Chapter 2: Unwanted Guests

Camber opened her tired eyes after getting about five hours of sleep because thoughts of Noah and Axton plagued her mind. She tried to take Nick's advice and not stress about the situation but she failed, miserably. Camber smacked the snooze button and wiped the tired from her eyes before she got out of bed. She grabbed her black cotton robe and walked to Noah's room. Camber turned on the light to see Noah sitting up in his bed. He turned to look at her and smiled. Noah has always been a morning person which is something he got from Axton.

"Morning mommy," Noah said.

Camber smiled. "Morning kiddo."

"Is it time to get ready for school?" Noah asked eagerly.

Camber nodded. "You know the drill."

Noah moved out from the covers and climbed out of bed. Camber followed him down the stairs.


Camber arrived at the station after dropping Noah at school and getting coffee to wake up her tired body. She sat down at her desk as Nick ran up to her.

"Fair warning. I only got five hours of sleep, so I apologize now for the snarky and mean comments that come out of my mouth," Camber said.

"Cami" Nick began

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear it" Camber said annoyed before she sat down. "What do you want?

"Well, I actually came over to tell you that Gash is talking," Nick revealed.

Camber jumped up from her chair. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

Nick laughed then followed Camber to the stairs.


"I repeat, either you tell me where I can find the leader and in return, I'll shorten your sentence but if not you'll spend the rest of your miserable life in jail," Tony stated to Gash.

Camber and Nick watched as a grin like a cheshire cat appeared on Gash's face.

"That can't be good," Nick said.

"What are you smiling at?" Tony asked.

"I haven't told you about your two options, captain," Gash remarked.

Tony raised his eyebrows as a gesture for Gash to continue.

"Either my gang comes and half of your officers will die or the Scorpions come and all of your officers will die," Gash stated.

"Right, you mean the gang that left you behind?" asked Tony.

Gash's eyes remained on Tony's.

Tony laughed. "Your words mean nothing, it's the end of the road for you."

Gash moved in his seat then chuckled.

"Don't get too comfortable, captain" Gash said condescendingly as he saluted.

"Get him out of here," Tony said.

Behind the mirror.

"Now that was fun to watch," Nick said.

Camber sighed. "Do you think Gash was telling the truth?"

Nick rolled his eyes. "Oh relax, he just said that to get under Tony's skin" Nick acknowledged.

"I guess," Camber said. "But what if he was also telling the truth?"

Nick sighed. "Didn't I already tell you to stop stressing once already?" Nick asked.

Camber rolled her eyes just as the door to the viewing room opened and an irritated Tony walked in.

"Rough morning?" Camber asked.

Tony nodded running his hand through his hair which is what Camber noticed he does when he is stressed.

"Try not to stress too much boss," Camber said.

"You're one to talk," Nick interjected under his breath at Camber.

Camber hit Nick on the arm. Tony looked at Camber. "What are you stressing about?" he asked.

"About what Gash said," Nick replied. "She stresses too much."

Camber rolled her eyes.

"I'd hate to agree with Nick but you do stress about everything," Tony said.

"I'm not stressing about what Gash said I'm just curious if what he said has any truth to it," Camber said.

"Hey! What do you mean I hate to agree with Nick?" Nick asked.

Tony looked at Nick.

"People tend to agree with what I have to say," Nick added ignoring Camber.

Tony looked from Nick to Camber. "Yea, I'm too old and annoyed for this," Tony said before he walked out.

"Hey, I wasn't done!" Nick and Camber yelled in unison.

Nick and Camber looked at each other.

"Actually people don't agree with you, they just pretend to," Camber replied before she headed to the door.

"Okay Mrs. I stress about everything," Nick said with air quotes.

Camber glared at Nick before she walked out.

"She doesn't know what she's talking about, she is too busy stressing," Nick said to himself.

"I HEARD THAT!" Camber yelled behind the door.

Nick laughed.


"Stop stressing."

Camber looked across the room at Nick. "I'm not stressing and how would you know if I was. You aren't even looking at me."

"Camber I've known you your whole life and because of that I know that you shake your leg and bite the skin of your left thumb when you are stressing about something," Nick said.

Camber put her hand down and stopped shaking her leg.

"Yea, well you scratch your neck when you're in deep thought and get very gassy when you're nervous."

"I told you I had a lot of beans the night before and I had to sit in a small car for the whole day" Nick said

"Not so fun being analyzed is it?" Camber questioned.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Oh be quiet and go back to stressing."

"Already on it."


An hour later. Camber was still thinking about what Gash had said. Instead of focusing on something she couldn't control, she focused on something she could. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach which was rarely ever wrong. Annoyed and frustrated, Camber got out of her chair and walked to the holding cells as the two people that would stop her; Nick and Tony, were out at a crime scene while she finished up paperwork.

Camber got to the holding cells and pushed open the door to the cells. She walked on the polished concrete floor until she stopped in front of the second cell. Gash was on the bed with his hand clasped together on his stomach as he stared at the ceiling. Camber took a deep breath.

"Hey" Camber said.

Gash looked through the bars at Camber and for a split second, his eye's widen but quickly return to normal. He looked back up at the ceiling.

"What do you want?" Gash asked annoyed.

"We're you telling the truth?" Camber asked.

Gash looked at her. "Care to elaborate."

"About your gang or the Scorpions coming?" Camber clarified.

Gash sat up and smirked at her. "I think you already know the answer."

"No, that'd be a suicidal mission."

"Then why are you down here?"

Camber paused as he had a point. Gash walked up to the front of the cell, towering over her. Up close, Camber noticed bags under his eyes; showing that he didn't get much sleep the night before. He had a small scar on the right side of his cheek near the tip of his beard. He looked very intimating.

Before Camber spoke again, a loud crash came from upstairs followed by gunshots. Camber began to walk away but Gash reached through the bars and grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me!" Camber said trying to get loose.

"If I do you will die. That is not my gang up there, they would not come into a police station with guns blazing," Gash said.

"You just said they would come for you!" Camber exclaimed.

"Not like this, trust me," Gash replied.

"Trust you? You're a criminal," Camber said.

"Yea and soon I'll be a dead criminal and you'll be a dead cop unless you let me out of here," Gash said.

Camber resisted the urge to argue. The upstairs was filled with gunshots and yelling. Her colleagues and friends were up there and she needed to help them. She was relieved that Nick and Tony were out on a case.

"Okay just let go of my arm," Camber said.

Gash sighed then released her arm. Camber ran away from the cell to hear him call after her. Camber walked through the door to hear more gunshots.

"Damn it," Camber said out loud.

She grabbed the keys attached to her belt and rushed back to Gash.

"Smart girl," Gash said.

Camber unlocked the gate but before she opened it she looked at Gash.

"Please don't make me regret this," Camber said.

She opened the gate and Gash walked out.

"There is a door to the left of me. It will lead you outside," Camber said.

"Where are you going?" Gash asked.

"They need my help up there," Camber said.

Before Camber could react, Gash stole the gun from her holster and hit her over the head. He caught her before she fell to the ground.

"No hard feelings but he'll kill me if I let anything happen to you," Gash said.

Gash rushed out of the door with Camber in his arms just as two footsteps came running down the stairs.


Camber blinked open her heavy eye lids to a bare ceiling. Camber raised her hand to her head as she felt a sharp pain and tried to recall the events that happened. Where am I? Camber thought as she sat up in a large warm white bed in an unfamiliar room. Camber tossed back the covers and moved out of the bed. Her heeled boots clicked against the wooden floor underneath her feet. Camber walked over to the door and twisted the knob to find it locked.

Camber sighed in anger and looked around the light blue room. She suspected it to be a guest room, it was nicely kept but lined with dust. It was classy but not over the top, every item was carefully chosen down to the floors. Across the room there were two medium sized windows. Camber was about to walk over and looked out when she heard footsteps approaching the door. She grabbed a decorative vase off the coffee table in front of the small sofa near the door. Camber hid behind the door when it creaked open and a tall man wearing a leather jacket with a large red phoenix on the back walked in.

Her eyes widened, she must be in their hideout, a place the police have been looking for ages. The man towered over Camber, she deliberately kicked the back of the man's knees causing him to bend down to the floor. Then she hit him on the back of the head with the vase and collapsed faced down onto the floor. Realizing she may have hit him too hard, she ran up to him and placed two fingers onto his neck and felt a slow pulse.

She exchanged the vase for a small pistol she found on the man and escaped out the door.

Camber began to descend down the stairs with black railings when she heard voices. She quickly scurried up the stairs and into the first room she found. Pressed up against the door, Camber listened intently. The footsteps and the mumbled voices came up the stairs and headed into the room beside her. She could hear mumbled voices through the wall, they were right next to her, one wrong move or loud noise and she would be exposed. Crap, what do I do now? Camber thought to herself.

She could take a risk and bolt out the door but she has no idea where she is and no way to communicate with her station. Luckily, the curtains on the windows were ajar, so she could see around the room. It was a large gray room, decorated around a large king sized bed in the middle. The room didn't have any personal touches, it was only a room to sleep in. Camber and crept over to the night stand closest to the door to find spare change, a black wallet, silver keys and a black leather bounded journal. Camber was drawn towards the journal because of a sense of unknown familiarity and curiosity. She began to flip through the journal when it landed on a small Polaroid picture. Camber's eyes widened and her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest.

"What the —" Camber said.

It was a picture of herself holding Noah in front of a large tree. So many thoughts were running through her mind she couldn't hone in on one. Camber placed the journal on the table with the pistol and picked up the wallet. She needed to know who had a picture of her son. Camber opened the wallet and immediately dropped it just as the door opened. Her eyes slowly looked up and widened. She was in absolute shock, standing in front of her looking at her like a deer caught in the head lights, was the man she never thought she would see again. All Camber could do was stare at the tall and muscular black haired man with neatly groomed facial hair. She was glued to his brown eyes that replaced turquoise ones. Their eyes remained on each others when a third person entered the room.

"Viper, we have a prob—," a deep voice began.

From the corner of her eyes, Camber saw Gash who kept looking from Viper to herself.

"Um...I'll let you two talk," Gash said before closing the door.

Camber looked Viper up and down as he did the same to her. She felt small under his gaze. All the emotions she had towards him dissolved and was replaced by complete shock and confusion. She couldn't speak but more importantly she needed to get away from him.

"I-i ca —" Camber began.

It was the only thing that came out of her mouth before she tried to leave the room but Viper grabbed her arm. She hated the fact that it still sent goosebumps down her spine. She tore her hand from his grasp and kept her back to him.

"Cam," Viper said.

Hearing his voice for the first time in two years sent Camber over the edge but not the way she thought it would. Anger, pulsated through her veins. She quickly turned around and smacked him hard across the face.

"You bastard!" Camber snarled.

Viper massaged his jaw then looked at Camber.

"You seem upset," Viper said with such mocking hostility that caused her rage to boil over.

Camber threw a punch but he blocked it then she threw another punch but again he blocked it. With both of her arms in his, he spun her around quickly and swiftly so that her back was against his chest.

"Let me go," Camber said trying to squirm out of his tight grip.

"Not until you calm down," Viper said.

"Calm down? Are you kidding me? Let me go, Axton!," Camber said as she continued to squirm.

It had been two years since he heard that name, his real name. Viper let out a deep breath and let go of her. Camber stepped forward and turned around to face him. Camber looked at him, really looked at him. He looked different from the man she knew. His face was hardened and covered in a full beard and his eyes that once sparkled look dull and cold. Camber swallowed hard.

"Why? Why did you leave?" Camber asked.

"Camber," Viper began but she interrupted him.

"Don't Camber me. I deserve to know why the man I loved left me and our son," Camber said.

Viper sighed. "It's complicated."

Camber scoffed. "Really is that what you are going to say to me?"

Viper swallowed hard. "Cam,"

"You didn't want us anymore, that's why you left!" Camber added.

"No Camber, that is something I never lied about. I loved you and Noah more than anything" Viper stated angrily.

The way he talked in the past tense hurt but it put one burning question at ease. She thought that he didn't want to be shackled to her and a kid. But that was further than the truth. She could hear the desperation in his voice.

"Then why?"

Viper sighed. "I can't tell you."

Camber shook her head. "Unbelievable."

"Look, leaving you and Noah was the hardest decision of my life."

"Hard, you want to talk about hard? How about telling your three year old son that his father left? How about trying to stop his hysterical crying? How about keeping it together for your son when inside you were breaking and silently crying yourself to sleep?" Camber asked angrily.

She felt warm tears form in her eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"How is he?" Viper asked.

Camber looked at Viper's glassy eyes and watched him take a deep breath. Camber looked down at the floor, debating what to tell him.

"I could lie and say he's fine but you deserve to know what you did to him. You completely broke him," Camber said.

"You hurt my baby boy, you heartless bastard," Camber spat.

Viper wiped away the wetness from his eyes. He looked down at the floor as Camber wiped away a tear that had fallen. Viper took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"Y-you're right, I did and I hate myself for hurting him and you but it was never my intention. You two are my whole world and I know I ruined that and I'm so sorry. I just did what I thought was right. I never wanted to hurt Noah. Never," Viper said as his voice cracked.

Camber looked at him with a loss for words. She thought he left because he never loved her but the look on his face; the pain and tears in his eyes told a different story. Camber knew Viper loved Noah she never had to question that. The anger she had seemed to dissolve slightly and despite what he did to Noah, she couldn't see him like this, she had to reassure him for some reason.

"Noah still thinks the world of you. I know he'll forgive you," Camber said.

"He shouldn't. I'm not worth it," Viper replied.

Viper then turned around and opened the door. "I know you don't want to hear this but I never stopped loving Noah and you. You both were on my mind every single day."

Then he walked out.

"NO!" Camber yelled.

She ran out the door. "NO! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY THAT TO ME, IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Viper stopped and turned around. "What do you want me to say? That I never loved you or Noah because I can't and I won't."

"S-SHUT UP!" Camber yelled as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Viper walked over to her but she stepped back. "Don't," Camber said.

Viper ignored her plead and got right in front of her and she began to smack his hard chest repeatedly. Physically and emotionally exhausted, she collapsed into his strong arms.

"I h-hate y-you," Camber said between her sobs. "I-i h-hate y-you."

Viper closed his eyes as he pulled her closer to him. "I know, Camber. I know."


About twenty minutes after the attack at the station, Nick and Tony returned to a crime scene of three dead police officers, six severely injured and Camber was no where to be found.

"Where the hell is she?" Nick asked angrily.

"We'll find her," Tony reassured.

"I hope so. I will be damned if I let Noah loose another parent," Nick stated.

"Marc is working on recovering the surveillance video. We'll get to see what happened to Camber and how Gash escaped."

"I swear if she's hurt. I will hunt down every Scorpion and Phoenix Rapptor," Nick said harshly.

"I'll be right there behind you."

Nick smiled slightly as Tony put his hand on his shoulder, a gesture to show him that everything would be okay. 
