, night and into the evening of the next day. The work was grueling but it needed to be done in order to solve the case of young girls being kidnapped.

"There," Nick pointed out.

On the paused screen, sitting across from Lauren at a booth was a girl different from the one she arrived with. The girl had dark hair with purple highlights and light green eyes. Nick took a screen shot of the girl and sent it to Marc.

"Well thank you for your cooperation," Nick said.

"Of course, I'm glad I could help," Keith replied.

Camber followed Nick out of the room.

"Marc has the picture of the girl, he'll call us when he gets a match and address," Nick claimed.

Camber nodded and they headed to the door.

"By the way, I still don't remember this place," Camber stated.

Nick opened the door. "Honestly it doesn't look the same as I remember it."

"Are you sure we've been here before?" Camber asked.

Nick sighed. "I didn't want to say this in front of Laura but you got extremely drunk that's why you don't remember it."

"Oh, that makes sense," Camber replied. "I do remember that hangover though."

Nick laughed. "You're such a light weight."

Camber elbowed him and he continued to laugh until they reached the car. Camber even laughed, something she hadn't done in weeks.
